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 Книжные новинки | Чувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова

Чувашский государственный университет

имени И.Н. Ульянова

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Книжные новинки

140220 315 февраля 2020 года исполняется 90 лет Анатолию Семеновичу Маркову, видному ученому-педагогу, профессору, крупному организатору образования и науки высшей школы республики, общественному деятелю, заслуженному учителю Чувашской АССР...

130220 51Студенты и преподаватели одного из вузов будут разделять мусор, не отрываясь от учебного процесса. В Чувашском государственном университете появились ящики для сбора вторсырья.

130220 42Приходи, чтобы ознакомиться с тематикой задач по физике и математике, прочувствовать глубокую связь между этими предметами, решить вместе с преподавателями несколько олимпиадных задач по электротехнике...

130220 99В зале заседаний Ученого совета университета состоялась встреча ректора А.Ю. Александрова  с иностранными обучающимися. Руководитель вуза рассказал об условиях, создаваемых в университете для  личностного и профессионального развития иностранцев...

130220 784Открытие программы – 21 февраля. Начало занятий – 28 февраля, далее: по вторникам и пятницам в 18 часов. По окончании выдается свидетельство, дающее право работать вожатым...

130220 78815 февраля 2020 года исполняется 90 лет со дня рождения и 65 лет научно-педагогической деятельности заместителя председателя Совета ветеранов войны и труда, Вооруженных сил и правоохранительных органов Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова...

130220 56Слушатели однодневного интенсивного образовательного курса «IV Летняя макроэкономическая школа» смогут получить знания по современной макроэкономической теории и ее применению в России...

IMG 537612 февраля в рамках проекта «Инженерные классы» на факультете радиоэлектроники и автоматики начались занятия по модулю «Основы электроники» для учеников 10 класса СОШ №57 г. Чебоксары. Знакомить рябят с особенностями профессии инженера-электронщика...

130220 66Уважаемые выпускники, родители, педагоги! Приглашаем вас на День открытых дверей Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова! 29 февраля 2020 года в 11:30. Дворец культуры ЧувГУ.

A Student of the Chuvash State University Svetlana Sokolova Is the Winner of the World Championship in Winter Triathlon

Wednesday, 12.02.20

An excellent performance of the Russian national team at the world winter triathlon championship and World Championship in Italy, proving that our team is the strongest in the winter triathlon discipline (winter triathlon includes: 7.2 km running, 12 km mountain bike, 10.4 km ski race).

On February 8-9, representatives from 17 countries competed in the race. The Russian national team was represented by a team of 40 people. Svetlana Sokolova, a student of management and social technologies faculty at the Chuvash State University, won the world championship in the group of youth under 23. Congratulations to Svetlana on a wonderful performance and we wish her further victories!



The Chuvash State University is implementing the ecoproject on separate collecting recyclable materials "#Separate»

Tuesday, 11.02.20

On February 12, within the framework of the Federal project "Dialogue on equal terms", the eco-project of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University on separate collection of recyclable materials "#Separate" is launched.  

The program of the project "#Separate" is a set of environmental measures aimed at promoting the system of separate collecting recyclables among ChuvSU students and employees. The program consists of two blocks: ecological education and formation of ecological habits.

The project foresees installation of containers for separate collecting  recyclable materials (paper and PET bottles) on the territory of the University buildings, where more than 18 thousand young people study, about 2 thousand employees and teachers work. The partner will be the regional branch of the All-Russian public organization for the protection and protection of natural resources "Russian Ecological Society" in the Chuvash Republic.

Practical activities on separate waste collection and its sorting (waste paper, PET bottles, lids, batteries and office equipment, clothing) will help the project participants to improve their environmental awareness. For this purpose, environmental actions "#Separate", master classes of ecologists and eco-volunteers on waste reuse will be held.

At 13: 30, the start of the Ecoproject for separate collecting recyclable materials "#Divide" is given. Cheboksary, Universitetskaya St., 38, academic building 2, lobby of the 2nd floor).

At 14 o'clock there will be a meeting with the Chairman of Chuvashia Higher Educational Institution Rectors' Council, the rector of Chuvash State University A. Yu. Aleksandrov and the Chairman of the Association of recyclables processors "Ecotechnopark of Chuvashia" S. N. Lebedev (Coworking of the House of scientific collaboration named after S. A. Abrukov, Cheboksary, Universitetskaya St., 38, academic building 2, room II-02)

Понедельник, 10.02.20

Active Life Position of the Veterans' Council

Active Life Position of the Veterans' Council

Monday, 10.02.20

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An extended meeting of the Council of the University veterans of war, labor, armed forces and law enforcement agencies with the participation of the chairmen of the faculty veterans' organizations was held in the conference hall of ChuvSU building "G".

The head of extracurricular work and safety department O. N. Viktorov addressed to the participants. He spoke about the month of defense mass and sports work, which takes place at the University from February, 10 to March, 10, and also reminded about the upcoming holiday – the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic war.

The Chairman of the Veterans' Council I. V. L'vov informed the audience about the work completed in recent years, the events planned for the month and about participation of veterans in celebrating the anniversary of the Victory.

Speakers at the meeting V. A. Shchedrin, F. A. Karyagin, A. F. Remizov noted the importance of strengthening the work on patriotic education of the young generation. Speaking to students, especially first-year students, University veterans should form a conscious attitude to the history of the Fatherland, respect for its past, present and future on the basis of historical knowledge, values and the role of Russia in the world community. Such meetings do not pass without leaving a trace, they develop the sense of patriotism among young people, form the personality of a citizen who is able to rally to defend the interests of the country and after graduation, successfully perform civil duties in peace and war, the participants noted.

120220 7812 февраля в Доме научной коллаборации Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова состоялась встреча обучающихся с председателем правления Чувашского регионального отделения Российского экологического общества А.Ю. Воробьевым.

