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 Издательская деятельность | Чувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова

Издательская деятельность


Internship at Anhui University of People's Republic of China  

Tuesday, 20.12.16

A correspondent of the press and information service of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University E.E. Jurusova arrived in the People's Republic of China to work at Anhui University (Anhui Province, Hefei city).

The trip took place by an official invitation of Anhui University. Earlier Ekaterina Jurusova had successfully passed a competitive selection, held by the Government of Anhui Province. Under the contract the host party undertakes to pay the cost of transport, accommodation and wage.

«I was met at the airport by a representative of Anhui University. He helped me to settle in my apartment. According to the contract a one-bedroom apartment with amenities is available for me», says Ekaterina. «Now it is winter in China as well as in Russia, only here it is warm and sunny outdoors, and the temperature is +13. There is no heating system in the country and that is why it is cool indoors. Rooms are heated by air conditioning and electric heaters only».

For seven months, until June 30, 2017, Ekaterina Jurusova will work at the Russia Studies Centre of foreign languages faculty of the University.

"December, 1 was my first working day. I met with Chinese colleagues. Some of them speak Russian well. In the Centre I was very warmly welcomed, got to know my main duties, I was told about the activities of the Centre.

In January-February of this year, Ekaterina Jurusova passed training by a supplementary general education program of intensive Chinese language course at I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University.


I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University is among High-Demand Universities of the Russian Federation

Monday, 19.12.16

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The National ranking of universities of the Russian Federation, which indicates their being in demand by the Russian economy, was submitted last week by the project «Social Navigator» of the International News Agency «Russia Today» with participation of the Centre for labour market research. The study included 446 universities from 82 regions of the country. Assessment of universities was conducted by criteria such as the demand for trained professionals among employers, commercialization of the intellectual product produced by the University as well as demand for research product.

In the National ranking I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University entered the number of demanded universities of the Russian Federation in the group «Classic universities», in which the leader is Lomonosov Moscow State University.

State, departmental, municipal and private institutions conducting specialists’ training by basic and supplementary higher education programmes participated in ranking of universities’ demand. Among them there were 132 engineering universities, 89 classical universities, 57 agricultural universities, 53 universities of management sphere, 68 humanitarian universities and 47 medical schools.

According to the leader of the project "Social Navigator" of the International News Agency "Russia today" Natalia Tyurina, the given study is of great interest not only for employers but for Russian school leavers as well, for those who make their educational choices on understanding where they will work after graduation. "Making their choice in favor of one or another University, they put on the first place not the brand of the University, but rather an opportunity to obtain in-demand profession," she said, adding that this is what explains the success of this ranking, which is represented by «Social Navigator».

As was noted by the expert, the study showed that currently in the Russian regions it is possible to get not less demanded education than in the capital. However, according to Natalia Tyurina, under modern conditions universities should on the one hand turn to the maximum towards labour market and employer, and on the other – build a serious career-guidance work with upper-form pupils.

Experts believe that such tripartite assessment shows consumers of high school services the chances of getting training that ensures competitiveness in the labour market and demonstrates effectiveness of the University involvement in solving developmental challenges of organizations, sectors and territories.


Prospects of energy and electrical engineering development were discussed

Monday, 19.12.16

A roundtable «Prospects of energy and electrical engineering development» took place in the Conference Hall of building "G" of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University. 

Vice-Rector of ChuvSU E.N. Kadyshev, Dean of power engineering and electrical engineering faculty V. G. Kovalev, A. V. Mikhaylov (Cheboksary electric equipment plant), A.A. Navolochny (All-Russia Research Institute of relay manufacturing), V.A. Efremov (Relematika), ChuvSU representatives A.A. Afanasyev, G.P. Svintsov, S. A. . Lazarev, V.A. Nesterin, L. S. Yakovlev, R.A. Romanov participated in the roundtable and made reports. Participants discussed and identified promising lines of research and experimental development for research work organization, for prototypes development and staff training.

