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 Книжные новинки | Чувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова

Чувашский государственный университет

имени И.Н. Ульянова

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Future doctors passed training in winter school of medicine

Wednesday, 13.01.16

Launched in November last year, the school of medicine, oriented on high school students who dream of becoming doctors, continued its work during the period of winter holidays of 2016. This time the group included schoolchildren from the cities of Cheboksary, Tsivilsk, Shumerlya, Togliatti and from Krasnochetaysky, Yalchksky and Tsivilsk regions of Chuvashia.

The training program, as always, was intense and exciting, aimed at gradual introduction of schoolchildren into medical environment, strengthening their knowledge and awakening even more interest to the profession of a medical worker.

Most of lectures and practical lessons were devoted to solving problems in two main subjects required for admission to the medical faculty: biology and chemistry. To understand all the difficult issues of Unified State Exam schoolchildren were assisted by Associate Professor of medical biology department with microbiology and virology S.A. Yastrebova and senior lecturer of general, inorganic and analytical chemistry E.V. Turusova.

Classes on anatomy of the head of school, professor of normal and pathological physiology department L.M. Yakovleva, were not less interesting for the students. Schoolchildren learned about evolution and development of human nervous system, with urinary organs structure. Associate Professor of normal and pathological physiology department L.M. Semenova shared her knowledge in human physiology.

An important part of the training program in the school of medicine is information lectures, familiarizing children with various medical specialties. This time T.G. Denisova, Professor of obstetrics and Gynecology department named after G.M. Vorontsova told children about one of the most demanded professions – obstetrician-gynecologist.

During the last day of classes the Dean of the medical faculty of the University, Prof. V.N. Diomidova talked to future colleagues. She told the children about doctors' training programs, implemented at the Faculty, about opportunities of continuing education in internship, residency and postgraduate training programs as well as invited to participate at the University Olympiad in the Russian language and chemistry, which provides the winners with additional 5 points to the sum of the Unified State Exam points for admission to CSU.

But that's not all. In addition to classes during the whole week a cultural-entertainment program with visiting the sights of Cheboksary was organized for out-of-town children. The next school of medicine will open its doors at the end of March during spring holidays. We invite everyone! We invite everyone!

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Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript , Yakovleva Lubov Maximovna.

abit13 января  т.г. в Чувашии, как и по всей России, стартует региональный этап всероссийской олимпиады школьников, который продлится до 9 февраля. В соответствии с единым для всех регионов расписанием...

1101169 января, в единый республиканский День здоровья и спорта, в учебно-спортивном комплексе Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова состоялся 18-ый, заключительный, тур чемпионата...


Russia's future is in the hands of young scientists


The activities of students’ scientific societies (SSS) actively develop in the Republic. Their purpose is to support the research activities of students and to improve the quality of professional training of future specialists.

As of today there are 28 students ' scientific societies with a total coverage of over 10 thousand students of educational institutions of higher and professional education. Each year representatives of SSS take part in events at various levels.

The Coordination Council of student scientific societies of the Chuvash Republic has already been actively functioning for seven years (vk.com/sno_chr). The Coordination Council of SSS is a consultative collegiate and advisory body established to formulate proposals related to scientific activities of student organizations of the Republic, their interaction, including interaction with State and local authorities. The Coordination Council of SSS cooperates closely with the Council of young scientists and specialists.

Currently the Coordination Council of SSS includes 23 Chairmen of student scientific associations of educational organizations of higher and professional education of the Chuvash Republic.

Over the years of its functioning, it has become an integral part of students’ scientific and technological creativity. In the new year various activities are planned for SSS representatives: a training workshop on writing research papers, Youth Forum dedicated to science Day etc.


The electronic resource "Best graduate-2016» is being formed


Beginning with January of the current year collecting and processing profiles of graduates for inclusion in the electronic resource "Best graduate-2016" starts.

The project "Best graduate" has been implemented in Chuvashia since 2005. Its goal is to provide organizations and enterprises the possibility of recruiting the necessary staff from among the best graduates of higher education institutions, colleges and technical schools of the Republic as well as to ensure employment assistance for young people at enterprises of Chuvashia.

Graduates of educational institutions -magna cum laude having special scientific achievements, leaders of public associations, winners of regional and All-Russia contests as well as those having special sports merit can qualify for inclusion in the electronic databank.

The project is being implemented by the Ministry of education and youth policy of the Chuvash Republic and the Center of youth initiatives.

BACKGROUND. “Best graduate” database is an accessible information resource located on the site of the Center of youth initiatives as well as is issued to potential employers participating in the Republican "Job fair ". 

Every year more than 500 graduates of educational institutions of higher and professional education of the Chuvash Republic take part in the project“Best graduate”.


The concept of educational-methodical complex on the history of Chuvashia


In 2015 within the framework of implementation of the Decree of the Head of Chuvashia the working group developed the concept of educational-methodical complex on the history of Chuvashia.

The need to create the given complex is caused primarily by evolution of the world historical science, by accumulation of scientific knowledge on the history of the Chuvash people, by society’s increasing interest to the events of the past as well as preparation of the Federal educational-methodical complex on Russian history, where it is directly stated: “The course of Russian history must combine the history of the Russian State and its peoples, the history of regions and local history (the past of one’s native town, village). In future this approach will be helpful for schoolchildren consciousness on their social identity in a wide range — as citizens of their country, their region, residents of the city, members of a particular ethno-national and religious community”. 

sportОчередной День здоровья и спорта состоится 9 января 2016 г. В этот день у жителей республики будет возможность бесплатно посетить бассейны, спортплощадки, тренажерные залы, катки во всех республиканских и муниципальных спортсооружениях.

chuvashiaВ течение 2015 года в рамках реализации Указа Главы Чувашии рабочей группой разработана концепция учебно-методического комплекса по истории Чувашии. Необходимость создания данного комплекса обусловлена прежде всего развитием мировой исторической науки...

abit 1С января т.г. начинается сбор и обработка анкет выпускников образовательных организаций республики для  включения в электронный ресурс «Лучший выпускник-2016».