120220Студенческий хор Чувашского госуниверситета объявляет кастинг 2020 года в состав творческого коллектива.
Прослушивания состоятся 13 и 18 февраля в 17 часов по адресу: г. Чебоксары, Университетская, д. 38, учебный корпус №3, аудитория 109 (здание Научной библиотеки).

1 6787867867С 8 по 9 февраля в Физкультурно-оздоровительном комплексе "Спартак" г. Чебоксары прошел V Кубок Поволжья Amateur League.

9w0th9oW3V4В рамках реализации проекта «Киберспорт – не игрушки» (поддержан Фондом Президентских грантов)  с 23 января по 7 февраля Киберклуб ЧувГУ организовал профориентационные встречи  в школах №№50, 64, 48, 27, 31,  лицее №2  г. Чебоксары и гимназии №6 г. Новочебоксарск.

56ulWfyy3EoС 7 по 9 февраля прошел завершающий в этом году выезд Отряда снежного десанта «Лайка», на этот раз в Яльчикский район Чувашской Республики. Бойцы студенческого отряда...

100220 7В конференц-зале корпуса «Г» ЧувГУ состоялось расширенное заседание Совета ветеранов  войны, труда, Вооруженных сил и правоохранительных органов университета с участием председателей факультетских ветеранских организаций.

100220 6Сформированы полуфинальные пары суперлиги Ассоциации студенческого баскетбола России.  Матчи полуфинала 1 состоятся 13-15 февраля в Учебно-спортивном комплексе...

100220 315 февраля 2020 года ФГБОУ ВО «Чувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова» приглашает учащихся 9-11 классов на «Университетскую субботу», посвященную разбору заданий олимпиады...

100220 2Стипендии российским кандидатам на обучение в высших учебных заведениях Норвегии. Гранты предоставляются для обучения в следующих норвежских высших учебных заведениях: Университет Осло Метрополитен, UiT - Арктический университет Норвегии, Университет Бергена...

stud 4Историко-географический факультет ЧГУ им. И.Н. Ульянова приглашает принять участие в олимпиаде школьников и студентов ссузов «ИСТОРИЯ РОССИИ»«ИСТОРИЯ ЧУВАШИИ». Олимпиада проводятся с 12 февраля с 8:00 ч. по 25 февраля 2020 г. до 22:00 ч.

100220 48 февраля около 100 старшеклассников чебоксарских школ пришли на открытую лекцию кандидата исторических наук, доцента С.Н. Кодыбайкина. Лекция была посвящена одному из крупнейших сражений Великой Отечественной войны – Сталинградской битве.

1 56756767На площадке экономического факультета для одиннадцатиклассников приготовили ряд активностей. Студенты Сергей Бузилов и Надежда Мартьянова под руководством доцента С.В. Петровой...

20200206 101628Очередная профориентационная неделя представителей Чувашского госуниверситета  завершилась поездками в города Ядрин, Канаш и в Канашский район. 

"ChSU Representative Team" entered the TV Premier League of the International KVN Union

Thursday, 06.02.20

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"ChSU Representative Team" received an invitation to the TV Premier League of the International Union of the Club of the Funny and Inventive. In March, it will perform in Moscow on the scene of the youth center "KVN Planet". To get there, students and graduates of the Chuvash University performed in the International festival "KiViN-2020" in Sochi.

The University team successfully completed the tasks of two rounds. The jury members rated their humor and acting skills with high scores, and the audience - by approving applause. As a result, young people from Cheboksary will go to Moscow in March for the 1/8 final of the Premier League, which will be shown by Channel One.

As the team captain Nikolai Filippov said, "ChSU Representative Team"  had already tried to get into the Premier League last year, but at that time they did not have enough experience. And this year, after receiving an increased rating at the Sochi festival, the team was invited to participate in the Central League of Moscow and the Moscow region. This performance was a real test of strength for the team. There were 4 contests per game, and they were to be prepared during a month. Moreover, the day before the performance, the editors could send comments, and then it was necessary to rewrite the entire material in the shortest possible time. Because of this, there were two hours of sleep a day, as on stage it was necessary to show the maximum and to look cheerful. Despite a high competition, the University team managed to reach the final and take the bronze.


After that, the "ChSU Representative Team" was not afraid to compete with 500 teams from all over Russia in Sochi. Every day the jury members, including the editors of Channel One KVN, considered 100 teams. The first round lasted five days. Each team had a time limit of no more than 4.30 minutes per performance.

The core team of "ChuvSU Representative Team" is made of 9 people, 3 of them are girls. "Our conferencier is Julia Vasilyeva. Before the miniature, she "throws" a joke that begins with the phrase " I believe...". We not only humor on stage, but dance between miniatures as well. Our greeting only after 5-6 years became a complete one, that is, now it is worked out to the last detail.  What is the meaning of KVN? Each team should have its own style. Here it is the same as in trade: if customers like your product, they consume it. In general, KVN is similar to mathematics, since many performances are built according to formulas, and if the formula converges, then success comes – says the team captain. – In life, I often joke, but to make fun of people, you need to know them well. My favorite contest is the greeting. The victory in KVN depends on the team's mood and the fortune. I don't consider myself a good KVN-man, for it becoming it it is necessary to live, gain experience, immediately no one can do it."

Most of the members of the team "ChuvSU Representative Team" are students of technical faculties: Nikolay Filippov and Dmitry Zagranichny are 1st year students  of magistracy at faculty of Informatics and computing, Ilya Kalyamin is a student of power and electrical engineering faculty, Julia Vasilyeva is a student of civil engineering faculty, Alexey Tabakov is a student of electric power faculty, Maria Egorova, Anna Peganova are ChuvSU graduates, Alexandra Golubev is an invited participant, Alexander Evteev is a 2nd year student ofICT faculty, Igor Smirnov is a 2nd year student of radioelectronics faculty.

As the captain Nikolay Philippov says , to be a good KVN-man, you have to be very patient: "Outside, KVN is a fun game, but inside, it's hard. Nerves must be steady, you need to feel it, understand it, explain ­it on your fingers, and this is very difficult. The higher you go, the harder it is."