P118059821 декабря на Чебоксарском электроаппаратном заводе состоялось собрание студентов Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова, заключивших целевые договоры по проектам «Новые кадры для ОПК» (этапы 2015 и 2016 годов).


Internet competition of innovative character «Information technologies in complex systems»

Thursday, 15.12.16

The Rector of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University A. Yu .Aleksandrov received a letter of gratitude from the Rector of the Ural State University E. M. Romanov:

Dear Andrey Yurievich!  On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the VII All-Russia (with international participation) student interdisciplinary Internet Competition of innovative character «Information technologies in complex systems» we express gratitude for active participation of students of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University in interdisciplinary Internet Competition-2016!  

Your university students showed a high level of training in the first round of interdisciplinary Internet Competition and presented worthily their University in the second round, earning different diplomas and medals.

May I also express gratitude to employees of the University for organizing and conducting a University tour of the Internet Competition, and to lecturers and academic leaders for training students!

We hope for further cooperation and active participation of students your University in Internet competitions next season! "

191216 4

Национальный рейтинг вузов Российской Федерации, который показывает их востребованность со стороны российской экономики, представлен на прошлой неделе  проектом "Социальный навигатор"

IMG 2560Во дворце культуры Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова состоялся торжественный вечер, посвященный 25-летию юридического факультета.

1 4564563614 декабря во дворце культуры Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова состоялся региональный этап интеллектуальной олимпиады Приволжского федерального округа среди студентов...

002В Чувашском государственном университете им. И.Н. Ульянова состоялось расширенное заседание Ученого совета юридического факультета, посвященное 25 – летию со дня образования юридического  факультета.

161216 4

Среди факультетов (приняли участие представители 13 факультетов)

Юноши: 1 место - Михайлов Андрей (ФПМФиИТ), 2 место - Семёнов Александр (ЭКФ), 3 место - Краснов Александр (ИГФ).

IMG 897715 декабря в Староалгашинской средней общеобразовательной школе Цильнинского района Ульяновской области состоялась встреча представителей Чувашского государственного университета...

img 119215 декабря в Спортивном комплексе Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова состоялся XIII конкурс непрофессиональных танцевальных коллективов «Стартинейджер». 

chas so zvezdoj

Сегодня, 14 декабря, на базе экономического факультета Чувашского государственного университета им. И.Н. Ульянова состоялась очередная встреча в рамках городского проекта «Час спорта со звездой».

131216 6

БУ «Социально-реабилитационный центр для несовершеннолетних г. Чебоксары» Минтруда Чувашии тесно сотрудничает с волонтерским...

131216 5

9 декабря 2016 г., в День Героев Отечества, на площадке исторического парка «Россия – моя история» на ВДНХ начал работу Всероссийский патриотический форум.

131216 4

За заслуги в области здравоохранения и многолетнюю добросовестную работу указом Главы Чувашской Республики М.В. Игнатьева от 13 декабря 2016 года почетное звание...

IMG 1307В конференц-зале корпуса "Г" Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н.Ульянова состоялась рабочая встреча ректора вуза А.Ю. Александрова с членом-корреспондентом Российской Академии Наук...

biblВ соответствии с программой сотрудничества между университетом и издательством Юрайт с 12 декабря до 26 декабря 2016 года для вас будет открыт доступ к 3 тысячам наименований современной учебной литературы по всем основным специальностям и направлениям...

abit 2Ежегодная акция любителей русского языка «Тотальный диктант» на III Международном педагогическом форуме «Русский мир. Образование будущего» признана лучшим проектом.

121216 5Стать участниками олимпиады могут школьники 10-11 классов, а также студенты учреждений среднего профессионального образования...

121216 4«Яш чух, çамрăк чух!» - молодежная передача на чувашском языке на Национальном телевидении Чувашии. В ней подробно освещается деятельность талантливой, перспективно развивающейся...