060116 1

С 1 января в Чувашии началась Декада спорта и здоровья. Спортивные сооружения, оздоровительные площадки готовы принять любителей активного отдыха.

stud 2Отборочный этап олимпиады Чувашского государственного университета по математике, физике, химии и русскому языку для 10-11 классов продлен до 15 января 2016 года.

stud 4В республике активно развивается деятельность студенческих научных обществ (СНО). Их  цель  - поддержка научно-исследовательской деятельности студентов и повышение качества профессиональной подготовки выпускаемых специалистов.

stud 5Чувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова в период зимних каникул проводит тематические школы, рассчитанные на ребят со 2-го по 11-й класс. Для каждого возраста предлагается интересная и полезная программа...


Зима к нам вернулась. Самое время  задуматься о волшебных днях, когда не надо идти на работу и можно время с семьей провести.


New Year party for children of employees and students of the University


On the 28th of December the Rectorate and trade union committees of employees and students of the Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov organized a New Year party for children of employees and students of the University. Young guests gladly watched the performance in the Palace of culture and took part in the New Year program around the Christmas

Четверг, 31.12.15

Meeting of foreign students


Meeting of foreign students


On the 30th of December in the Assembly Hall of Building G of the Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov Rector’s assistant on general issues, A.S. Emeshev, head of extracurricular work management and security O. V. Viktorov, Dean of Faculty for foreign students Zh.A. Alexandrova, Director of campus F.A. Semenova hold a meeting with students from Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. They discussed issues concerning the rules of foreign citizens residence in the territory of the Russian Federation, the laws of migration control and prevention of interethnic and inter-confessional conflicts, rules of conduct in public places. 


Acknowledgement for contribution to promotion of voluntary blood and its components donation among youth in the Chuvash Republic


The Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov received an acknowledgement from the Chief Physician of government-financed institution «Republican blood transfusion station» of the Ministry of Public Health and social development of Chuvashia L.M. Yakovleva for long-term cooperation and contribution to promotion of voluntary blood and its components donation among youth in Chuvash Republic. 


Round table with participation of students from Syria


On the 30th of December a round table with the participation of students from Syria, studying in the Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov took place. Rector’s assistant on general issues, A.S. Emeshev, head of extracurricular work management and security O. V. Viktorov, Dean of Faculty for foreign students Zh.A. Alexandrova took part in the meeting and made reports.

During the round table meeting the rules of foreign citizens residence in the territory of the Russian Federation, the laws in the field of migration control, prevention of interethnic and religious conflicts were considered.  


Meeting of Rectors Council of the Chuvash Republic


On the 29th of December a regular meeting of Rectors Council of the Chuvash Republic took place in the Academic Council Hall of building “A” of the Chuvash State University named after I. N. Ulyanov.

The Chairman of Rectors Board of higher education institutions, the Rector of the Chuvash State University named after I. N. Ulyanov A. Yu. Alexandrov made a report “On the tasks of higher education institutions located on the territory of the Chuvash Republic in the light of the message of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation”. 

A member of the Russian Union of Rectors Council, the Chairman of Rectors Board of higher education institutions of the Chuvash Republic, the Rector of the Federal State Government-financed educational institution “I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University” A. Yu. Alexandrov informed the present on outcomes of activities of the Russian Union of Rectors for the year 2015. 

In his speech Andrey Yurievich underlined that on the 25th of December at the meeting of Council of Russian Union of Rectors the Chairman of the RUR, the Rector of M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Academician V.A.Sadovnichy began his speech with the report on execution of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation. "Russian Union of Rectors is an organization whose main objective is sharing experiences and analysis of techniques on how to better manage an educational institution," said Viktor Antonovich, speaking on implementation of a range of activities aimed at disseminating the most effective experience of higher education institutions management and organization of work with gifted youth.

On the third item of the agenda of the meeting of the Council of Rectors of the Chuvash Republic the Dean of historical-geographical Faculty of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University O.N. Shirokov made a report “On actualization of social-humanitarian sciences in the civil identity formation of contemporary students”.

Heads of educational institutions of higher education reported on participation of higher education institutions in creating educational programs using network forms of educational process organization.

311215 4Уважаемые сотрудники, преподаватели и студенты Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова!


Rector of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University A.Yu. Aleksandrov Took Part in the Meeting of the Russian Union of Rectors Council


271215 2

On December 25 A.Yu. Aleksandrov, Rector of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, Chairman of the Council of Rectors of higher educational establishments of the Chuvash Republic, a member of the Russian Union of Rectors Council, took part in the meeting of the Russian Union of Rectors Council, which was held in the Imperial Hall of the Institute of Asian and African Studies of Moscow State University.

Academician V.A. Sadovnichy, President of RUR, Rector of MSU, made a report on the results of RUR’s activities in 2015 and tasks for 2016 and spoke on implementation of a set of measures directed at sharing the most effective experience in administration of higher educational establishments and organizing work with talented youth.

In his speech, D.V. Livanov, Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, said: “We do not have any ongoing reforms in higher education. We simply put everything in order and return to normal working conditions. What is order? Order is when it is difficult to enter a university or an institute, when studying there is hard work, when a diploma is highly appreciated, when scientific advisors are respected people, competent in their fields”.

In 2016 work in all directions of activities of the Russian Union of Rectors will continue, there will be visiting sessions of the RUR Council, and in April MSU will host the IV International Research and Practice Conference “Universities and Society”.

Based on the materials of the Russian Union of Rectors website.

271215 3

26 декабря во Дворце культуры Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова состоялось торжественное мероприятие «День рождения малого физмата ЧГУ».

1 11126 декабря в Чебоксарах прошел праздник «Всенашествие». Колонны празднично украшенных автомобилей, главных новогодних и сказочных персонажей, коллективов предприятий, организаций, образовательных учреждений стартовала от Национальной библиотеки...