"ChuvSU Representative Team" became the third from our Republic to perform in the humorous TV game. Previously, it was attended by "Dorm" and the team of Cheboksary "The Chuvash-ChSU". By the way, the 20th season of KVN in Chuvashia will start in 2020. The anniversary gala concert will be held on February 23, and on February 7, the jury the contest performances will be presented to the jury. According to Nikolai Filippov, "first you need to check the material", so his team will take part in the capital league, so that on March 21-23, when the team "ChSU Representative Team" will perform in the 1/8 TV Premier League of KVN, to present the best program.

A Round Table and Exhibitions Dedicated to the Russian Science Day

Friday, 07.02.20

On February 7, the Chuvash State University holds a round table with the participation of the regional scientific community and representatives of the Ministry of education and youth policy of the Chuvash Republic. During the event, mechanisms for improving and stimulating research activities at universities will be discussed. It is foreseen to present the new issue (#6) of the popular science magazine "Chuvashia: territory of innovations", published at I. N. Ulianov ChuvSU. Young scientists of I. N. Ulianov ChuvSU, Cheboksary State Pedagogical University named after I. Ya. Yakovlev and the Chuvash State Agricultural Academy will present their scientific developments. The winners and prize – holders of the VIII Republican contest "Best young scientist of the Chuvash Republic" and the Republican contest "Graduate Student of the year-2019" will be awarded. An interactive discussion of the most relevant issues of scientific activity will be held with all participants of the event.

The round table will be attended by the rector of I. N. Ulianov ChuvSU Aleksandrov A. Yu., acting Minister of education and youth policy of the Chuvash Republic Kudryashov S. V., deputy heads for scientific work of higher educational institutions of the Chuvash Republic, scientists of I. N. Ulianov ChuvSU, Cheboksary State Pedagogical University named after I. Ya. Yakovlev and the Chuvash State Agricultural Academy, participants of the VIII Republican contest "Best Young Scientist of the Chuvash Republic" and the Republican contest "Graduate Student of the year – 2019", the scientific community of the region.

Exhibitions will be organized: scientific achievements of I. N. Ulianov ChuvSU scientists, scientific and educational publications of I. N. Ulianov ChuvSU teachers, results of the work of the scientific laboratory named after I. N. Ulyanov - I. Ya. Yakovlev (materials about the activities of educators).

Date: February 7, 2020

Time: 10:00 —12:00

Address: Russia, Chuvashia, Cheboksary, Moskovsky prospect, 29, building E, Boiling Point of I. N. Ulianov ChuvSU.

070220 6768 февраля отмечается День Российской науки. Профессиональный праздник тех, кто своим талантом и трудом стал залогом развития...

070220 67Через 10 лет в мире появятся сотни новых профессий.  От VR-архитекторов до ИТ-евангелистов. Как принять решение? Кто поможет определиться?  Как увидеть и "пощупать" то, чего пока даже не изобрели?

060220 557 февраля в Чувашском госуниверситете проводится круглый стол с участием научной общественности региона и представителями министерства образования и молодёжной политики Чувашской Республики.


Cooperation of ChuvSU Students-Journalists with Press Services of Law Enforcement Agencies

Monday, 03.02.20

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Press-service employees of Federal National Guard Troops Service and Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service  held a round-table with students of the journalism department at the faculty of Russian and Chuvash Philology and journalism of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University.

The event was attended by a representative of the press service of the Volga Federal district Federal National Guard Troops Service, colonel Dmitry Skvortsov, the head of the press service of Federal National Guard Troops Service office in the Chuvash Republic, senior police lieutenant, Denis Nikonov, the head of the press-service at the Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service, major of internal service Anna Ivanova, the head of ChuvSU journalism department, Anatoly Danilov, the Chairman of the Chuvash Republic Journalists Union, Valery Komissarov.

Students were told about the activities of law enforcement agencies, demonstrated presentations and thematic videos. The head of the press service of Federal National Guard Troops Service office in the Chuvash Republic, senior police lieutenant, Denis Nikonov spoke to future journalists and told them about the work of the press services in law enforcement agencies in general, their interaction with the journalistic community and the specifics of functioning for the press service of the territorial body of Federal National Guard Troops Service office .

The head of the press service at the Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service, major Anna Ivanova, told the students about the history of the Federal Penitentiary Service, and about the distinctive features in functioning of its press service.

After the theoretical part of the event, students were invited to participate in a creative competition, the conditions of which were to prepare information material on the proposed topic.

The head of journalism department A. P. Danilov thanked the staff of territorial National Guard Troops Service office and Federal Penitentiary Service for fruitful cooperation and noted that Denis Nikonov and Anna Ivanova successfully combine the work at the press services of law enforcement officials with studies at ChuvSU journalism faculty. Many students pass training in the press services of law enforcement agencies.

The Fifth Tournament in the Sports Version of " What? Where? When?»

Monday, 03.02.20


The center for working with gifted youth of the Chuvash State University together with the Center for youth initiatives continues the season of intellectual games in 2019-2020 academic year for students.

The fifth game of the series of tournaments, held under the auspices of the "League of Cities" once a month, took place in the midst of examination session, on January, 27. The organizers and presenters of the game were teachers of the Chuvash State University - associate professor of higher mathematics and theoretical mechanics department named after S. F. Saykin Svetlana Yardukhina and associate professor iof philosophy, sociology and pedagogy department, Oleg Efremov.

The tournament was attended by 18 student teams representing 9 educational institutions of the Chuvash Republic. In addition to the Chuvash State University, whose students organized 2 teams and one representative team, the teams presented:

- Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after I. Ya. Yakovlev;

- Cheboksary Cooperative Institute;

- Cheboksary Institute (branch) of MPU;

- Cheboksary branch of RANEPA;

- Cheboksary Professional College named after N. V. Nikolsky;

- Cheboksary College of Economics and Technology;

- Cheboksary Technical School of Food Technology and Commerce.