1 123214234ФГБУ «Международный молодежный центр» является организатором Японо-российского студенческого форума, который состоялся с 29 ноября по 6 декабря 2016 года в Японии.

3 567456546Курс акселератора ФРИИ «Интернет-предпринимательство» проходит во всех ведущих вузах страны, теперь его можно пройти в Чебоксарах.

121216 2

14-15 декабря 2016 года в Центральном выставочном комплексе "Экспоцентр" (г.Москва) пройдет IV ежегодная национальная выставка-форум «ВУЗПРОМЭКСПО-2016».

121216 1

8-9 декабря в Казанском государственном энергетическом университете проходила II Поволжская научно-практическая конференция «Приборостроение и автоматизированный электропривод в топливно-энергетическом комплексе и жилищно-коммунальном хозяйстве».

stud 6В 2016 году Чувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова вошёл в число победителей конкурса Программ развития деятельности студенческих объединений, проводимого Министерством образования...


День Конституции Российской Федерации является одним из самых значимых государственных праздников России и отмечается ежегодно 12 декабря.

abit13 декабря факультет информатики и вычислительной техники Чувашского госуниверситета имени И.Н. Ульянова совместно с БОУ ЧР ДО "Центр молодёжных инициатив" Минобразования Чувашии проводит...

abit 2С 21 по 26 ноября в Чувашском государственном университете имени И.Н. Ульянова провели Региональный фестиваль студентов и молодежи...

abit 1Совет молодых ученых и специалистов Чувашской Республики при поддержке Министерства образования и молодежной политики Чувашской Республики объявляет о приеме документов на республиканские конкурсы

IMG 179810 декабря в Чувашском государственном университете имени И.Н. Ульянова для будущих поступающих, их родителей и учителей был организован День открытых дверей.

Четверг, 08.12.16

«MBF» means machine-engineering!


«MBF» means machine-engineering!

Thursday, 08.12.16

«MBF» -- such name was chosen by our young people to participate in the category “ADVANCE ROBOTICS CHALLENGE” of the 13-th World Robotic Olympiad WorldRobotOlympiad. Large-scale competitions were held from the 25th to the 27th of November in the capital of India, New Delhi. On the world stage, the name of machine-engineering faculty of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University was pronounced.

Master's Degree students of the 1st year of study of machine-engineering faculty Andrey Nikolayev and Sergey Mishin, under the leadership of their coach, senior lecturer in environmental architecture and design of civil engineering faculty S.V. Solin defended the honor of ChuvSU in the category of increased complexity of WRO-2016.

Why increased complexity? – On robots participants simulated technical vision system. In other words, technology, at which young people worked hard, can then be used, for example, in production of driverless cars. Theirpracticalvalue, asyoucansee, isenormous.

The Russian team included 21 teams and a total of 100 people – participants and trainers. “MBF” team climbed the 7-th place in final world rankings! Telling about his impressions, Andrey Nikolayev said that it was the first such a high level competition. It was a great responsibility to represent Russia. Tasks were close to qualifying ones in Innopolis: the robot was to play bowling. Young people liked organization, it turned out that the Indians are hospitable people. ChuvSU students managed to walk in the capital of India, to touch its incredible atmosphere. 

Andrew returns to the topic of robotics: "The way to the Russian team was not easy. Permanent training after studies, work, on weekends. 24 hours thinking only of more effective automation of our brainchild. Someone might say, well, you're sick! But I will answer that automation and robots are the future."

His team-mate Sergey Mishin is as much in love in his work: «I feel emotional chute-the-chute, generating ideas after WRO! Thanks to the native faculty for valuable knowledge on automation, programming, modeling processes! »

Their coach, Sergei Vladimirovich Solin joins the conversation: "Guys were getting ready for the Olympics with a huge commitment, constantly, sometimes up to 2:00 at night. I would like to thank for support the Chuvash State University, LLC Research and Production Enterprise«EKRA» and LLC «Relematika», who were the principal sponsors as well as CJSC "CHEAZ" and the company "Otdelfinstroy".