271215 2

25 декабря ректор Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова, председатель Совета ректоров вузов Чувашской Республики, член Совета Российского Союза ректоров А.Ю. Александров...

261215 4

Определены победители заочного этапа Всероссийского конкурса на лучшую организацию деятельности органов студенческого...

abit 1В международный департамент Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации поступило предложение со стороны Линнаньского университета Гонконга о приеме на обучение в 2016-2017 учебном году российских студентов по программе основного высшего образования.

1 1121 декабря в актовом зале корпуса «М» медицинского факультета Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова, в преддверии новогодних праздников, факультет искусств выступил...

100 525518 декабря на Марийском машиностроительном заводе (г. Йошкар-Ола) состоялось официальное вручение документов об успешном...

IMG 996023 декабря прошло заседание нового состава Совета молодых ученых и специалистов университета (СМУС ЧГУ). В Совет  вошли 21 молодой ученый, представляющие структурные подразделения...


Seminar “Improving the Effectiveness of Activities of Budgetary and Autonomous Establishments Subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia”


On December 21 Rector of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University A.Yu. Aleksandrov took part in the final seminar “Improving the effectiveness of activities of budgetary and autonomous establishments subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia” at the premises of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.   

A.B. Povalko and A.A. Klimov, Deputy Ministers of Education and Science of Russia, made reports on improving the effectiveness of budgetary and autonomous establishments and priorities of state policy in the field of higher education. M.Yu. Alashkevich, Director of the Department of finances, organization of the budgeting process, methodology and economy of education and science, V.Yu. Golubovsky, Director of the Department of public service, personnel and administration, G.V. Andrushchak, Director of the Department of strategy, analysis and forecast, S.V. Salikhov, Director of the Department of science and technologies, A.E. Stradze, Director of the Department of state policy in the field of upbringing of children and youth, participated in the discussion of the reports.

Дистанционное обучение – форма, которая стала весьма популярна в России. Удобство ее заключается в том, что высшее образование могут получать те, кто, живёт в удалённых уголках страны, и те, кто ограничен в своих возможностях.


International Research and Practice Conference “Russia-China: Struggle for Independence During World War II”


221215 5

On December 18 the InternationalResearch and Practice Conference “Russia-China: Struggle for Independence During World War II” was arranged in the videoconference format in the internet-centre of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University. The conference was held within the framework of the cooperation agreement between Chinese and Russian universities. The issue of conference organization was settled during the visit of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University delegation headed by Rector A.Yu. Aleksandrov this October.

Shi Hongsheng, Head of the Centre for Russia Studies of Anhui University, Zhang Zhidong, Deputy Head of the Department of humanitarian sciences of Anhui University, Zhan Quanwang, Deputy Director of the Institute of foreign languages of Anhui University, O.N. Shirokov, Dean of the history and geography faculty of ChuvSU, M.N. Krasnova, Head of the Centre for China Studies, E.V. Nuzhdaeva, Head of the department of international relations, M.V. Emelyanova, Dean of the faculty of foreign languages, D.A. Yaltaev, Head of the department of national history, and others took part in the videoconference.

S.N. Kodybaykin, Associate Professor of the department of archeology, ethnography and regional history of ChuvSU, Yu.V. Zvereva, a representative of the Centre for Russia Studies of Anhui University, Fan Ruoping,Master of Sciences in Linguistics of the Centre for Russia Studies of Anhui University, S.Yu. Mikhailova, Professor of the department of records management, information resources and auxiliary sciences of history, made reports at the conference. The participants of the conference discussed issues of strategic partnership in the struggle against fascism and Japanese militarism, assertion of the results of World War II in the modern world, and keeping the Great Victory in the historical memory of Russian and Chinese people.

In October, I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University hosted another videoconference in the form of a roundtable discussion with participation of Anhui University representatives on the topic “Cooperation of Russia and China in education: regional practices and prospects”.

211215 6

Более 5000 человек  приняли  участие  в республиканском Молодежном форуме «Молодежь – трудовой потенциал Чувашии», в т.ч. свыше 300 человек  - в заключительном этапе, который  прошел на  базе...


19 декабря в Чувашском государственном университете имени И.Н. Ульянова состоялось заключительное в уходящем году занятие для школьников в рамках проекта «Университетские субботы».


Landmark Events at I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University in 2015 on International and Russian Levels


On the threshold of the New Year people often summarize on the results of the year and outline ways for further development. The outgoing year will remain in our memory because of many delightful events.

International Level

Alena Syrova, Tatyana Razgulina and Olga Lysova, students of the arts faculty, became laureates of the international competition “Piano Academy” (Kazan).

Dmitry Vyazov, a student of the power and electric engineering faculty, became the world champion in karate WKC-2015.

Polina Fyodorova, a student of the economic faculty, won twice in XXVIII Summer Universiade in the city of Gwangju, South Korea, and won the bronze medal in the World Championship in artistic gymnastics.

In September Elmira Aleeva, a student of the law faculty, became a world champion in arm-wrestling.

On September 25 Chuvash State University was visited by a delegation of Sichuan Agricultural University, and the universities signed a cooperation agreement.

In the period from September 28 to October 1 Days of Chuvashia in Anhui were arranged at Anhui University (China), with the participation of a delegation from I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University headed by Rector A.Yu. Aleksandrov.

On October 22-24 ChuvSU hosted the I International Research and Practice Conference “Modern Technologies in Machine-Building and Foundry”.

Russian Level

I.N. Bardasov, Associate Professor of the Department of general, inorganic and analytical chemistry, won the competition for the right to receive grants of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young scientists, Candidates and Doctors of Sciences.

Chuvash State University became one of the sites for carrying out the experiment on introduction of the Federal Internet Exam for graduates of bachelor degree courses. 194 ChuvSU graduates took the test.

In March in St. Petersburg there was unveiling of the memorial dedicated to the first Russian ship-of-the-line of Rank 4 “Poltava”, a 3D-layout and a set of design documentation for which were developed by Aleksander Bykov, Ivan Metelev and Aleksey Rodionov, students of the machine-building faculty, under the guidance of Associate Professors Yu.I. Vorontsov and V.S. Grigoryev.

