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Чувашский государственный университет

имени И.Н. Ульянова

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Oleg Nikolaev Welcomed the Participants of The International Scientific Conference Dedicated to the Development of Chuvash Statehood

Friday, 05.06.20

On June 5, the international scientific conference "Development of Chuvash Statehood in the Conditions of Russian Federalism: Past, Present, Future" was held. 

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the conference was held remotely at I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University.

The head of the region welcomed all participants of the conference, including professors, researchers, doctors and candidates of science from Japan, the USA, Austria and Russia. "On the eve of the main state holiday of our country — Day of Russia, as well as the main state holiday of Chuvashia – the Republic Day we organize a scientific-practical conference, devoted to the development of statehood and discuss important issues about the present and future of our Fatherland. This holiday will always be a symbol of national unity and our shared responsibility for the present and future of the country. Thanks to the political will and authority of President Vladimir V. Putin, Russia is successfully developing as a legal democratic state, and together with it - the regions of the country," -said the acting Head of Chuvashia Oleg Nikolaev.

The Rector of the Chuvash State University Andrey Aleksandrov noted that it is necessary to study in depth the important topic for Chuvashia – Sursky and Kazan defensive lines. He assured that the largest University in Chuvashia will actively join this process.

To remind, 2021 was declared in Chuvashia as the Year dedicated to the labor feat of the builders of Sursky and Kazan defensive lines.

"I am grateful to you for your readiness to work together and cooperate. I am sure that the close interaction of the authorities, representatives of the scientific and educational sphere, public figures and just not indifferent residents of the Republic will allow us to achieve a lot", the acting Head of the Republic summed up.


Понедельник, 08.06.20

Called to Order


Called to Order

Monday, 08.06.20

080620 1

Members of the service squad are working on beautification the buildings of the University. In May, a service team started working at the University. It is organized in the framework of the project "ChuvSU Students' Labor Market".

A 4th year student of history and geography faculty  Alexandra Molochkova in the morning plants flowers in the courtyard of building "G". "When I found out that the Student Council was recruiting people for the service team, I immediately sent a request. I have experience working in the "Pegasus" service team, I have been a member of it since my first year of study. We worked in children's health camps in Kabardinka. This year, due to the new coronavirus pandemic, the third working semester outside the Republic is in question. So I am very happy that our University has organized a student labor market and gives us the opportunity to earn some money", the girl shares.

At the moment, the members of the detachment are involved in beautification of the territory in the courtyard of building "G". The young people plant flower seedlings, water the flower beds, hoe up weeds, in general, induce beauty. "I love to work with flowers, my grandmother organized a real jungle in our apartment, and I am happy to help her replant plants. When in the official group of ChuvSU I saw the call to join the detachment, I did not hesitate and sent a request. I'm tired of sitting at home in self-isolation, and here we work in the fresh air. Young men perform hard physical work - bring and scatter peat, carry away and throw away weeds, etc. This work does not interfere with the studies at all, since we are engaged remotely and we can make a convenient schedule. Sometimes I listen to lectures right during weeding",  says Ivan Maletin, a first-year student of chemistry and pharmacy faculty.

The building-service supervisor of building " G " A. A. Turkhan is happy with her assistants: "Very good guys, they respond to all our requests at once. Employees of the administrative and economic part, of course, take care of the flowerbeds in the yard, but now we are happy to have extra hands to decorate the territory. In the near future, the unit's members will move inside the building to prepare it for the new academic year."

the Chairman of the Student Council O. A. Semyonova comments: "Through the student labor market, we have selected work for about fifty students. They are involved as SMM specialists, graphic designers, photo and videographers. A service team is also working on the improvement of educational buildings and territories around them. Now we are recruiting young people for construction teams. The fact is that this year our students won a ticket to two All-Russian construction sites, but due to the spread of COVID-19, they can't go there yet. Therefore, we offer construction workers to work at their home University. Since June 1, construction teams have started to participate in repair work in the buildings of their native University."

Понедельник, 01.06.20

On the Roof of Your University


On the Roof of Your University

Monday, 01.06.20

The University, in collaboration with ChuvSU Palace of Culture and student associations, has launched a new online project "Among the Roofs".

"Among the Roofs" is the first student evening talk show of ChuvSU. All the most interesting things in a non-boring form: categories from the sphere of music, sports, art, and the guests of the show will talk about their "successful success" and share their experience

The first broadcast from the roofs of the University was held on May 29, the program's guests were members of the Club of the Funny and Inventive Nikolay Filippov and Alexandra Golubeva, graduates of the University, the couple that met within the walls of Alma mater, hosts Anna Golitsyna and Dmitry Veresov, a student labor group member, Yuri Ermolaev. Outdoor gymnastics was conducted by Lana Prusakova, and finally - live music performed by VIA "On the drum".

"Among the Roofs" will be held live on Fridays at 19.00, the recording can be viewed in the official groups of ChuvSU and ChuvSU Palace of Culture in Vkontakte.