According to the results of three rounds, each of which the teams were asked 12 questions, the places were distributed as follows:

The 1st place with 26 correct answers - the team "Banjo" (representative team of ChuvSU-ChSPU);

2nd place with 21 responses – "Cassirozhky" (Chuvash State Pedagogical University);

3rd place with 18 answers – "Humanitarii" (ChuvSU).

The results of the other teams participating in the tournament after publishing the final results will be available on the website of sports ChGK rating: http://rating.chgk.info/tournament/5706/

Congratulations to the winners and runners-up and we are waiting for everyone at the next tournament on the sports version of the game " What? Where? When?", which will take place in February.


The Chuvash State University Hosted a Festival of Professions of the Future

Monday, 03.02.20

According to the data of the Chuvash State University, engineers and IT specialists are most in demand in the region. But this is now. What will happen in five years? The answer to this question was sought at the Festival of professions of the future.

A biopharmacologist, a designer of "smart materials", an architect of living systems, a digital linguist, a cyber investigator, a designer of neurointerfaces - according to the forecast of the creators of the "Atlas of new professions" at the Agency for strategic initiatives, 186 new professions will appear by 2030. 

Virtual reality, artificial intelligence, the Internet of things - all that is now available seemed to be impossible 10 years ago. It's the same with professions. Very soon, the economy will need specialists that no one has ever heard of before, said correspondent Valentina Alekseeva.

That is why the University decided to hold a Festival of professions of the future. And they invited not only students and experts in this issue, but high school students as well, those who are to choose new directions, as well as their potential employers.  

If we have a view from the future, understanding of what employers expect from us in 5-10 years, I think it will be much easier and more effective for us to rebuild the educational process in order to produce specialists, to design, I would say, a specialist of the future, - said the rector of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University, Andrey Aleksandrov.

The rector stressed: such meetings help to open profiles within the existing directions in time. After all, if earlier universities competed with each other for the popularity of professorial staff, now it is not only the quality of teaching that matters.

And now we see that knowledge is actually available to everyone. And this is one of the key challenges facing the education system - it is to learn how to create, learn how to grow an ecosystem, learn how to create an environment in which ,it will be interesting for  schoolchildren ot students, it is not important, in fact, to study, - the head of the project "Atlas of New Professions" Dmitry Sudakov said.

ChuvSU "Boiling Point" is just the platform for experiments, for free expressing thoughts. This time, the teachers changed places with the students. The rector of the University and the invited guests answered questions about the development of professions by taking exam tickets. And schoolchildren and students online via smartphones noted whether they agreed with the opinion of the expert speaker. 

040219 55Чăваш патшалăх университечĕн кулăш ăстисем Сочи хулинчен пысăк çитĕнÿпе таврăнчĕç.  Вĕсем пĕтĕм тĕнче шайĕнче иртнĕ  «КиВиН» фестивальте палăрса пĕрремĕш каналăн Премьер-лигине хутшăнма тивĕçнĕ. Кулăш ăстисемпе пирĕн пултарулăх ушкăнĕ те тĕл пулчĕ.

students 1Согласно данным Чувашского госуниверситета, в регионе наиболее востребованы инженеры и специалисты IT-сферы. Но это сейчас. А что будет через пять лет?

Суббота, 01.02.20

КВН «Сборная ЧГУ»

010220 5В Сочи завершился Международный фестиваль  «КиВиН-2020». Команда из Чувашии "Сборная ЧГУ"  прошла в телевизионную Премьер-лигу на Первый канал. Эмоциями и впечатлениями участники поделились с нашей съемочной группой.


The Chuvash State University Honored Participants of the Olympiad "Developers of the Future»

Thursday, 30.01.20


Yesterday, the assembly hall of the Academic Council of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University hosted a ceremony of awarding the winners, prize-holders and participants of the schoolchildren's Olympiad "Developers of the future».

Schoolchildren, college students and their mentors were welcomed by ChuvSU rector, A. Yu. Aleksandrov, partners of ChuvSU construction engineering faculty - leading construction and design organizations of the construction complex of the Chuvash Republic: Deputy General Director of JSC "TUS" Yu. P. Semenov, General Director of JSC "ISKO-CH" A.V. Geroev, General Director of JSC "Chuvash Civil Engineering Project" E. Z. Arsentyev, Deputy Director of "Stroytrest №3" JSC V. G. Izhendeev, Deputy Director for production of "SMU-115" LLC O. V. Vasiliev, acting Director of LLC "Udacha" K. I. Ovchinnikov; acting Director of Cheboksary technical school of construction engineering and urban economy M. N. Tyurina, the dean of the construction engineering faculty A. N. Plotnikov, the head of architecture and environmental design department L. A. Sakmarova.

The Olympiad was held for the third time at the Chuvash State University. More than 200 schoolchildren of grades 9-11, graduate students of colleges and technical schools of Chuvashia took part in the extramural tour, and more than 60 students took part in the intramural tour.

Tasks in three general education subjects were offered to the participants of the final: physics, chemistry, technical drawing. To cope with them, the contenders had to demonstrate not only brilliant knowledge of the subjects, but the ability to find non-standard solutions as well.

All winners, prize-holders, participants of the second round of the Olympiad were awarded with diplomas and certificates of participants and received valuable gifts from ChuvSU rector's office and partner organizations of the construction engineering faculty.

The Olympiad has been held since 2017 (it is included in the list of Olympiads held by I. N. Ulianov ChuvSU). The goals of the Olympiad are to develop students' creative abilities and interest to scientific and technical creativity, to identify, support and attract the most capable and gifted children, to popularize scientific knowledge among young people in the field of construction, as well as to improve the image of I. N. Ulianov ChuvSU, to popularize and attract the construction engineering faculty for applicants.

The Olympiad was held in two rounds:

- extramural tour - from October 1 to December 7, 2019;

- intramural tour – on the 8th of December at I. N. ULianov ChuvSU construction engineering faculty.