The Student Council of ChuvSU won a prize in the category “The best student self-governance organization” in the All-Russian competition in the field of development of student self-governance organizations “Student Front Line”.

In April ChuvSU hosted the All-Russian Research and Practice Conference “Criminal law prevention in the sphere of distribution of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” with participation of leading law scientists from Moscow, Saratov, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Saransk.

For the first time, ChuvSU students Nikolay Ivanov (the medical faculty), Eduard Stepanov (the radio electronics and automation faculty), Roman Vasilyev (the law faculty), Dile Timrukova (the chemistry and pharmacy faculty) received four grants at the Volga Region Federal District Youth Forum “iVolga”, Alina Lazareva (the law faculty) won a grant at the All-Russian youth educational forum “Terra Scientia on Klyazma River”, Yulia Sheltukova (the law faculty) received a grant at the All-Russian youth educational forum “Tavrida”.

The volunteer centre of ChuvSU won the competition of federal charity projects “The Map of Kindness” in the category “The Higher School of Kindness”.

ChuvSU became a winner of the All-Russian competition of additional advanced training programs in engineering. JSC “Zavod “Electropribor” acted as the university’s partner.

On September 22 Chuvash State University hosted a meeting of the Council of Rectors of the Volga Region Federal District higher educational establishments.

ChuvSU won the All-Russian competition “New Specialists of MIC – 2015” in the category “Best projects of targeted training programs carried out by educational organizations in cooperation with MIC organizations”. The partners of the university were JSC “Cheboksary Electric Apparatus Plant” (JSC “ChEAZ”) and JSC “CPA n.a. V.I. Chapaev”.

The machine-building faculty team took the II place in the All-Russian competition in theory of mechanisms and machines, organized in Izhevsk.

Andrey Nikolaev, a student of the machine-building faculty, became a laureate in the special nomination “Future of the Machine-Building Industry” of the competition arranged by “Concern “Tractor Plants”.

In 2015 the university was recognized as an effective higher educational establishment for the fourth time, based on the results of monitoring by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

This year, for the first time in the history of the university and the Chuvash Republic, a grant of the Russian Science Foundation was won, to carry out research with participation of two Candidates of Sciences from Perm, under the guidance of the Dean of the chemistry and pharmacy faculty O.E. Nasakin. The amount of the grant for 2015-2017 makes up to 22.5 million rubles.

Chuvash State University became a winner of the federal competition of student associations’ activity development programs.

The medical faculty team of ChuvSU took the III place in the All-Russian competition in dentistry in Volgograd.

Yury Alekseev, a student of the medical faculty, became a winner in the All-Russian competition in dental surgery with international participation “Steps to Mastership”, which took place in Moscow.

191215 3

Приближается Новый год – один из самых светлых и любимых всеми праздников в году. В городе царит праздничная атмосфера веселья...

universkorpaВ преддверии Нового года принято подводить итоги и наметить пути дальнейшего развития. Уходящий год останется в нашей памяти многими радостными событиями.

191215 2

«В Чувашском госуниверситете имени И.Н. Ульянова учатся способные, креативные, творческие студенты. А все благодаря тому, что их обучают высококвалифицированные преподаватели.

191215 1

Полина Фёдорова, студентка 3 курса экономического факультета, бронзовый призер чемпионата мира, двукратная чемпионка...


Алина Лазарева родилась  в Чебоксарах. В 2013 году окончила лицей №2 и поступила на юридический факультет Чувашского госуниверситета.

zimnie schoolЧувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова в период зимних каникул проводиттематические школы, рассчитанные на ребят со 2-го по 11-й класс.


Classes for Foreign Students at I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University are Held in English


In 2015-16 academic year classes for foreign students of the specialties “General Medicine” and “Dentistry” at I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University are taught in English. With this aim, teachers of the faculty of foreign languages do their best in helping departments of the medical faculty to draw up lectures and plan practical classes for various subjects in English.

The first results of such cooperation in the professional field have already been achieved at the Department of medical biology with the course of microbiology and virology of the medical faculty, I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University.

An integrated biology class in English was given by K.V. Pushkina, Associate Professor of Department of foreign languages №2, and O.I. Moskovskaya, Associate Professor of the Department of medical biology, within the course of microbiology and virology.

The explanations and discussions were accompanied with such visual materials as slides and animation for better acquisition of the material.

Use of these interactive technologies in teaching made it possible to improve understanding of the material by students.

chuvashia10 декабря на факультете русской и чувашской филологии и журналистики состоялся отборочный онлайн-тур пятой ежегодной олимпиады школьников «Сенкер инçет» («Голубой горизонт»)...


Representatives of the Power and Electric Engineering Faculty, I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, Visited Kazan State Power Engineering University


On December 10 representatives of the power and electric engineering faculty of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University took part in the I Volga Region Research and Practice Conference “Instrument Making and Automatic Electric Drives in the Fuel and Energy Sector and Utilities”, which was held in Kazan State Power Engineering University. In total, more than 250 speakers from Moscow, Almetyevsk, Cheboksary, Voronezh, Lugansk, Karaganda, Ulyanovsk, Yoshkar-Ola, Smolensk, Orsk, Magnitogorsk, Nurlat and other scientific centers participated in the conference.

The delegation of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, which included Dean of the power and electric engineering faculty V.G. Kovalev, Associate Professor V.A. Tarasov, Associate Professor A.G. Kalinin and Post-graduate student V.V. Tarasova presented the report “Improvement of control algorithms in heat supply systems of buildings and constructions”. The listeners’ special attention was drawn to technical and software solutions implemented in ChuvSU and the results of the scientific research conducted by the speakers.

A special feature of the given conference was a new approach to analysing and understanding problems of utilities through the prism of fuel and energy problems. The issue of the need in saving energy resources and improving energy efficiency in crisis conditions is gaining greater relevance now.

An excursion to the demonstration and education innovative centre “Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency” was organized for the participants of the conference.