International Students Celebrated Africa Day

Wednesday, 03.06.20


This holiday is also called the day of African freedom and it is devoted to the anniversary of establishing the African unity (Organization of African Unity), created by 30 African leaders in Addis Ababa in 1963. By decision of the UN, the 25th of May is declared the day of Africa liberation and is celebrated on the initiative of UNESCO.

International students who came from Africa decided to celebrate this day together. In the Zoom program, a video conference was held, where students told what their native continent means to them.

"I am proud to be from Africa, for me it is more than a place of birth and a place of residence. Africa is my pride, my beloved homeland", says Rita Muhongo, a representative of Angola in the Council of foreign students.

The young people also noted that Africa is unique for its rich nature. The history, culture and traditions of this continent are so diverse that everyone will find interest here:  beaches, numerous nature reserves, original tribes or deserts.

Yu. Aleksandrov Visited the Research and Production Complex "ELARA"

Wednesday, 03.06.20

030620 55

As part of the Republican measures to prevent the spread of a new coronavirus infection the Deputy of the State Council of Chuvashia, the Rector of I. N. Ulianov ChuvSU, Andrey Yuryevich Aleksandrov visited the JSC "Scientific and Production Complex "ELARA" named after G. A. . Ilenko". The working group consisting of representatives of the of Moskovsky district administration  of Cheboksary, the Department of Rospotrebnadzor got acquainted with measures to prevent infection, including observing the distance at the checkpoint, contactless thermometry, treating hands with antiseptics, providing with individual protective equipment, and disinfecting of premises. "ELARA" is one of the strategic system-forming enterprises, which maintains a strong position in the market of civil products. Every day, several thousand employees come to the enterprise to perform professional tasks, that is why preventive conditions are of great importance in current economic situation.

During the off-site meeting, issues related to the activities of shopping facilities, hairdressers in the district, identified violations in their work, disinfection of public spaces, as well as measures taken to restrict visits to cemeteries during the Orthodox holiday of the Holy Trinity were considered. The head of the information group of the Moskovsky district of Cheboksary, a Deputy A. Yu Aleksandrov noted that in order to preserve the health of citizens, preventive measures should be continued in full in accordance with the necessary requirements.

IMG 20200609 113216 19 июня на платформе Zoom состоялась видеоконференция «Горизонты научно-образовательного сотрудничества Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова...

Фото 45675467О себе и своем обучении в #ЧувГУ рассказывает Андрей Петкун, выпускник факультета информатики и вычислительной техники направления "Программное обеспечение".

ЯзыковаАлина ЯЗЫКОВА – выпускница факультета русской и чувашской филологии и журналистики 2018, вошла в число ста лучших выпускников университета.

Понедельник, 08.06.20

Призвали к порядку

080620 1Бойцы сервисного отряда работают над благоустройством корпусов вуза. В мае в университете начал работать сервисный отряд. Он организован в рамках проекта «Студенческая биржа труда ЧувГУ».

080620В университетском кампусе «Техноквартал» (Московский проспект, 15) полным ходом идет строительство нового футбольного поля. Это уже третья современная площадка для занятия спортом на открытом воздухе.

chuvashiaВ преддверии двух главных праздников: Дня России и 100-летия Чувашской автономии прошла международная научно-практическая конференция, посвященная развитию государственности.

OAJ2D0vT0dgПеред поступлением в вуз каждый хочет увидеть его, как в песне Элджея - на все 360. Команда нашего университета очень постаралась и предоставила тебе такую возможность.

СправкаУниверситет расширяет возможности взаимодействия с обучающимися через электронные сервисы. Так, не выходя из дома, обучающийся любого факультета может сделать заказ документов и справок через сайт университета.

jyiikpdbukzbyxieeofdpa ecxbizzl

1 июля состоится Общероссийское голосование по поправкам в Конституцию РФ.  Этот день для всех россиян станет выходным.

uq-PjM-xNWE6 июня вся Россия празднует сразу два известных праздника: День русского языка и день рождения Александра Сергеевича Пушкина.

abit 1Традиционно 20 студентов университета по ходатайству Студенческого совета и Профсоюзного комитета обучающийся становятся обладателями удостоверения и нагрудного знака «Отличник учёбы».

060620Продолжаем разбор заданий ЕГЭ по русскому языку. Ирина Алексеевна Симулина рассказывает о выполнении заданий № 24 и №26. 

glavnayayvvapyvp34e34p34p.jpeg.resize 473 727Министр науки и высшего образования РФ Валерий Фальков провел первую прямую линию, в ходе которой ответил на вопросы представителей вузовского и научного сообщества...

Без-имени-5В 19 часов вас ждут Артур Халилов - вратарь хоккейной команды "Мамонты ЧГУ»;  Екатерина Кривошеина - игрок женской команды по баскетболу "ЧГУ - Атланта"; Аня Микаелян - руководитель грантового проекта студии вокально-инструментальных групп "По - Барабану"...

Пятница, 05.06.20

Игра для эрудитов

EaOj5VjWDm0Управление международной деятельности и Совет иностранных обучающихся совместно с Интеллектуальным клубом студентов провели для иностранных студентов университета quiz-игру в онлайн формате. В ней приняли участие команды студентов из Марокко, Туниса, Египта...

beg-1Как начать? Вы решили заняться бегом, но не знаете, с чего начать? Мы поможем вам найти ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы.

