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 Аbout rector | Чувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова

Чувашский государственный университет

имени И.Н. Ульянова

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Аbout rector

rektor 2014


Rector of Federal State Educational Budget Institution of Higher Professional Education «The Ulianov Chuvash State University», Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor.

Aleksandrov Andrey Yurievich graduated from «The Ulianov Chuvash State University» with specialist degrees in «History» and «Jurisprudence».

In 1984 - 1986 he served the military term in the Armed Forces of the USSR.

In 1988 - 1999 - Deputy Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of ChSU responsible for organizational work, Head of the Trade Union Committee of ChSU, Senior Engineer of the Department of Social Development of the University, the Chief of the Department of Social Development of the University, Vice Provost responsible for organizational work.

Since 1996 - till present– Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Faculty of Economics and Management (Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Law, Head of Chair).

1999 - 2000 - public service: Consultant Advisor to Chairman of the State Council of the Chuvash Republic, Head of the Administration of the State Council of Chuvash Republic.

Andrey Yurievich was elected to the Congress of People Deputies of the Moscovsky district, Cheboksary (1990-1994)

1994 - 2000 - member of Cheboksary City Election of the Head of Cheboksary Commission and Cheboksary City Council of Deputies (volunteer).

2000 - 2010 – Head of the Department for Social Development, Assistant Rector, Head of Social Development Department of ChSU.

Since 2010 to 2 January 2014 – Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of ChSU, Scientific Secretary of the Academic Council of ChSU.

On the 10th December, 2013 at the conference of academic staff, university employees and students Alerksandrov Andrey Yurievich was elected Rector of Federal State Educational Budget Institution of Higher Professional Education «The Ulianov Chuvash State University». Under the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 23 December, 2013 was approved for this position since 3 January, 2014 to January 2, 2019.

Aleksandrov Andrey Yurievich has more than 80 scientific, educational and teaching published works on education management, social welfare and law-making activities of government bodies. Andrey Yurievich is the author, co-author and a member of the editorial boards of several books.

Rector participates in the implementation of research works on RHF grants, thematic plan of orders of Russian Ministry of Education and Science, the program "Development of Scientific Potential of Higher Education."

Rector of ChSU is a member of the Council for Modernization and Technological Development of Economy of Chuvash Republic and a member of the Presidential commission of Chuvash Republic on the State Prize of the Chuvash Republic in the field of science and technology.

On 30th of January, 2014 was elected the Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Chuvash Republic.

Andrey Yurievich was awarded medals for "Soldiers-Internationalists from the Grateful People of Afghanistan", "70 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR", "100 Years of Russian Trade Unions," Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Rector is an Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.