Young Scientists of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University Are Among Winners of the Competition of Russian Foundation for Basic Research


Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) declared the results of the competition of basic scientific research projects carried out by young scientists – Doctors or Candidates of Sciences in scientific organizations of the Russian Federation in 2016-2018. The following scientists of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University are among winners of the competition: Tatyana Georgievna Fyodorova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of construction structures; Sergey Vladimirovich Fedoseev, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Senior lecturer of the Department of organic and pharmaceutical chemistry; Sergey Vladimirovich Karpov, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of organic and pharmaceutical chemistry.

The project execution term is 3 years. The sum of the grant amounts to 1 700 000 rubles per year.


I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University Presentations Were Held at the Russian Centre for Science and Culture of Tskhinvali (South Ossetia)


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On December 1-3 O.E. Gavrilov, Head of the Department of environmental management and geo-ecology, Deputy Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, visited the Republic of South Ossetia. The Russian Centre for Science and Culture of Tskhinvali, the premises of the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in the Republic of South Ossetia, hosted the meeting with school leavers of the city. The aim of the visit was to strengthen relations of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University with the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in the Republic of South Ossetia and educational institutions of Tskhinvali for promotion of Russian higher education in the states the Russian Federation maintains friendly relations with.

The meeting was arranged at the initiative of the Department for international relations of ChuvSU and M.V. Stepanov, First Secretary of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of South Ossetia, Head of the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo and Head of the Russian Centre for Science and Culture of Tskhinvali.

O.E. Gavrilov told participants of the meeting about the activities of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, the admission rules for school leavers from Russia and foreign countries. The pupils saw presentations of the university. They also got reference and information materials, the university newspaper “Ulyanovets” and gifts with the university logos. M.V. Stepanov thanked the administration of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University for their active participation in promotion of international humanitarian cooperation.

There was also a working meeting with Interim Minister for Education and Science of the Republic of South Ossetia E.Kh. Gagloeva dedicated to the issues of occupational guidance for school leavers of South Ossetia. Elisa Gagloeva thanked the administration of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University for strengthening of business contacts with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic.

During the visit a cooperation agreement was signed with the South Ossetian State University named after A.A. Tibilov. According to Rector of the university V.B. Tedeev, cooperation with I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University provides good prospects for academic staff training and active professor and student academic exchange.

101215 1Какие кадры нужны республике, и с какими сложностями сталкиваются выпускники вузов при трудоустройстве.

Четверг, 10.12.15

Visit of Mexico Representatives


Visit of Mexico Representatives


091215 7

Students of the faculty of history and geography, I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, met representatives of Mexico who came to the university to study Russian. Their Spanish interpreter was Seranush Abramovna Grigoryan, a senior lecturer of the faculty of foreign languages. The students of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University arranged an excursion for the Mexican guests around the historical part of Cheboksary. According to Erick Andoni Solar Sanches and Veronika Vargas Magno, they liked the university and the capital of Chuvashia very much and, most importantly, they met new friends here.

chuvashia«Инвестиции нужно вкладывать в человека, молодого человека, в работу детских садов,  школ, вузов и особенно педагогов.

081215 7

17 декабря в 14.00 часов в спортивном комплексе Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова (ул. Университетская, д. 38) состоится XII районный конкурс...


На базе Чувашского госуниверситета имени И.Н. Ульянова функционирует «Центр планирования карьеры» – информационная и профориентационная площадка, предоставляющая возможность...


Issues of Legal Education Quality Improvement Were Discussed in Moscow


071215 5

On December 3 Vice-Rector for General Affairs of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, Doctor of Juridical Science S.V. Tasakov took part in the “Lawyer of the Year” award-giving ceremony, arranged by the Association of Lawyers in the Hall of Columns at the House of Unions  (Moscow). 

The “Lawyer of the Year” award, given by the Association of Lawyers of Russia, was established by the order of the President of Russia in October of 2009. The award-giving ceremony was attended by Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation S.E. Naryshkin, Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation V.D. Zorkin, Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation A.V. Konovalov and others.

During the ceremony of awarding famous lawyers in five categories, issues of legal education quality improvement were discussed, too. The speakers emphasized the need to foster respect for law from a young age. According to Chairman of the Association of Lawyers of Russia V.V. Blazheev, the Association stands for introduction of a new subject – law – at schools. Legal principles should be learnt at school, then it will be a habit to observe law and protect one’s rights using legal means in adulthood, as well.


Rector of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University Andrey Aleksandrov Speaks on the Tasks Set By the President of Russia in the Annual Presidential Address


Rector of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University Andrey Aleksandrov:

Special emphasis in President V. Putin's Address is given to issues of supporting talented children, creating conditions for their successful life start, choosing professions to their liking. The tasks set by the President of Russia directly concern high education establishments, too. In recent years we have been providing occupational guidance to schoolchildren. With this aim, the Centre for Occupational Guidance, the Centre for Talented Youth Guidance have been established in I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, the projects “Saturdays at the University”, “University for Children” are successfully implemented, discipline-related schools working during school holidays, clubs and “small faculties” have been organized at the university premises. It is gratifying to emphasize that the enrolment competition for all majors at I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University is at a high level and the number of state-subsidized study places has been increased during the recent years.

051215 2В Послании Президента России В. Путина особое внимание уделяется вопросам поддержки одаренных детей, созданию условий для успешного жизненного старта, выбора профессии по душе.