Мария АлександроваМы уже рассказывали, что в Росмолодежи подвели итоги Всероссийского конкурса молодежных проектов. Впервые он проводился одновременно как для граждан Российской Федерации 14-30 лет, так и для образовательных организаций высшего образования.

вязовДмитрий ВЯЗОВ – выпускник факультета энергетики и электротехники 2017 года. Он стал спортивной звездой университета еще на первом курсе: завоевал титул чемпиона России по карате...

1 5675675675675675 июня прошла международная научная конференция «Развитие чувашской государственности в условиях российского федерализма: прошлое, настоящее, будущее».

химАктуальные вопросы химической технологии и защиты окружающей среды: сб. материалов VIII Всерос. конф. Чебоксары: Изд-во Чуваш. ун-та, 2020. 312 с.

040620 5В ЧГУ им. И. Н. Ульянова начала работу «горячая линия» для абитуриентов. С понедельника по пятницу с 9  до 17  часов по многоканальному телефону 8-800-550-79-88 специалисты приемной комиссии будут консультировать поступающих и родителей.

Фото к интервью ректораЗавершился второй месяц самоизоляции из-за пандемии коронавируса COVID-19. Впереди у вузов – государственная итоговая аттестация и приемная кампания, которые также планируется провести...

иконка 8888По итогам VII Всероссийского конкурса «Пресс-служба вуза-2020» Чувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова признан лучшим в номинации «Вектор развития».


На юридическом факультете ЧувГУ стартовала государственная итоговая аттестация в онлайн-формате. Экзамены уже сдали более 150 выпускников.

030620 copyМы продолжаем видеоразборы заданий ЕГЭ по математике. Сегодня разбираем задачу № 15 - методы решения логарифмических неравенств. Лекцию ведет Васильева Елена Вениаминовна.

27.7.2018-e1547039457595Этот праздник также называют Днём африканской свободы и посвящают годовщине образования Организации африканского единства (Organization of African Unity), созданной 30 африканскими лидерами в Аддис-Абебе в 1963 году. По решению ООН день 25 мая объявлен Днём...

Летн. школыЧувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова в период летних каникул проводит тематические школы, рассчитанные на ребят с 1-го по 11-й класс.  Для каждого возраста предлагается интересная и полезная программа: школьникам помладше - игровые занятия...

030620 55Депутат Госсовета Чувашии, ректор ЧГУ им. И.Н. Ульянова Андрей Юрьевич Александров в рамках республиканских мероприятий по предупреждению распространения новой коронавирусной инфекции посетил АО «Научно-производственный комплекс «ЭЛАРА»...

A Draft Concept for the Development of the University's Scientific Library Was Presented at the Meeting of the Rector's Office

Monday, 01.06.20

On June 1, at the regular meeting of the Chuvash State University rectorate, the Director of the Scientific Library N. D. Nikitina presented a draft concept for the development of the University's Scientific Library for 2021-2023.

The library of the new formation will be designed to function using both traditional and modern digital library technologies.

Last year, building 3, where the library is located, underwent major repairs. Now the staff of the structural division faces a new challenge - modernization of the Scientific Library's space. To do this, it is necessary to create a comfortable environment for independent research and educational activities, intellectual communication and knowledge exchange; by repairing the interiors of the library premises, creating mobile space-transformers and organizing zones for communication, group and individual work, and holding mass events.

Implementation of the program for the development of the Scientific Library, which will be developed on the basis of the Concept, will make it possible to get a new generation library – an important link in the unified information space not only of the University, but of the capital of our Republic as well.

The Chuvash State University Signed a Memorandum of Intent with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives

Monday, 01.06.20

On the 27th of May the Agency for strategic initiatives to promote new projects (ASI) and the Chuvash State University signed a cooperation agreement.

The Agency for strategic initiatives is an "agent of changes" that works on large-scale initiatives and unites the efforts of the society, business and the state. This means a whole range of joint projects in the fields of advanced technologies, new approaches in education, social sphere and urban development.

The cooperation will take place in the format of joint support for projects that are important for the development of these areas; in the format of barrier expertise (organization of a comprehensive expert discussion of socially significant issues and preparation of proposals to remove regulatory and administrative barriers); in the format of mentoring development (joint organization of direct access of target communities, leaders and projects to carriers of advanced Russian and international expertise and to relevant translated materials); in other formats that the parties will agree on.

"Signing the Memorandum will continue the interaction between the Chuvash State University and the ASI, which has existed for several years. In 2019, the University team took part in the All-Russian intensives of the NTI platform ("Island"), in October the University "Boiling Point" was opened, and this year the University is conducting a project-educational intensive on the model of the University-2035, a partner of ASI. Joint projects will enable the University to use advanced developments and technologies in its work and to provide even better education",  said Andrey Aleksandrov, the Rector of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State   University.