The Rectors Council of PFD Universities considered issues of cooperation in the field of fundamental and applied research

Thursday, 08.12.16


On the 6th of December Yoshkar-Ola (Mari El Republic) hosted a session of the Council of higher educational institutions rectors of the Volga Federal District "Interaction of universities as an integration form of basic and applied research and solving problems of import substitution”.

On instructions of the Rector of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University A. Yu. Aleksandrov the vice-rector for academic affairs I. E. Poverinov took part in the meeting.

The Council considered the experience of scientific and innovation activity of higher education institutions, the role of the technical universities in the economic development of regions and Russia, interaction and integration of higher education institutions with production facilities. Participants noted that training of modern highly skilled professionals having competencies and capable of using new and innovative technologies, is a priority for universities. For its implementation universities must develop as scientific and educational centers for innovation policy formation in the regions. An important role in modern professionals training is played by networking of universities which contributes to solving problems of innovational development of economy and import substitution, implementation of the results of basic and applied research in production. 


Outcomes of the Regional Festival of Students and Young People "A Human being. ACitizen. A Scientist"

Tuesday, 06.12.16

From the 21st to the 26th of November I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University held a Regional Festival of students and young people “A Human being. A Citizen. A Scientist”


The Festival “A Human being. A Citizen. A Scientist” differs from other scientific events by its unique format of diverse organizational forms. Along with scientific and practical conferences competitions, master classes, public lectures, business, intellectual and creative games, often involving future entrants are held at faculties.

This format is the format of the Festival of science, which has been successfully developed in many countries of the world. The All-Russia festival of science is a full member of the European Science Events Association (EUSCEA). Our country became a full member of the European family of science festivals in 2007, a year after Russia's first-ever Festival of science. This mission was implemented by M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University on the initiative of its Rector, Academician Viktor Sadovnichy. At I. N. Ulianov ChuvSU the first Festival was held in 2007.

On the site of the All-Russian Festival of science in 2016 more than 50 events of the Festival «ChuvSU-2016» in Cheboksary were reflected. The Directorate of the Festival provided Cheboksary with souvenir products (ribbons, badges, calendars), a promo-clip, a billboard.

The Festival motto is «Touch science».

The tasks of the Festival are:

- promotion of scientific knowledge and achievements in science and technology among students and schoolchildren;

- creation of conditions for disclosure and implemetation of intellectual and creative abilities, students' research abilities;

- revealing the most gifted students and schoolchildren;

- integration of young people into the Russian scientific and educational space;

- formation and development of skills for research methodology among participants;

- promotion of cooperation activities implementation in the field of science and education at Inter-University, regional, All-Russia level;

- promotion of improvement in quality of qualified specialists training at our University.

At the opening of the Festival on the 21st of November in the main building of ChuvSU visitors could take a look at the exhibition of artistic and scientific works of faculties, presentation of faculties’ events carried out within the framework of the Festival, of scientific groups for schoolchildren and Olympiads for senior schoolchildren held at I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University. For the first time at the opening ceremony a scientific quest "Zachetka of ChuvSU" was organized. Participants were 10-graders teams of 6 educational institutions.  The entire route of the quest included 15 gaming stations; assignments were developed by all the faculties of the University. Schoolchildren tried themselves in cartography and fundamentals of radioelectronics and technical mechanics, remembered federal subjects of Russia and Russian folk proverbs, tested logical thinking, knowledge of human anatomy and the laws of physics, tested their memory, sense of rhythm, and much more. The results of tests passed were designed in the form of a real record-book delivered to each of the participants. According to the results of team score round the winner quest was the team of school № 64 of Cheboksary «Future students».

At the opening ceremony of the Festival, welcoming speeches were made by the participants of the Festival, the Rector of ChuvSU A.Yu. Aleksandrov, the Minister of education and youth policy of the Chuvash Republic Yu.N. Isayev, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic I.B. Motorin, the head of Cheboksary I.V. Klementeva.