IMG 84965 декабря в Чувашском государственном университете имени И.Н. Ульянова проведен День открытых дверей. Во Дворце культуры ректор вуза А.Ю. Александров подробно рассказал будущим абитуриентам...

urispruden3 декабря юристы отметили свой профессиональный праздник. В России он появился всего 8 лет назад. В главном вузе республики наградили лучших специалистов этой сферы.

studentyЕжегодно в сентябре профком обучающихся университета собирает самых активных студентов 1 курса в «Школу актива» – на мероприятие, где учат быть лидером и работать в команде. В этом году она прошла на базе оздоровительного лагеря «Белые Камни».

konkursАндрей Николаев родился 12 апреля 1994 года в селе Шибылги Канашского района Чувашской Республики. В 2012 году окончил Шибылгинскую СОШ и поступил на машиностроительный факультет...

universkorpgПрактически на всех факультетах Чувашского госуниверситета имени И.Н. Ульянова действуют бесплатные кружки для школьников. По средам на факультете прикладной математики, физики и информационных технологий работает кружок «Юный физик».

universitetУниверситет сегодня – это: 17 факультетов, 55 программ бакалавриата, 25 программ специалитета, 30 программ магистратуры, более 15000 студентов, 116 докторов наук и 500 кандидатов наук...

medfakТатьяна Викторова в 2011 году с золотой медалью окончила Кугесьскую СОШ №1 и поступила на медицинский факультет Чувашского госуниверситета имени И.Н. Ульянова. Сейчас Таня учится на 5 курсе, получает профессию стоматолога.

stud 4Для того, чтобы ты имел возможность сосредоточиться на учебе, а не тратил время и энергию на решение бытовых проблем, в Чувашском государственном университете работает программа...

stud 5Чувашский госуниверситет дает возможность не только получить качественное образование, но и увидеть мир. Студенты ЧГУ делятся своими впечатлениями.

stud 2Министерство образования и молодежной политики Чувашской Республики, Чувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова приглашают школьников 10-11 классов, а также студентов учреждений среднего профессионального образования

abit 1Со 2 по 7 ноября в Чувашском госуниверситете имени И.Н. Ульянова прошли осенние школы по 14 направлениям, в которых обучались более 250 школьников 2-11 классов. Участники осенней школы поделились своими впечатлениями.

abitМожно ли при поступлении подать сертификат ЕГЭ с результатом прошлого года?

В соответствии с Федеральным законом от 29 декабря 2012 года № 273-ФЗ «Об образовании в Российской Федерации» 


A Student of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University Was Awarded a Grant of the International Scientific Foundation for Economic Research


The results of the competition for providing financial assistance with the aim of conducting relevant economic research and awarding the most interesting scientific papers submitted by students and post-graduate students of Russian higher education establishments were announced. The annual competition is arranged by Academician N.P. Fedorenko International Scientific Foundation for Economic Research. An incentive grant was provided to Tatyana Zakharova, a student of the economic faculty of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, for her paper “The mechanism of budget balance management in subjects of the Russian Federation” (scientific advisor Associate Professor O.G. Aleksandrova). The official award-giving ceremony will take place on December 10 in Moscow, at the conference of laureates and grant-holders of Academician N.P. Fedorenko International Scientific Foundation for Economic Research.

For information:

Academician N.P. Fedorenko International Scientific Foundation for Economic Research is a non-profit organization created under the economic department of the Russian Academy of Sciences at the initiative of one of the most prominent Russian economists Academician Nikolay Prokofyevich Fedoronko, as well as a group of scientists working at the institutes of the economic department of the Russian Academy of Sciences.  Since 1999 the Foundation has been annually arranging open competitions for providing financial assistance with the aim of conducting relevant economic research and awarding the most interesting scientific papers submitted by students and post-graduate students of Russian higher education establishments.

This year, 75 applicants from 35 Russian cities took part in the competition. All submitted applications underwent preliminary reviewing by scientific workers at institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and professors of higher education establishments.

021215 5

15 октября 2015 г. в ФБУ «Чувашский ЦСМ»прошла Олимпиада среди студентов учебных заведений Чувашской Республики, посвященная Всемирному Дню стандартов и 90-летию Росстандарта. В мероприятии приняли участие 140 студентов из 6 высших...

Вторник, 01.12.15

Industry-Oriented Science


Industry-Oriented Science


011215 1

Such was the unofficial motto of the Vth All-Russian research and practice conference with international participation “Relevant issues of chemical technology and environmental protection”, which took place at the premises of “Khimprom” Company, Novocheboksarsk.

The conference at PJSC “Khimprom” has been held for the fifth year in a row. This year, about 300 participants from more than 30 cities of Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine spoke on their scientific achievements. The Institute for Environmental Studies in Prague (Czech Republic) took part in the conference for the first time.

The other honorable guests of the conference were Minister of economic development and trade of Chuvashia Vladimir Avrelkin, Rector of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University Andrey Aleksandrov, Department Head at the Moscow State University of Technologies and Management named after K.G. Razumovskiy (Moscow) Yuri Blokhin.

On the whole, the conference discussed 5 directions: “Low-waste and waste-free technologies”, “Industrial ecology”, “Evaluation of environmental impact”, “Waste treatment”, “Chemical technology of organic and non-organic substances”.

Several employees of “Khimprom”, specialists of the highest level, research workers and candidates of sciences – starting from Cand. of Chemical Sciences Yuri Efimov, Technical Director of the enterprise, famous and respectable in scientific circles, to Denis Kizyaev, a young specialist and a first-timer at the conference, spoke at the event.

The conference was arranged for the first time at the initiative of “Khimprom” in 2011 within the International Year of Ecology declared by the UN. Traditionally, the co-organizers of the conference are I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University and Chuvash Regional Department of Mendeleev Russian Chemical Society.


I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University Was Visited by Guizhou Friendship Group (China)



On November 27 I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University was visited by a delegation from   Guizhou Province, Guizhou Friendship Group. It included Ms. CHEN Guode, Full time Vice President of Guizhou Provincial People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries; Mr. ZHANG Yuguang, Director of Sports Bureau of Guizhou Province; Mr. YANG Jian, Foreign Investment and Economic Cooperation Division of Commercial Department of Guizhou Province; Ms. WANG Rui, a translator, a member of Guizhou Provincial People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries; Mr. CAO Mingqiang, Vice General Manager, The Seventh Metallurgical Construction Group Co., Ltd.; Mr. LONG Jianbo, General Manager, International Branch Company of The Seventh Metallurgical Construction Group Co., Ltd.