белов2Александр БЕЛОВ окончил бакалавриат факультета информатики и вычислительной техники в 2018 году, вошел в число ста лучших выпускников университета.

030620В преддверии завершения 2019/2020 учебного года и наступления летних каникул давайте поговорим об академической задолженности.

030620 4Экономические профессии. Насколько они сейчас востребованы? И на что ориентироваться тем, кто только собирается стать менеджером, бухгалтером или банковским работником?

10771В период карантина все сотрудники и студенты Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова строго соблюдают правила безопасности, оставаясь дома и занимаясь дистанционно.

maliy fizmatЧувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова в период летних каникул проводиттематические школы, рассчитанные на ребят со 1-го по 11-й класс.

3D экскурсияПеред поступлением в вуз каждый абитуриент хочет увидеть, что его ждет в будущем. Специально для будущих студентов команда Чувашского госуниверситета подготовила обзорную виртуальную экскурсию в формате 360 градусов.

020620 55527 мая «Агентство стратегических инициатив по продвижению новых проектов» (АСИ) и Чувашский госуниверситет заключили соглашение о сотрудничестве.

Лекцию ведет кандидат физико-математических наук Алексей Константинович Ярдухин.

IMG 02611 июня на очередном заседании ректората Чувашского госуниверситета директор Научной библиотеки Н.Д. Никитина представила проект Концепции развития Научной библиотеки вуза на 2021-2023 годы.

010620 6Сегодня свой 75-летний юбилей отмечает профессор кафедры природопользования и геоэкологии Федор Александрович Карягин. Карягин Федор Александрович начал трудовую деятельность после окончания средней школы...

Понедельник, 01.06.20

На крышу вуза твоего

1 567567556756767567567Университет совместно с ДК ЧГУ и студенческими объединениями запустил новый онлайн-проект «Среди крыш». «Среди крыш» – это первое студенческое вечернее ток-шоу ЧГУ. Все самое интересное в нескучной форме...

Понедельник, 01.06.20


010620 5Вы имеете уникальную возможность поступить на военную службу по контракту вместо военной службы по призыву. Согласно изменениям и дополнениям в Федеральный закон «О воинской обязанности и военной службе» № 53-ФЗ от 28.03.1998...

01062026 мая 2020г. исполнилось 50 лет кандидату исторических наук, доценту кафедры истории и культуры зарубежных стран Наталье Николаевне Агеевой.

glavnayavmvvivivyiyvivyivivyiyviyv.jpeg.resize 473 727

Министр науки и высшего образования РФ Валерий Фальков в эфире телеканала «Россия» рассказал об особенностях приемной кампании 2020 года и мерах поддержки студентов в непростой финансовой ситуации в связи с пандемией. 

300520 889

Проведение совместных мероприятий  юридическим факультетом ЧувГУ и Поволжским институтом управления РАНХиГС становится доброй традицией, которую не нарушают даже в условиях дистанционного обучения.

300520 888Кандидат филологических наук доцент Екатерина Аркадьевна Кожемякова расскажет о выполнении заданий 
№ 2, 23, 25.

Понедельник, 01.06.20

Встретим лето вместе!


Чувашский госуниверситет  приглашает вас отметить первый день долгожданного лета, а также Международный день защиты детей вместе с творческими коллективами нашего студенчества! 


В период вынужденной самоизоляции не только студенты помогают тем, кто нуждается в поддержке. Партнеры университета тоже помогают студентам,  кто вынужден оставаться в общежитиях во время пандемии.  Депутат Государственного Совета Чувашской Республики...


Тема: «Инвестиции: почему нужно начинать путь к финансовой независимости прямо сейчас».

Спикер: Артем Григорьев, индивидуальный предприниматель, участник программы «Ты - предприниматель».

Без-имени-6Я в айтишники пойду, пусть меня научат! Кого сейчас называют айти-специалистами? Насколько качественное образование в этой сфере даёт ЧГУ по сравнению с другими вузами России и какие новые...

Пятница, 29.05.20

Ток-шоу "СРЕДИ КРЫШ"

290520 66

Прямо сейчас! Первое университетское вечернее ток-шоу ☁ СРЕДИ КРЫШ ☁ Мы не будем тратить твоё ⌚ и рассказывать, что это за шоу и почему оно такое классное...

Александр-ЕгоровВсе больше и больше людей в нынешние непростые времена становятся волонтерами. А в добровольцах нашего университета со стажем, особенно медиках, сомнений нет, они – на передовой.

ИконкаВ Финансовом университете при Правительстве Российской Федерации  подведены итоги IX Международного конкурса научных работ студентов и аспирантов.

pobedaДепартамент молодёжной политики Минобрнауки России приглашает  к участию в проекте «Большая история», инициированном автономной некоммерческой организацией с одноимённым названием.

Rossiya-24 Logo.svgКакие основные проблемы стоят сейчас перед ИТ-отраслью в России, какие образовательные программы реализуются на факультете информатики и вычислительной техники, какие преимущества учебы в Чувашском госуниверситете... На эти и другие вопросы сегодня в 21 час...