The Olympiad is held for the second time, bringing together more than 200 participants in the extramural round, and more than 60 students in the  intramural round. Students from educational institutions of the Chuvash Republic who scored more than 50 points in the extramural round of the Olympiad were recommended to participate in the intramural round of the Olympiad.

The ways of Developing New Competencies for the Digital Reality Were Studied

Monday, 27.01.20

On January 26, I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University hosted the All-Russian scientific and practical conference "New Digital Reality Competencies and Ways to Develop them in Students".The organizers were ChuvSU, LLC "NPP "Automatika" (ChuvSU Center for youth innovative creativity), Academy of computer graphics, Public Fund for the development of scientific and technical creativity " Kulibin. Club». Participants of the conference were employees of organizations of all forms of education, as well as representatives of IT- companies and NGOs, students and postgraduates.

A welcoming speech to the participants of the conference was adddressed by D. A. Troeshestova - the head of ChuvSU center for work with gifted youth, A. K. Yardukhin - the head of ChuvSU laboratory of theory and technology of teaching mathematics, physics and computer science, and T.  N. Kopysheva - the head of the direction "Programming and 3D modeling" at the Academy of computer graphics.

Participants of the conference visited  interactive platforms "Robotics" and "Augmented and Virtual Reality", organized by the faculty of engineering and the faculty of computer science and technology.

Of particular interest were master classes "Algorithms Theory in Robotics and Olympiad Problems", "Programming", and "Young Einsteins: entertaining physical experiments for elementary school students", "Electrical Engineering: experience of working with schoolchildren of the 5th-6th grades", which was conducted by teachers of ChuvSU Junior Physics and Maths Department.

The conference ended with a round table "Exchange of practices for the development of digital skills in educational organizations", where the dean of the faculty of Informatics and computer engineering A.V.  Tchptsova shared the experience of working with students.

Вторник, 28.01.20

Open Dialogue


Open Dialogue

Tuesday, 28.01.20

In the framework of the project "Open Chuvashia", students and teachers of the historical, geographical and law faculties of our University met with the Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Federal Assembly, A. I.  Arshinova in the house of scientific collaboration.. They discussed topical issues of socio-economic development and the tasks set by the President of the country in his Address to the Federal Assembly. Students actively asked the deputy questions about the President's Message, digitalization of education, indexing scholarships and received a detailed answer to each of them.

The meeting was moderated by the Deputy of the State Council of the Chuvash Republic, rector of the Chuvash State University A. Yu. Aleksandrov.

A. I. Arshinova, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation:

"Students will have the opportunity to choose a new direction or program of training after the second year of study. But for this initiative to be successful it is necessary to eliminate gender inequality: according to the current version of the law on military duty, male University students lose their army respite – it is given only once at each stage of training . We need to work with the Ministry of education and science to prepare a comprehensive solution to this problem".

Понедельник, 27.01.20

Let's Bow to Those Great Years...


Let's Bow to Those Great Years...

MONDAY, 27.01.20

On the Day of Russia's military glory – the Day of the complete lifting of Leningrad's blockade, a large delegation consisting of students and employees of the  Chuvash State University, headed by the Deputy of the State Council of the Chuvash Republic, ChuvSU rector A. Yu. Alexandrov took part in laying the wreaths at the Eternal flame in the Victory Memorial complex in Cheboksary. In his speech to the townspeople Andrey Yuryevich noted that the siege of Leningrad lasted 900 days. During this time, according to various sources, from 300 thousand to 1.5 million people deceased. The victories achieved in Moscow, Stalingrad, and Kursk battles were made possible largely due to steadfastness of the Leningraders. The defense of Leningrad was one of the key factors that ensured a complete victory over Germany.

Laying wreaths to the Eternal flame was one of the many events in the capital of Chuvashia dedicated to the Year of Memory and Glory, declared by President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in order to preserve historical memory and to mark the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic war of 1941-1945.


Double victory of the Chuvash State University students Prusakova Lana and Dmitry Mulendeev

Friday, 24.01.20

240120 55

Students of the Chuvash state University, members of the Russian freestyle team, masters of sports of the country Lana Prusakova and Dmitry Mulendeev won the second consecutive victory at the first stage of the Russian Cup, which ended yesterday in Miass, Chelyabinsk region in the ski complex "Sunny valley".

On the final day of the competition, the trainees of the honored coach of Chuvashia Nikita Vasiliev showed the best results among men and women in one of the most difficult freestyle disciplines – big air. Earlier, our athletes had no equals in the discipline of slope-style.

Пятница, 24.01.20

By the Program of Academic Mobility

By the Program of Academic Mobility

Friday, 24.01.20

Anastasia Borisova, a 3rd-year student of ChuvSU foreign languages faculty, passed training in the first semester of the 2019-2020 academic year at Henan University (China) as part of the academic mobility program  

. Anastasia says: "I wanted to visit China for a long time, I am attracted to this country, I like the language and culture, I am interested in learning something new, discovering new opportunities, and traveling. Documents for the six-month program were not difficult to collect, of course, I had to run a little, but it was worth it. 

I studied at the Chinese language courses, training was conducted in the Chinese language, which was a big plus for me. Speaking of training, I really enjoyed studying! There were not many classes a day, and there was enough time to walk around the city. At the end of the semester, I successfully passed the exams and received a certificate of education. My level of the Chinese language mastering has increased significantly. If at first I was shy to talk to people because of lack of confidence in my knowledge, then I was more or less free to communicate with the Chinese on simple topics. Of course, I still have something to strive for, but I am very happy about this progress in learning the language. 
In China, I mostly liked everything too. At first, of course, it was terribly unusual, since everything is different there: the air, the climate, food, even residents. People, by the way, were very kind and often helped. Over time, I got used to the traditional food, and I really got to like spicy food.