The meeting with the administration, employees, academic staff and students of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University took place at the Academic Board assembly hall. Rector A.Yu. Aleksandrov told the guests about the key directions of the university's activities. He spoke of the university’s interest in wider cooperation with Chinese higher education institutions and the establishment of the Centre for China Studies at ChuvSU.

The members of the Chinese delegation expressed their willingness to actively interact with I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University in the field of language and culture study, academic exchange of professors and students at Chinese and Russian higher education institutions, joint scientific research, organization of conferences and introduction of innovative projects.

IMG 758026 ноября в Чувашском государственном университете имени И.Н. Ульянова  стартовал  новый образовательно-просветительский проект «Университет для детей».


All-Russian Informational and Tutorial Workshop


271115 7

The Volga State University of Technology hosted the All-Russian Informational and Tutorial Workshop “Organization of the educational process with the use of open online courses”. I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University was represented by N.A. Ivanova, the head of the Department of electronic learning and remote technologies, and N.V. Bondarenko, Associate Professor of the Department of economics and international relations.

The obvious advantages of online learning are individual educational routes and convenient study schedules that enable combining study and work, improving skills, etc.  This makes it possible to efficiently redistribute teachers' academic workload, while allocating additional time for research and projects.

Exchange of experience in organizing online learning became the main aim of the workshop, which gathered more than sixty representatives of higher education establishments of the country's regions at Volga Tech, including participants of the National platform of open education. The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia was represented by Deputy Director of the Department of state policy in the sphere of higher education I.E. Apykhtina.


Famous Economists from Czech Republic and Belarus Visited I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University


271115 6

This week the economic faculty of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University was visited by Professor of the Faculty of social sciences at Charles University in Prague Vadim Strielkovski and Head of the Department of theoretical and institutional economics of Belarusian State University, Professor P.S. Lemeshchenko. Rector of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University A.Yu. Aleksandrov met the famous economists on November 25. They discussed the issues of further development of the cluster of educational programmes “Economics and management”.


I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University Student Became a Winner of the All-Russian Competition of Youth Projects


Last week the results of Round II of the All-Russian competition of youth projects were announced. According to Rosmolodezh (Federal Agency for Youth Affairs), 4412 applications of individuals and more than 247 ones of legal entities were accepted for the competition.

Chuvashia submitted 23 projects. A grant to the amount of 100 thousand rubles was given to Dmitry Koshevarov, a Master's degree student at the I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University (the project “Donated blood saves lives”).

According to Sergey Pospelov, Head of Rosmolodezh, the main value of the winners' projects is making actual positive changes on the regional level. “The more effective and advantageous the project supported by us is for the region, the greater interest it arouses”, he emphasized.

Centre for youth initiatives


I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University Professor takes a scientist-training course at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Germany)


Professor of the Department of ophthalmology and otorhinolaryngology, the medical faculty of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, N.V. Korsakova is taking a scientist-training course within the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) program at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Mainz, Germany). Nadezhda Korsakova is investigating new methods of research work and taking part in experimental and scientific analytical work under the guidance of A. Gericke, MD, at the laboratory of experimental ophthalmology.


I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University students became winners and laureates at the Volga Region Folk Art Student Festival “National Treasure”


241115 3

On November 18–19 the Institute of philology and intercultural communication of Kazan Federal University hosted the Volga Region Folk Art Student Festival “National Treasure” and the festival for children and youth. The main aims of the annual festivals are strengthening of international, interregional relations and cooperation; preserving and developing of national cultures and languages; strengthening of tolerant interreligious and ethnic relations, friendship among peoples; establishing of contacts among on-stage performance groups of educational establishments. More than 350 students and leaders of on-stage performance groups of higher educational establishments, specialised secondary educational establishments and schools of the Volga Federal District participated in the festival.

I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University students successfully passed the try-out round and became prize-winners in four categories. The theatre group “Vutchul” (under the guidance of Associate Professor I.I. Ivanov) of the faculty of Russian and Chuvash philology and journalism won the first prize in the category “Theatre Art” for their play based on the poem “Narspi” by Konstantin Ivanov in different languages.

Vladislav Moskovtsev (under the guidance of Associate Professor I.I. Ivanov) took the second prize in the category “Art of Declamation” for the literature and music composition “Eternal Fire in My Memory” dedicated to 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Georgy Smirnov, student of the faculty of Russian and Chuvash philology and journalism, and Sergey Lisin, student of the faculty of physics and mathematics (under the guidance of V.V. Moskovtsev), became laureates in the category “Vocal-instrumental ensemble” and took the second prize.

The dance group (under the guidance of V.V. Moskovtsev) including students of faculties of foreign languages, Russian and Chuvash philology and journalism took the third prize in the category “Art of Choreography” for their performance of a Chuvash folk dance.

We congratulate the laureates of the festival and leaders of the student on-stage performance groups and wish them new success in their creative work!

Самыми распространенными экзаменами международного уровня являются IELTS, TOEFL, CAE, CPE.

211115 8

21 ноября состоялась очередная встреча со школьниками в рамках проекта «Университетские субботы». На этот раз более 100 ребят приобщились к Фестивалю актуального научного кино, который идет в вузах 63 городов России.

5 11111111118–19 ноября в Институте филологии и межкультурной коммуникации  Казанского федерального университета состоялся...

chuvashiaВ Чувашской Республике начались конкурсные испытания для специалистов, желающих обучаться по Президентской программе подготовки управленческих кадров.

med19 ноября в Чувашском государственном университете второй раз разыграли Кубок ректора. В борьбу за него вступили будущие абитуриенты из девяти школ республики. Что ожидало участников на очередном празднике спорта — в нашем следующем сюжете.  

univnovkorpВечерний семинарий – научно-публицистический  клуб, зародившийся  на историческом факультете  Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова  в начале 90-х годов прошлого века.  Научные, политические  проблемы  студенты обсуждают под руководством эксперта

IMG 706620 ноября в Чувашском государственном университете имени И.Н. Ульянова прошел День 1С:карьеры. В мероприятии приняли участие более ста студентов высших и средних учебных заведений Чувашии


International Students Examined Chuvash National Museum Displays


201115 5

On November 12 international students of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University and I.Ya. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University saw Chuvash national Museum displays. Researchers Elmira Vasilyeva and Ruslan Petrov organized an excursion around the museum rooms “Ancient inhabitants of the Chuvash land, according to archeological and paleontological data”, “History of Chuvash people and Chuvash land from the IX century to the beginning of the ХХ century”. The students examined the other rooms – “Chuvashia in the XX century and “Man and Nature” – on their own. The guests paid special attention to Chuvash national costumes and listened to Chuvash folk instruments.