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Соответствующий приказ о деятельности подведомственных Минобрнауки России организаций подписал Министр науки и высшего образования РФ Валерий Фальков.

среди-крышСегодня - первое ток-шоу #ЧувГУ «Среди крыш»! Не пропустите! Начало в 19 часов. Также подписывайтесь на рассылку и самыми первыми узнавайте о новостях проекта.

The Chuvash State University Is Recognized As a Zone of Confident Development of Digital Transformation

Wednesday, 27.05.20

I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University is recognized as the zone of confident development of digital transformation of higher professional education.

According to the National rating of online active educational institutions, the University ranks 25th in the list of Russian universities that effectively use digital technologies in training.

The research team "Yurayt. Statistica" analyzed the pace of digitalization in professional education in Russian regions and presented a national rating of online activity of universities and colleges. The research is based on data on the use of the educational platform "Yurayt": reading and reviewing discussion of educational texts, studying media materials, passing adaptive formative testing and interaction between students and teachers.

Experts have studied the digital traces of more than 150,000 students and 27,000 teachers who used the service. Analysts note: institutions of higher and professional education in Chuvashia are on the path of rapid digital transformation. The leader among the universities of the Republic is I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University. Digitalization of education at the University is carried out by successfully combining the opportunities of the educational platform "Yurayt" with various services and tools of distance education technologies. The best platforms are used in the organization of educational process, including the University's own software development. The high position of the University is the result of well-coordinated work of managers, teachers and librarians on passing to digital education.

The International Success of the Young Researchers of the Chuvash State University

Tuesday, 26.05.20

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Students and postgraduates of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University took part in the 74th International scientific and practical conference of medical students and young scientists "Actual problems of modern medicine", held on May 15, 2020 at Samarkand state medical Institute in a remote online mode.

During the ceremonial opening of the conference plenary session  the rector of Samarkand State Medical Institute, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Zh. A.  Rizaev addressed with words of welcome to the participants  The international conference was held in 8 sections, where more than 180 students and young scientists from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, South Korea, and Uzbekistan presented their reports.  

Following the results of the conference plenary session, 4th year students of the medical faculty of  I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University Alexey Bogdanov and Yegor Nikolaev were awarded with a  I degree diploma (scientific supervisor - Doctor of medical Sciences, Professor of faculty and hospital therapy department N. V. Makarova). According to the results of breakout sessions, a diploma of the first degree was awarded to a first-year postgraduate student of the profile "Medical Psychology" P. V.  Abramov (scientific supervisor - Doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, head of social and clinical psychology department E. L.  Nikolaev).

Поволжье в матзадачах лого22-24 мая в Чувашском государственном университете имени И.Н. Ульянова в дистанционном формате прошла Межрегиональная научно-практическая конференция школьников – Конкурс «Поволжье в Математических задачах». Организаторы конкурса...

prostaya-otkritka-na-den-bez-tabaka.xxlЕжегодно, 31 мая, Всемирная организация здравоохранения (ВОЗ) и активисты в сфере охраны общественного здоровья в разных странах мира отмечаютсяВсемирный день без табака. Основное внимание в рамках этой глобальной кампании уделяется прогрессу и успехам...

Четверг, 28.05.20

Учим вместе языки

280520В период карантина вследствие пандемии коронавируса все сотрудники и студенты университета строго соблюдают правила безопасности, оставаясь дома и занимаясь дистанционно. Однако это не мешает им с пользой проводить свободное время.

emb med 2020Центр по работе с одаренной молодежью сообщает, что в связи с успешным выступлением студентов ФГБОУ ВО «ЧГУ им. И.Н. Ульянова» в Открытых международных студенческих...

abit 2II Всероссийский фестиваль молодёжных патриотических и социальных проектов "Живая история" проводится в два этапа...

250520 555Генеральной прокуратурой Российской Федерации совместно с Администрацией Президента Российской Федерации и Министерством иностранных дел Российской Федерации проводится Международный...

280520 1

Подведены итоги очередного Федерального интернет-экзамена для выпускников бакалавриата. По итогам успешного прохождения ФИЭБ как внешней независимой оценки качества подготовки выпускников...

270520 77 copyСегодня разбираем решение типовых стереометрических задач ЕГЭ профильного уровня. Лекцию ведет кандидат педагогических наук Володина Евгения Валерьевна.

Среда, 27.05.20


depositphotos 173201980-stock-photo-forum-question-answer-bubble-iconУважаемые студенты! Университет создал дружественное интерактивное дискуссионное пространство, где вы можете задавать вопросы, касающиеся обучения, и получать на них ответы от квалифицированных сотрудников деканата и специалистов других...

stud 2Министерство здравоохранения Чувашской Республики (далее - Министерство) ежегодно проводит приемную кампанию по организации целевого приема граждан (в соответствии со статьей 56 Федерального закона от 29.12.2012 № 273-ФЗ (ред. от 27.12.2019)...

270520 7772% опрошенных студентов удовлетворены тем, как организовано дистанционное образование в их вузе. Более половины студентов оценили уровень преподавания в дистанционном формате как высокий. Такие данные приводятся в исследовании Всероссийского центра...