China is a developed country, where everything exists for the convenience its residents. I got so much used to it that when I arrived in Russia, I was surprised at first, how we could live without this or that service, thing. These last few months have been full of adventures for me, and I don't regret taking the risk and going. Thanks to this unforgettable experience, I fell in love with my life in China and am already starting to miss it. I hope I will return there in the future!».  


The Chuvash State University Widely Celebrated the Russian Students' Day

Friday, 24.01.20

240120 888

On January, 24 in honor of the Russian Students' Day competitions in mini-football among men's teams of student associations (qualifying stage ASSK Russia), a volleyball tournament for mixed teams of student associations, a friendly match in volleyball between the team of teachers and the team of University student associations (mixed teams), fun starts among the faculties were held in ChuvSU educational-sports complex. The cultural program featured the University's student choir, activists of the Palace of culture, the cheerleading team, the support group of the faculty of Economics, the student of Russian and Chuvash Philology and Journalism the faculty Gurgen Vartanyan, and presenters Roman Kurakin and Daria Mikhailova.

In the solemn part of the event, students and teachers were warmly congratulated on the Student's Day by the rector of the University A. Yu. Aleksandroc, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Federal Assembly L. I. Cherkesov, the Chairman of ChuvSU Board of Trustees, General Director of JSC "Vurnary plant of mixed preparations" V. Sveshnikov. They also awarded distinguished athletes and awarded certificates for granting scholarships of the University's Board of Trustees. Students had the opportunity to enjoy a honey drink, which, according to students, has a warming and anti-inflammatory effect. Such a treat has become a good tradition at the University.

They also congratulated the University's mascot, the owlet Ulyan on his third birthday: he is a symbol of wisdom, learning, and boundless outlook.

At the end of the holiday, the guests of honor had an informal conversation with students, taking photos and selfies.

Another gift for University students this evening is mass skating at the Ice Palace "Cheboksary-Arena"  as part of the project "Be on the move".

Пятница, 31.01.20


abit 1ФГБОУ ВО «Чувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова» 29 февраля, 1 и 7 марта 2020 года проводит РЕПЕТИЦИОННЫЕ ЭКЗАМЕНЫ НА БЕСПЛАТНОЙ ОСНОВЕ в форме единых государственных экзаменов (ЕГЭ)...

310120Работы, предоставляемые на соискание Премий по итогам 2019 года, принимаются Комиссией при Главе Чувашской Республики по Государственным молодежным премиям Чувашской Республики...

300120 429 января в МБОУ «Батыревская СОШ №1» состоялась встреча будущих выпускников с представителями ЧГУ им. И.Н. Ульянова. Ответственный секретарь приемной комиссии Чувашского госуниверситета Н.А. Петров, используя электронную презентацию...

Вторник, 28.01.20

Открытый диалог

280120 88В рамках проекта «Открытая Чувашия» студенты и преподаватели историко-географического и юридического факультетов нашего университета в Доме научной коллаборации  встретились с депутатом Государственной Думы Федерального Собрания...

280120 11Всероссийский конкурс сочинений «Герои нашего времени» (далее – Конкурс) является социально значимым проектом, посвященным 75-летию со дня Победы в Великой Отечественной Войне 1941-1945 гг. (далее – ВОВ).

4ogw7aH3br0С 24 по 26 января в Урмарском районе прошел третий выезд  отряда снежного десанта «Лайка» ЧувГУ.  17 студентов-бойцов отряда разместились на базе МАОУ «Урмарская СОШ им Г.Е. Егорова» для проведения профориентационных мероприятий...

280120Студентка факультета управления и социальных технологий Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова Екатерина Горбунова прошла конкурсный отбор для участия...

IMG 7399Сегодня в университете началась серия встреч в рамках нового проекта «Открытая Чувашия». Депутат Государственной Думы Федерального Собрания Российской Федерации, выпускник медфака ЧувГУ Л.И. Черкесов...

IMG 7557Сегодня, в День воинской славы России – День полного снятия блокады города Ленинграда, многочисленная делегация  обучающихся и работников Чувашского госуниверситета во главе с депутатом Государственного Совета Чувашской Республики, ректором ЧувГУ А.Ю. Александровым...

molodoiФакультет русской и чувашской филологии и журналистики 30 января приглашает абитуриентов, педагогов и родителей на день открытых дверей.

1 59374567Сегодня впервые в истории чемпионатов  Чувашской Республики   футбольная команда нашего университета завоевала серебряные медали (тренеры – Кирилл Корепов и Виктор Иванов).

glkorpus524 января в фойе первого этажа корпуса «Г» Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова состоялось торжественное открытие выставок«Строим города – строим свое будущее!»...

250120 7Дорогие студенты! Сегодня одна  из самых замечательных дат   – Татьянин день, праздник российского студенчества.  Мы чествуем всех, не делая различий между физиками и лириками, будущими военными и врачами...

250120 4Год Памяти и Славы в России объявлен Президентом России Владимиром Путиным в целях сохранения исторической памяти и в ознаменование 75-летия Победы в Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 годов.

250120 3Приглашаем всех любителей спорта на заключительный тур чемпионата Чувашской Республики по мини-футболу среди мужских команд Высшего дивизиона.  25 января в  учебно-спортивном комплексе...

250120 223 января заместитель ответственного секретаря приемной комиссии Чувашского госуниверситета О.Е. Гаврилов встретился со старшеклассниками школ Козловского района, рассказал о вузе, правилах приема в вуз.

IMG-1f09d487471cabede38ef025407f4c41-V25  января по лунному календарю в Поднебесной будут отмечать Китайский Новый год, также известный как Чуньцзе – Праздник Весны. Его отмечают уже более двух тысяч лет.

250120Приходи поддержать наших спортсменок! Болеем за команду ЧувГУ. 25 января (суббота), 16 часов. 26 января (воскресенье), 12 часов. Физкультурно-оздоровительный комплекс "Спартак": Чебоксары, ул. Гагарина, 40.