The International Student’s Day at the museum has been arranged for the third time already. More than 300 international students have visited the museum within the framework of this programme.

stud 2С 10 по 11 ноября в Ижевском государственном техническом университете имени М.Т. Калашникова прошел третий (заключительный) этап Всероссийской студенческой олимпиады по теории механизмов и машин.

konferenzРоссийский научный фонд начинает прием заявок на конкурс по поддержке фундаментальных и поисковых исследований научных групп по следующим отраслям знания...

181115 4

С 23 по 27 ноября 2015 г. в Чувашской Республике состоится  Фестиваль экологического кино «Первозданная Россия».



Innovative projects of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University scientists were highly appraised by experts of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference


On November 6 I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University delegation headed by Vice-Rector for Research V.V. Afanasyev visited Vladimir Engineering Center of implementation of laser technologies in machine-building at Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs. During the visit the delegation studied the experience of organizing an engineering center at a higher educational establishment, possibilities of using high-tech equipment both in contract-based activities and in practical training of students and postgraduate students in the field of machine-building. They discussed prospects of cooperation between the educational establishments with Vice-Rector for Research and Innovations of Vladimir State University V.G. Prokoshev.

The university delegation also participated in the All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Innovative projects of cooperation of higher educational establishments and machine-building enterprises: practices of introducing laser technologies”, organized by the Department of strategy, analysis and forecast of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia together with Vladimir State University and administration of Vladimir Region. The conference moderator was Vice-Governor of Vladimir Region M.Yu. Kolkov. Chief managers and specialists of industrial enterprises, engineering centers of Vladimir Region and other regions of Russia made reports at the conference. They emphasized the importance of interaction between higher educational establishments and enterprises of the real sector of economy in modern economic conditions. V.A. Pastukhov, head of a department at JSC “Interdepartmental analytical center” spoke about opportunities of engineering centers of higher educational establishments and prospects of their interaction with industrial enterprises. Representatives of higher educational establishments and research institutes shared the experience of operating engineering centers in the field of machine-building.

A presentation of innovative projects of Russian higher educational establishments was organized in the Academic Board hall of Vladimir State University. Projects of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University scientists were highly appraised by the experts of the conference.

                                   R.I. ALEKSANDROV,

Head of the Innovation and Implementation Center of ChuvSU.

Вторник, 17.11.15

Dialogue with Rector


Dialogue with Rector


171115 2

On November 6 Rector of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University A.Yu. Aleksandrov met holders of the grants of the President and Government of the Russian Federation of 2015 within the framework of the project “Dialogue with Rector”. They had an exhaustive conversation on achievements and perspective directions of the university’s activities. Rector also answered numerous questions of the holders of the grants of the President and Government of the Russian Federation.


Representatives of The University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway Visited I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University


Within the framework of implementation of the cooperation agreement between I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University and the University of Tromsø – the Arctic University of Norway, representatives of UiT The Arctic University of Norway: Tore Sørlie, MD, Professor of the Department of Clinical Medicine, Leader of the Psychiatry Research Group, and Grigory Rezvy, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Medicine, visited Cheboksary on November 4-7. The visit included meetings with professors and students of Chuvash State University, as well as specialists of practical health care of Chuvash medical institutions.

On November 5 I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University organized a round-table discussion with participation of Professor Tore Sørlie and Associate Professor Grigory Rezvy. Heads of Departments of Chuvash State University, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education, chief specialists of the Ministry of Health of Chuvashia, directors and leading specialists of medical organizations of the Republic took part in discussing topical issues in the sphere of mental health care. They spoke on practical issues of improving public mental health care in the Republic of Chuvashia, the related experience of Norway and opportunities of cooperation with foreign colleagues.

The delegation of UiT The Arctic University of Norway also visited a number of university clinical sites, talked to directors and specialists of medical organizations and professors of university departments. After being introduced into the work experience of the Republican Emergency Care Hospital, Republican Psychiatric Hospital and Republican Drug Rehabilitation Centre, the foreign specialists spoke on the significant contribution to public health care of these organizations, high effectiveness of the existing system of interaction between different departments and demonstrated their interest in development of mutually beneficial cooperation in practical, educational and research spheres.

On November 6 Professor Tore Sørlie delivered a lecture on psychic and somatic health and corresponding modern prospects for psychology students and professors at the premises of the faculty of management and social technologies of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University. The lecture included a presentation based on the results of the latest research in the psychology field as well as examples from the professor’s clinical practice. At the end of the lecture Professor Tore Sørlie answered the students and professors’ questions that dealt with the lecture itself and modern life in Norway.

Professor Tore Sørlie and Associate Professor Grigory Rezvy also took part in a meeting of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal “Psychiatry and Psychology Journal of Chuvashia”. They discussed issues of the editorial policy of the journal, the work experience of the edition in 2015, prospects of its development on the Russian and international levels. They reviewed the materials submitted for publication in the journal and determined directions of the short-term and long-term development of the journal.

The programme of the official visit of UiT The Arctic University of Norway representatives, which ended on November 7, was varied. At the end of the visit Professor Tore Sørlie and Associate Professor Grigory Rezvy shared their impressions about the meetings they had had and plans of cooperation with mass media representatives. The Norwegian partners of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University expressed their confidence in further development of mutually beneficial cooperation in educational and scientific spheres.

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