A contract between the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic and I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University was signed.

By the results of the contest «Best Department for Organization of students research» in 2015 the department of telecommunicational systems and technologies, the department of physical chemistry and macromolecular compounds and the department of public law were awarded with diplomas.  

The event ended with awarding of diplomas and prizes to participants of the scientific Quest, schoolchildren-participants of the All-Russian Festival of science NAUKA 0 +.

From the 21st to the 26th of November within the framework of the Regional Festival of students and young people “A Human being. A Citizen. A Scientist” (ChuvSU-2016) the following events were held:

18 scientific-practical conferences (219 sections, of which 11 sections for schoolchildren);

16 contests of the most various subjects, among them 5 contests for schoolchildren;

13 Academic Olympics, among them 4 Olympics for schoolchildren;

1 Math battle

2 faculty dictations; 1 financial dictation for schoolchildren

3 scientific quests among them 1 quest for schoolchildren

7 round tables;

6 exhibitions of scientific papers presentations, of graduation works, exhibition layouts, course works;

15 intellectual games-; 5 intellectual games with schoolchildren

1 judicial debate

3 master-classes among which 2 master-classes for schoolchildren

Information security competition "IT-Fest"

Information and activity event for schoolchildren

Meeting with graduates


In total 5797 schoolchildren and students attended the events.

3787 ChuvSU students, 560 students-guests, 1450 schoolchildren participated in contests and competitions. The Festival was attended by students from Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan Federal University (Kazan), Mari State University (Yoshkar-Ola), Sterlitamak branch of Bashkir State University, Institute of Udmurt Philology and Journalism of the Udmurt State University, National Research Mordovia State University named after I.P. Ogarev (Saransk) as well as students of Chuvashia – Chuvash State Teachers’ Training University, Cheboksary Cooperative Institute, Cheboksary branch of Moscow Polytechnical University, etc.

Having become an annual tradition, the Festival for the tenth time has already given opportunity to present ideas, projects, development for the most active, creative and motivated students, young scientists, schoolchildren. We hope that the Festival will evolve and improve, becoming more interesting and engaging in its orbit an increasing number of participants.

A.N. Zakharova, Scientific Director of the Students’ Scientific Society of the University

Суббота, 10.12.16

Дни научного кино

nauka 4В целях привлечения студентов к занятиям научной деятельностью, техническим творчеством и предпринимательством посредством показов серии документального кино о науке и технологиях с 12 по 16 декабря...

stud 68 декабря в Яльчикской средней общеобразовательной школе состоялась традиционная встреча выпускников школ района с представителями ведущих высших учебных заведений Чувашской Республики.

091216 4 copy

Студенты под руководством доцентов кафедры журналистики О.Р. Студенцова и Л.А. Васильевой в Государственном архиве электронной...

091216 4

В типографии Чувашского государственного университета имени И. Н. Ульянова в конце ноября была отпечатана книга студента третьего курса факультета радиоэлектроники и автоматики Артёма Евсеева...

IMG 11058 декабря в актовом зале корпуса "Г" Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова состоялась конференция работников и обучающихся. В соответствии с решением делегатов работу...

IMG 12569 декабря во Дворце культуры Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова в рамках Международного дня борьбы с коррупцией прошел единый день профилактики правонарушений.

6 345345В Чувашском госуниверситете имени И.Н. Ульянова продолжается реализация образовательно-просветительского проекта «Университет для детей» для обучающихся младших классов.

081216 78 декабря 2016 года после продолжительной тяжелой болезни скончался Викентий Леонидович Сусликов - Заслуженный профессор Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова...

IMG 0402 ashfak«MBF» – такое название выбрали наши ребята для участия в категории «ADVANCE ROBOTICS CHALLENGE» 13-ой Всемирной Робототехнической Олимпиады WorldRobotOlympiad.