270520 66Сегодня ректор Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова, председатель Совета ректоров вузов Чувашской Республики А.Ю. Александров принял участие...

270520 55Министр науки и высшего образования РФ Валерий Фальков в эфире Первого канала рассказал о сроках приемной кампании 2020. Главная особенность этого года – заявление в вузы абитуриенты могут подавать до сдачи ЕГЭ.

НиколаевАндрей НИКОЛАЕВ – выпускник машиностроительного факультета ЧувГУ 2018 года. Во время учебы Андрей добился больших успехов. Олимпийская команда по робототехнике, в состав которой входили студенты машиностроительного факультета Андрей Николаев и Сергей Мишин...

270520Почему профессия юриста долгие годы является одной из самых востребованных в России? Чем привлекает будущих абитуриентов юридический факультет ЧГУ имени Ульянова и какие новые дисциплины предлагает?

ЮФЗавершающий эфир мая - от юридического факультета. 28 мая в 14 часов. Будет полезно всем, даже тем, кто не собирается поступать на юридический! В прямом эфире декан факультета Елена Витальевна Иванова

270520 3Чувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова осуществляет подписку на электронно-библиотечную систему IPR BOOKS. ЭБС IPR BOOKS включает более 140 000 публикаций...

maliy fizmat25 мая в Чувашском государственном университете состоялась онлайн-викторина «Азбука – науки начало», посвященная Дню славянской письменности и культуры.

Чувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова признан зоной уверенного развития цифровой трансформации высшего профессионального образования.

260520 5Ты активно проявлял себя во время учебы? Занимался научной деятельностью, спортом или творчеством? Делал всё на благо любимого вуза? Значит, ты достоин быть в числе 100 лучших выпускников!

260520Начальник управления внеучебной работы и безопасности ЧувГУ О.Н. Викторов и специалист отдела международного образования Е.С. Алексеева посетили общежития Чебоксарского кооперативного института и Чебоксарского музыкального училища...

a09 omddmis-kopiyaБронзовый призер чемпионата мира и пятикратная обладательница Кубка мира по кикбоксингу, мастер спорта России Полина Петухова в интервью пресс-службе Минспорта Чувашии рассказала о тренировочном...

sobolezn24 мая 2020 года на 79-м году после тяжёлой болезни ушел из жизни Заслуженный профессор Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова, кандидат технических наук, профессор кафедры прикладной физики и нанотехнологий  Кочаков Валерий Данилович.

250520 1Студенты и аспиранты Чувашского госуниверситета имени И.Н. Ульянова приняли участие в 74-й Международной научно-практической конференции студентов-медков и молодых ученых «Актуальные проблемы...

250520Антон ЕГОРОВ окончил факультет радиоэлектроники и автоматики, вошел в число 100 лучших выпускников ЧувГУ 2018 года. Ему, как представителю 50-го выпуска университета, выпала честь заложить капсулу с обращением к выпускникам 2068 года.

ИконкаРектор Самаркандского государственного медицинского института (Узбекистан) Ж.А. Ризаев прислал благодарственное письмо в адрес коллектива Чувашского госуниверситета за активное участие наших студентов в работе Международной научно-практической конференции...

The Chuvash State University Entered the TOP 25 Universities in Russia in Digitalization of Education

Tuesday, 19.05.20


I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University is recognized as the zone of confident development of digital transformation of higher professional education. According to the National rating of online active educational institutions, the University ranks 25th in the list of Russian universities that effectively use digital technologies in training.

At the meeting of the working group on March, 27 2020, the Minister of science and higher education V. N. Falkov instructed to organize the collection of information on the efficiency of using digital resources of various library systems. The research team "Yurayt. Statistics" analyzed the pace of digitalization of professional education in Russian regions and presented a national rating of online activity of universities and colleges. The research is based on data on the use of the educational platform "Yurayt": reading and reviewing discussion of educational texts, studying media materials, passing adaptive formative testing and interaction between students and teachers.

Experts have studied the digital traces of more than 150,000 students and 27,000 teachers who used the service. Analysts note: institutions of higher and professional education in Chuvashia are on the path of rapid digital transformation. The leader among the universities of the Republic is I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University. It ranks the 6th in terms of the rate of education digitalization among universities in the Volga Federal district and is the 25th in the Federal rating. Digitalization of education at the University is carried out by successfully combining the opportunities of the educational platform "Yurayt" with various services and tools of distance education technologies. In the organization of the educational process, the best platforms are used, including the University's  software development. The high position of the University is the result of well-coordinated work of managers, teachers and librarians on the transition to digital education.

"The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has significantly pushed professional education to remote forms. Since today the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation does not exclude the possibility of starting a new academic year in a distance format, educational institutions face an important challenge – to support a decisive modernization of the educational process," notes Alexander Safonov, editor – in-chief of the educational platform "Yurayt".

The research team "Yurayt.Statistics" continues its active work on diagnosing digital processes in Russian education and prepares new analytical data for the attention of education administrators and representatives of the academic community.