240120 98725 января стартуют финальные туры Всероссийской студенческой олимпиады "Я – профессионал". В этом году в них примут участие студенты более 600 вузов России.

4PKa9qMF-hAСтудентка 3 курса факультета иностранных языков ЧувГУ Анастасия Борисова в рамках программы академической мобильности прошла обучение в течение первого семестра 2019-2020 учебного года в Хэнаньском университете (Китай).

240120 88824 января в честь Дня российского студенчества в учебно-спортивном комплексе ЧувГУ состоялись соревнования  по мини-футболу среди мужских команд студенческих объединений...

ChuvSU Students Are Winners and Prize-Holders of the All-Russian Contest "Best Media Content in the Field of Drug Abuse Prevention»

Wednesday, 22.01.20

Russian Peoples' Friendship University (Moscow ) from October 5 to December 20, 2019 held the All-Russian contest "Best media content in the field of drug use prevention". The results were summed up some days ago.

49 videos and 82 posters were presented by 20 regions of the Russian Federation (almost 40% of the works were submitted by students of ChuvSU medical faculty). Our 5th-year students of the specialty "General Medicine" (course of psychiatry and narcology) became winners and prize-holders in the categories:

"Best video in the field of drug use prevention»:

 1st place – Vadim Kitaev, Alexander Solovyov, Anna Semenova, Alijan Shamradov.

 3rd place - Nina Antonova (Romanova), Anastasia Korshunova, Roman Yakovlev;%

"Best poster in the field of drug use prevention»:

3rd place – Anastasia Elemenkina, Alexander Makaev.

The winners received modern wireless headphones, convenient portable external batteries for mobile phones, professional equipment for video shooting on a mobile phone, and other prizes. Vadim Kitaev, Alexander Solovyov, Anna Semenova, Alijan Shamradov were awarded with the main prize -  action-GoPro cameras.

The Chuvash State University Hosts the All-Russian Physics Olympiad for Schoolchildren and the Olympiad Named after J. K. Maxwell

Thursday, 23.01.20

230120 654

Today the Rector of our University A. Yu. Aleksandrov took part in the opening ceremony of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in physics and the Olympiad named after j. K. Maxwell. Andrey Yuryevich briefly told about the University, wished schoolchildren success in solving the Olympiad tasks, and invited them to visit the University's educational and research laboratories and the  house of scientific collaboration named after S.A. Abrukov, museums of the University.

Welcoming speeches to the participants of the Olympics were also given by the Director of the center for extracurricular work "Etker" of Education Ministry of Chuvashia O. N. Tarasenko, the Dean of applied mathematics, physics and information technologies faculty  A. Yu. Ivanitsky, the head of the center for work with gifted youth D. A. Troeshestova, the head of  general physics department , L. K. Mitrukhin.

After the opening ceremony and the organizational meeting, the schoolchildren took part in the theoretical round of the Olympiads - they solved the Olympiad tasks. At the end of the theoretical tour, the participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the author's solutions and the preliminary system for evaluating the tasks of the previous tour during an online review on the site http://abitu.net/vseros

The second, experimental tour will take place on January, 25. The next day, on Sunday, in the center of extracurricular work "Etker" of the Ministry of education of Chuvashia (the town of Cheboksary, Afanasiev Str., 13) there will be a review of  Olympiad tasks, a display of works, an appeal and summing up the results of the Olympiad.

The Chuvash and the Mari State Universities: Expanding Cooperation

Thursday, 23.01.20

Yesterday the delegation of the Chuvash State University headed by the rector A. Yu. Aleksandrov paid a working visit to the Mari State University. Within the framework of the meeting, an agreement on cooperation between MarSU and ChuvSU was signed.

The interaction between the two universities is currently developing in different directions. The general vector of interaction development is the focus on developing new technologies. In particular, MarSU and I. N. Ulianov ChuvSU in July 2019 became participants of the educational intensive "Island 10-22".

MarSU Rector, M. N. Shvetsov, noted that the export of education and the development of high-tech sectors of the economy are one of the main tasks of higher education institutions, and it is interaction of universities and their scientific collaboration that will help to achieve these goals.

In turn, ChuvSU rector,  A. Yu. Aleksandrov, said that universities need face-to-face contacts between specialists in various fields: research, educational programs, extracurricular work with students and creating spaces. Andrey Yuryevich believes that today's universities should strive for cooperation, which is the next step after competition which proved to be inefficient for universities.

IMG 5825Задать вопросы лично руководителю ведущего вуза Чувашии смогли ученики 10-11 классов гимназии № 2 г. Чебоксары: 24 января в рамках проекта «Деловой завтрак с ректором» здесь прошла встреча школьников с ректором...

240120 6Вчера в Сочи завершился Международный фестиваль КВН «КиВиН-2020». "Сборная ЧГУ" впервые в истории вышла в телевизионную Премьер-лигу на Первый канал, став единственной командой из Чувашии, прошедшей на такой уровень.

240120 55Студенты Чувашского госуниверситета, члены сборной команды России по фристайлу, мастера спорта страны Лана Прусакова и Дмитрий Мулендеев...

240120 6666Дорогие друзья!  Примите искренние поздравления с Днем российского студенчества! Это праздник объединяет всех, кто учился и учится в университете, ведь студенчество – это особое состояние человека...

230120 7777777777Студенты Чувашского госуниверситета присоединились к всероссийскому флешмобу Минобрнауки России#СтудентДайПять. Задача флешмоба – коротко рассказать об уникальности собственного вуза и передать вызов для участия своим друзьям из других университетов.

230120 333333333Вчера делегация Чувашского госуниверситета во главе с ректором А.Ю. Александровым посетила с рабочим визитом Марийский госуниверситет. В рамках встречи было подписано соглашение о сотрудничестве МарГУ и ЧувГУ.

230120 58955Приказом Председателя Кабинета Министров Чувашской Республики, руководителя гражданской обороны Чувашской Республики И.Б. Моторина от 9 января 2020 года...