081216 2

15 декабря в Московском районе г. Чебоксары состоится XIII районный конкурс непрофессиональных танцевальных коллективов...

081216 1

С 1 декабря 2016 года открыт прием заявок для участия во Всероссийском конкурсе на лучшую организацию деятельности органов студенческого самоуправления профессиональных образовательных организаций...


6 декабря в Йошкар-Оле (Республика Марий Эл) состоялось заседание Совета ректоров вузов Приволжского федерального округа по вопросу «Взаимодействие университетов как форма интеграции фундаментальных

img 0807В администрации города Чебоксары министр внутренних дел по Чувашской Республике генерал-майор полиции Сергей Неяскин и глава администрации города Чебоксары Алексей Ладыков провели...

abit 2

В целях социальной поддержки обучающихся по ходатайству профсоюзного комитета в ноябре студентам, получающим государственную академическую стипендию...

3863530 ноября – 2 декабря заместитель декана по учебной работе факультета русской и чувашской филологии и журналистики А.А. Обжогин принял участие в двух масштабных мероприятиях...

071216 2

Первый домашний тур в рамках чемпионата Ассоциации студенческого баскетбола получился для девушек из команды ЧГУ «Атланта» удачным.

sportkomplБаскетбол – удел не только мужчин. Республику в регулярном чемпионате Ассоциации студенческого баскетбола страны представляет женская дружина Чувашского госуниверситета «Атланта».

abit 1Уважаемые школьники, родители, педагоги! Приглашаем вас на День открытых дверей Чувашского госуниверситета имени И.Н. Ульянова!

konferenz6 декабря в средней общеобразовательной школе №1 села Батырево состоялась встреча учащихся выпускных классов с представителями ведущих высших учебных заведений Чувашской Республики.


В начале декабря в Центре молодёжных инициатив прошёл 2-ой этап Всероссийского синхрона по игре "Интеллектуальное шоу "Ворошиловский стрелок" в Чувашии. На этот раз в захватывающем интеллектуальном...

universkorpg29 ноября Ученый совет Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова принял решение повысить должностные оклады профессорско-преподавательского состава университета...

stud 621–26 ноября в Чувашском государственном университете имени И.Н. Ульянова состоялся Регионального фестиваля студентов и молодежи «Человек. Гражданин. Ученый» (ЧГУ–2016).

SAM 25533 декабря в Чувашском государственном университете имени И.Н.Ульянова прошла олимпиада по физике для учащихся 7-9 классов на призы Ассоциации молодых физиков Чувашии.

051216 4

3 декабря в рамках проекта «Университетские субботы» в Чувашском государственном университете имени И.Н. Ульянова прошла открытая научно-популярная лекция для школьников на тему «Защита несовершеннолетних от вредной аудиовизуальной информации».

abit 2Состоялось подведение итогов смотра-конкурса «Лучшая кафедра по организации научно-исследовательской работы студентов» в 2015 году.

urisprudenНа юридическом факультете состоялся круглый стол на тему «Реформа пенсионного законодательства». Целью круглого стола являлось проведение глубокого правового анализа реформы пенсионного законодательства в современной России.

Понедельник, 05.12.16

Квест-игра «Зачетка ЧГУ»

universkorpgВ рамках открытия Регионального фестиваля студентов и молодежи «Человек. Гражданин. Ученый» (ЧГУ-2016) для школьников была организована квест-игра «Зачетка ЧГУ».

univnovkorpФакультет русской и чувашской филологии и журналистики Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова приглашает принять участие в конкурсе сочинений на тему «Ĕç çынна илем кӳрет»...

universitetС 21 по 25 ноября в Чувашском государственном университете имени И.Н. Ульянова проводился Фестиваль экологического кино «Первозданная Россия».

universkorpa29 ноября состоялось очередное заседание Ученого совета Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова. Вел его ректор А.Ю.Александров.