More information about the research methodology and positions of educational institutions in other regions can be found on the website of the Educational platform at: urait.ru/info/stat.


"Yurayt" educational platform» it is included in the list of services recommended by the center for professional education development for higher and professional education systems. "Yurayt"'s mission is to improve the quality and accessibility of distance education. To support students, teachers, methodologists and librarians in the mass transition to distance learning, "Yurayt" provided free access to all the platform's resources. For teachers of institutions of higher and secondary professional education  a revolutionary service Yurayt.Exam is being developed that will help to organize online certification on the educational platform. The service will be available for free.

Recruitment of teachers in Yurayt.Academy continues - open online courses will help to effectively build the process of distance learning. "Yurayt" volunteers we are ready to provide free digital support in the transition to digital pedagogy.

The Chuvash State University Is Actively Involved In Implementing the Strategy to Increase Financial Literacy of the Population

Thursday, 21.05.20


On May, 19 the Association for the development of financial literacy of the Russian Federation held a conference on the development of financial education in Russia. The meeting was attended by the Rector of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University A. Yu.  Aleksandrov and the Dean of the faculty of Economics N. V. Morozova. During the meeting, the best regional practices in the field of forming financially literate behavior of the population were discussed, as well as issues related to holding the Congress of financial education volunteers, scheduled for the end of May. The Director of the Association for the development of financial literacy Veniamin Kaganov and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Association for the development of financial literacy Anatoly Gavrilenko made a welcome speech by the selector. The Deputy Director of the Association for the development of financial literacy Sergey Lochan spoke about the organizing the All-Russian Congress of financial education volunteers .

I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University is actively involved in implementing the Strategy for improving financial literacy of the population in the Russian Federation for 2017-2023. Students of Economics faculty participate annually as volunteers in open day events organized by the Branch - National Bank of the Volga-Vyatka main Department of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the Chuvash Republic. The Chuvash State University presents an exhibition of projects created by the volunteer movement to improve financial literacy. Volunteers talk about their best practices and achievements in financial education. Students of Economics faculty are active participants and winners of the inter-regional interdisciplinary GraFIN Olympiad on financial literacy, the All-Russian financial credit test, and the All-Russian video contest "Me in the World of Finance", held by the Bank of Russia and the National Bank of the Chuvash Republic. The video of Economics faculty students was awarded with the diploma of the winner of the regional stage of the competition and is used for financial education of the population by the National Bank. Every year,  Economics faculty students participate in the project competition organized by the Ministry of Finance of the Chuvash Republic to present the budget to citizens. The competition is held in order to identify and disseminate the best practices of budget formation in public legal entities in the format that ensures openness and accessibility of information about the management of public finances of the Chuvash Republic.

Also the faculty of Economics holds Olympiads as part of financial education project: the All-Russian academic competition on financial literacy for pupils, students of universities and colleges of Russia "In the country of Financial Literacy", the All-Russian Olympiad on the basics of the economy, "We Are Economists" for pupils of 8-11 classes and students of secondary vocational schools.

In the framework of implementing the project "Competences of the Future" supported by Department № 8613 of Sberbank students of Economics Faculty performed mini-projects on "Factors constraining the use of plastic cards by the population of the region" and "Problems of implementing banking products and services of Sberbank of Russia" with the aim of identifying regional issues related to introducing the best financial practices.

The plans of the activists-volunteers of financial education of ChuvSU Economics faculty are to take an active part in the All-Russian Congress of financial education volunteers and adequately represent their native University.

Пятница, 22.05.20

Education in Terms of Covid-19

Education in Terms of Covid-19

Friday, 22.05.20


The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin held a meeting on the situation in the education system in the context of the spread of a new coronavirus infection. Valery Falkov, Minister of science and higher education of the Russian Federation, made a report on functioning of the higher education system.         

In his opening speech, the head of the state made several important announcements. In particular, school graduates will start taking the unified state exam on June 29, and enrollment in higher education institutions will take place in August.

Digitization has helped the universities not to close during the pandemic

The Minister of science and higher education of the Russian Federation in his speech outlined the key results of adapting the higher education system for working in conditions of forced restrictions: "This year, for the first time in its history, the education system faced an unprecedented situation caused by the coronavirus epidemic. A few years ago, this would have meant one thing: a complete shutdown of universities for a few months. However, after discussing the situation with the professional community, on March 14, all universities were recommended to switch to remote functioning. For the first two or three weeks, all universities without exception experienced difficulties, often significant. It was more difficult for universities of technical, medical and creative profiles. Thanks to the rapid organization of interaction between universities and the Ministry, the search for new solutions, regular exchange of best practices, and, as a result, adaptation to new conditions was established".

The head of the Ministry noted that the transition to the remote format of work was without alternative, and in most Russian universities it was generally successful. But the practice of universities in the new conditions has revealed a number of important problems.