230120 58925 января приглашаем старшеклассников школ, лицеев, гимназий и всех желающих на очередную «Университетскую субботу» на тему "Психология успеха".

230120 654Сегодня ректор нашего университета А.Ю. Александров принял участие в церемонии открытия регионального этапа всероссийской олимпиады школьников по физике и олимпиады имени Дж. К. Максвелла.

230120 55По приглашению дирекции Урмарской средней общеобразовательной школы имени Г.Е. Егорова   22 января  заместитель ответственного секретаря приемной комиссии Чувашского госуниверситета А.И. Самсонов, зав. кафедрой архитектуры и дизайна Л.А. Сакмарова...

220120 555Вчера состоялась встреча членов Совета иностранных обучающихся ЧувГУ с проректором по учебной работе И.Е. Повериновым. Были обсуждены вопросы организованного проведения зимней экзаменационной сессии, профилактики правонарушений и противодействия...

220120 777Российский университет дружбы народов (г. Москва) с 5 октября по 20 декабря 2019 года провел Всероссийский  конкурс «Лучший медиаконтент в области профилактики наркопотребления». На днях подведены итоги.

220120 89Чувашский госуниверситет  приглашает учащихся 9-11 классов на трехмесячные курсы по подготовке к сдаче ОГЭ, ЕГЭ и вступительным экзаменам, проводимым вузом в традиционной форме.

220120 7821 января в  учебно-спортивном  комплексе нашего университета состоялось награждение победителей спартакиады преподавателей и сотрудников "Бодрость и здоровье" по итогам 2018-2019 учебного года.

220120 5622 января на базе пространства коллективной работы «Точка кипения – Йошкар-Ола» прошла рабочая встреча ректората, сотрудников и научно-преподавательского состава Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова и Марийского государственного университета.

9 456756756721 января команда преподавателей и студентов Чувашского государственного университета побывала в МБОУ «Вурнарская СОШ №1 имени  И.Н. Никифорова». Специально для школьников 7-11 классов была разработана программа «университетского погружения».

image-21-01-20-04-37-1Студенты юридического факультета ЧувГУ под руководством доцента кафедры гражданско-правовых дисциплин, председателя Общественного совета при УМВД России по г. Чебоксары, Т.Ф Тимофеевой в одном из крупных торговых центров Чебоксар приняли участие...

220120 3Факультет искусств приглашает школьников и студентов, увлекающихся музыкой и пением,  на лекцию «Сложнейшее и прекрасное искусство пения» заслуженного артиста Чувашской Республики заведующего кафедрой вокального искусства Дмитрия Николаевича Сёмкина.

220120 5Министром науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации в новом правительстве назначен Валерий Николаевич Фальков, ректор Тюменского государственного университета, депутат Тюменской областной Думы.

210120 777Сегодня в Центре развития культуры Ибресинского района состоялась встреча будущих выпускников школ района с представителями вузов республики.

stud 4Каждую субботу в #ЧувГУ собираются сотни старшеклассников, чтобы подготовиться к поступлению в университет с помощью вузовских преподавателей. Иногда мест в лектории не хватает, чтобы вместить всех желающих. Поэтому теперь некоторые занятия будут доступны...

210120 69По данным Управления внеучебной работы и безопасности в Чувашском госуниверситете сегодня обучаются 267 девушек  по имени Татьяна. Не забудьте их поздравить на факультетах с Днем российского студенчества (Татьяниным днем), который отмечаем 25 января!

Вторник, 21.01.20


Список документов на перевод 
с других ВУЗов

1.   Копия паспорта (для граждан Таджикистана, Узбекистана - перевод паспорта, заверенный нотариусом)

2.   Копия визы

3.   Копия миграционной карты

4.   Копия регистрации

5.   Документ об образовании с нотариально заверенным переводом

6.   Свидетельство о признании (если необходимо для данной страны)

7.   Выписка из зачетной книжки

8.   Копия зачетной книжки

9.   Справка об обучении (срок действия – 1 месяц)

10.  Медицинская справка по форме 086/у

11. Сертификат об отсутствии ВИЧ-инфекции

12.  Анкета

13. Фотография  (1 штука, матовая 3х4)

14. Заявление


Список документов на подготовительное отделение

1.  Копия паспорта

2.  Копия визы

3.  Копия миграционной карты

4.  Копия регистрации

5.  Документ об образовании (с переводом)

6.  Копия свидетельства о признании (если необходимо для данной страны)

7.  Медицинская справка (форма 086/у)

8. Сертификат об отсутствии ВИЧ-инфекции

9.  Анкета

10.  Заявление

11.  Фотографии  (3 штуки, матовые 3х4)


Список документов для приемной комиссии 
2020/2021 учебного года

1. Копия паспорта (для граждан Таджикистана, Узбекистана - перевод паспорта, заверенный нотариусом) (2 экземпляра)

2. Копия визы (2 экземпляра)

3.Копия миграционной карты (2 экземпляра)

4. Документ об образовании и его нотариально заверенный перевод

5. Копия свидетельства о признании (если необходимо для данной страны)

6. Медицинская справка (форма 086/у)

7. Сертификат об отсутствии ВИЧ-инфекции

8. Фотографии  (6 штук, матовые 3х4)

210120 99С 9 по 15 января доцент кафедры стоматологии детского возраста медицинского факультета ЧувГУ А.В. Лосев посетил Венскую школу междисциплинарной стоматологии.

2 67856876678В конференц-зале корпуса «Г» ЧувГУ ректор нашего университета А.Ю. Александров и начальник Центра по противодействию экстремизму Министерства внутренних дел по Чувашской Республике  В.П. Шихранов провели рабочее совещание с заместителями деканов...

210120 8Редакция «Тăван Ен» объявляет о старте III Республиканского фотоконкурса «Премия имени братьев Костиных».

Творческое состязание проводится с 17 января до 19 июля 2020 года. Работы принимаются до 1 июля...

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