IMG 05323 и 4 декабря в учебно-спортивном комплексе Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова состоялись очередные матчи...


Best Student Research Societies of Chuvashia Were Named

Friday, 25.11.16

15 student research associations of educational institutions of the Chuvash Republic participated in the Republican contest for the best student's research society. The aim of the competition was enhancement of student research societies’ efficiency in the Republic.

By correspondence round results 8 student research societies representing 4 professional educational organizations (Alatyr College of technology, College of food technology and commerce, Cheboksary economic-technological college, Shumerlya Polytechnic College) and 4 educational institutions of higher education (Chuvash Teachers’ Training University named after I. Ya. Yakovlev, Volga branch of Moscow State Automobile & Road Technical University, I.N. Ulianov ChuvSU., Cheboksary branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration) passed to the final.

The final was held in the form of an intellectual quiz on themes: the Great Patriotic War, space and astronautics, literature, geography, physics, chemistry, anatomy and ecology.

Winners were determined in two nominations: "Best student research society among professional educational organizations of the Chuvash Republic” – Shumerlya Polytechnic College; "Best student research society among educational institutions of higher education of the Chuvash Republic’ – I. N. Ulianov ChuvSU.


Meeting of the Board of Russian Rectors Union

Friday, 25.11.16

271116 1

On the 22nd of November in the Intellectual center – Fundamental library of Lomonosov Moscow State University the Rector of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University, a member of the Russian Union of Rectors, the President of the Rectors’ Council of the Chuvash Republic A. Yu. Alexandrov participated in a meeting of the Board of the Russian Union of Rectors, where speeches were made by the President of the Russian Union of Rectors, Academician V.A. Sadovnichy, Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation, A. A. Fursenko, Minister of education and science of the Russian Federation, O. Yu. Vasilyeva.

The meeting discussed the strategy of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation and Moscow International University ranking "Three missions of a University”.

The Minister of education and science of the Russian Federation, O. Yu. Vasilyeva, in her speech drew attention to a number of relevant to contemporary educational policy issues:

giving educational organizations of higher education the right to carry out additional entrance tests;

- the role of education in the humanities in staff training for the innovation economy;

development of the project "Modern digital education environment in the Russian Federation";

strengthening the position of the Russian language in science and education in the Russian Federation and abroad. 


Issues Of International Cooperation Were Discussed

Friday, 25.11.16


On the 23rd of November the Rector of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University A.Yu. Alexandrov had a working meeting with the Director of export sales and marketing of the group of companies Ruredil grup of Milan (Italy) Pellegrino Amato. They discussed issues of international cooperation in the field of research development. 

The same day Mr. Pellegrino Amato appeared publicly at the III International Conference "New in architecture, designing building constructions and reconstruction" (NASKR-2016), which took place on the basis of the I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University. 


«University for children» opens its doors again: a joint project of Cheboksary city administration and I.N. Ulianov ChuvSU continues

Saturday, 26.11.16

Administration of the city of Cheboksary and I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University continue implementation of their educational project "University for children" within the framework of cooperation agreement signed in 2015 by the Chief Executive Alexey Ladykov and the Rector Andrey Alexandrov. On the 24th of November ChuvSU teachers and students visited Municipal Budgetary General Education Institution "Secondary School №38» of Cheboksary to meet with pupils of the fourth class.

Teachers of foreign languages department № 1 O.L. Taranova and A.G. Farafonova with the help of students held a quiz in English "Funny English”. In teams children were to find rhyming words, they demonstrated knowledge of regional geography, grammar and vocabulary of the English language. At the end of the quiz, one of the students performed a lyric song in English with guitar accompaniment for children.