"The load on teachers has increased significantly, many of whom had no experience working in a virtual environment before the epidemic. Maintaining the quality of education required more time and additional effort from teachers to prepare for classes. There is much more individual work with students and additional consultations. Thanks largely to the efforts of teachers, most of the students positively assess the level of teaching in these difficult, almost extreme, conditions. Secondly, the information infrastructure of most universities was not ready for the full transfer of the educational process to online. In these matters, we must ensure our sovereignty as soon as possible: to finalize and implement domestic digital platforms for universities. The experience of organizing distance learning has clearly demonstrated the lack of a sufficient number of modern online courses", Valery Falkov noted.

The Minister stressed that distance education cannot be compared with traditional education and be offered as a full-fledged alternative. In his opinion, it should not be a question of completely replacing one system with another.

Exams online

Currently, many universities have already started the process of state final and intermediate certification. The principal solution in this part, supported by universities, is to maximize the use of online formats. In cases where it is objectively impossible to conduct an exam in a distant form, universities have the right to decide to postpone the deadline. For example, we are talking about laboratory workshops in technical (engineering) universities. "We also recommended that universities cancel the state exam if the standard allows the final certification in the form of a final qualifying work - diploma defense or in the form of launching their own startup. According to information from universities, 77% retained both types of final certification for graduates: the state exam and the defense of the final qualifying work", the Minister said.

As a result of the measures taken, the Ministry of education and science plans to complete the academic year in the first decade of July.

Social support

The situation of the pandemic has negative socio-economic consequences, especially for socially vulnerable categories of students. The Ministry of education and science of Russia, together with the Russian Union of rectors, has taken a number of measures to provide social support to students. This is, first of all, a recommendation to universities to keep the cost of admission in 2020/21 at the level of 2019, without increasing it.

In accordance with the President's order to maintain the availability of full-time higher education, the number of admission targets will be significantly increased from September 1, 2021, mainly in the regions. "In the nearest future, we propose to distribute the available budget places that remained unallocated after the competition of the last year. There are about 11 thousand such places in total. It is also proposed to provide more opportunities for universities to transfer the best students to budget places within the total amount of vacant budget places available in each University in the second and subsequent years of studying. In addition, in order to maintain the availability of high-quality higher education, we propose to expand the program of preferential educational loans for students studying on a fee-based basis",  Valery Falkov said.

Part of the package of social support measures for students is the already being implemented program of students employment on the basis of universities. 149 universities participate in this program, employing almost 16 thousand students. For the summer period, additional jobs will be allocated in University admissions offices. The Ministry of education and science of Russia together with the youth organization "Russian Student Teams" plans to organize employment of 60 thousand students in the summer labor semester of 2020. Student teams are organized in four main areas – construction, agriculture, medicine and pedagogy.

Features of admission campaign-2020

Speaking about the admission campaign in 2020, the Minister noted that its main features relate to timing of admission, the procedure for submitting documents, conducting entrance tests and enrollment. Admission to higher education institutions for master's degree programs is planned to begin in June, and for graduates of 2020 – in July. With this schedule, enrollment in higher education institutions will take place in a shorter time than usual, and the academic year is set to start on September, 1.

"The interaction of applicants and admissions committees will be mediated, without personal presence. If admission to a higher education institution involves passing an additional entrance test, the Ministry also recommends that the online format be widely used, including technologies for identifying individuals and monitoring the conditions for passing entrance tests", Valery Falkov said.

Promising development of the industry

According to the head of the Department, the main efforts are now focused on implementing urgent measures to support students, teachers and universities in the context of the spread of the coronavirus epidemic. However, the issues on the long-term agenda should not be overlooked.

"In the last twenty years, the higher education system has implemented several projects of targeted support for universities. The most famous and significant of them are projects for creating Federal, national research, and flagship universities and a special program "5-Top 100". Based on the foundation made by previous programs, taking into account all their best practices, it is proposed to launch a new long - term project to support Russian universities this year", Valery Falkov said.

The key objectives of the proposed project will be:
- Close integration of universities both among themselves and with scientific organizations.
- Universities and research organizations should ensure closer cooperation with the real sector of the economy to increase their contribution to the technological development of industries.
- Deep cooperation between universities and regions in solving the problems of spatial development of the country.

"Implementation of this project will require adjusting the activities of the national projects "Science" and"Education". The Ministry has worked out the conceptual approaches, and relevant proposals are being discussed with the Government, the Presidential Administration and the professional community", Valery Falkov said.

Суббота, 23.05.20

Диалог онлайн

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В эфире телеканала «Россия 24» вышел выпуск программы «Диалог», участниками которого стали Министр науки и высшего образования РФ Валерий Фальков и генеральный директор АНО “Россия - страна возможностей”...

профЧувашия заняла третье место, а ЧГУ имени И.Н. Ульянова — второе в стране по количеству студентов-победителей первой волны федерального проекта «Профстажировки 2.0». Этот проект разработан АНО «Россия — страна возможностей» и Общероссийским народным фронтом...

RFFIРазмер гранта: 300 000 рублей. Сроки подачи заявок: до 02.06.2020 в https://kias.rfbr.ru. Физические лица могут подать только один проект на конкурс (обязательно должно быть...

220520 56Мария Евгеньевна Петухова расскажет о выполнении заданий № 9, 10, 11, 12.

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