Another class was visited by 3-year students of Informatics and computer technology faculty E. Vasileva, S. Sergeeva, A. Belova, A. Kuzmina, headed by the engineer-programmer O.P. Shcherbakova. The lesson was devoted to the theme "Safer Internet". Future programmers in an accessible form told the children about dangers and threats that can trap children online and how they can be avoided, introduced the rules of netiquette and time standards for computer work. Children also learned how to deal with dangerous content online, what the dangers faced by social networks users are and how to protect themselves against various types of fraud.

In another class there was a lesson of entertaining economy. 4-graders met the team of Economics Faculty headed by Associate Professor of State and municipal government department S.V. Petrova and a 4-year student A. Zakharova. The lesson began with an explanation of the category "economy". Schoolchildren learnt the meaning of the word which is often heard by television and in adult conversations, and from what Greek words it was derived. Then in three teams schoolchildren participated in the game "Fairy world of economy”.

All schoolchildren received memorable souvenirs and gifts from the University.

konferenz3 декабря т. г. состоится традиционная Олимпиада по физике на призы Ассоциации молодых физиков Чувашии (www.amf21.ru) для учащихся 7-9 классов школ, лицеев и гимназий республики.

261116 4Чувашский государственный университет — место встречи самых активных и спортивных студентов России. География всероссийского форума «Студенты ГТО» - впечатляет: Москва, Владимир, Казань, Екатеринбург...

1 567567657Администрация города Чебоксары и Чувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова продолжают реализацию образовательно-просветительского проекта «Университет для детей»...


Republican Youth Forum "The youth is Labour Potential of Chuvashia"

Friday, 25.11.16

251116 7

On the 24th of November the Rector of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University, the President of Rectors’ Council of the Chuvash Republic, a Member of the Chuvash Republic State Council A. Yu. Alexandrov participated in the opening ceremony of the Republican Youth Forum "The youth is Labour Potential of Chuvashia». The event hall of the Chuvash State Agricultural Academy gathered more than 300 young people. These are young specialists of enterprises, organizations and institutions from all regions of the Republic, including young scientists and teachers, representatives of non-profit associations, students of professional educational institutions and universities of Chuvashia, representatives of governmental and municipal authorities. In his statement, Andrey Yurievich encouraged young people to become more closely involved in implementation of project activities, described the experience of young scientists and teachers of ChuvSU in this regard, invited schoolchildren and students of vocational educational institutions to continue their studies at I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University.

The opening ceremony was also attended Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation L.I. Cherkesov, Minister of education and youth policy Y.N. Isaev, Minister of Agriculture of the Chuvash Republics S.G. Artamonov and others. Senior lecturer of organic and pharmaceutical chemistry department, the owner of the grant of the President of the Russian Federation M.Yu. Belikov told on the experience of organization of student scientific society functioning and about the Council of young scientists of chemical-pharmaceutical faculty ChuvSU.  After the ceremonial opening of the forum and plenary part working in 9 discussion platforms began: "Young educators"; "Medical education and professional development; "Management training in the field of youth policy; "Youth entrepreneurship as a factor of Chuvashia development; "Young scientists in modern realities; "Consolidation of rural youth for the development of agricultural complex"; "Project activity as a developmental vector of students; "Youth labour movement of the Republic: 15 years of the Russian Students’ Organization!", "A young family is the future of Chuvashia”.


The Rector of the Chuvash state University A. Yu. Alexandrov and the representative of Leshan Teachers’ Training University y. Kesjan held a working meeting 

Wednesday, 23.11.16

251116 6

On the 23rd of November in building «A» of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University its Rector A. Yu. Aleksandrov, and the Deputy Director of the International Department of the Teachers’ Training University of Leshan Yu Kesjan (People's Republic of China) held a working meeting.

Yu Kesjan came to ChuvSU tasked by the Rector of Leshan Teachers’ Training  University to discuss mutual cooperation and Chinese teachers training at I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University.


Agreement On Cooperation and Joint Activities Between the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic and I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University Is Signed

Tuesday, 22.11.16

251116 5

On the 21st of November in the event hall of building "G" of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University the opening of a Regional Festival of students and young people "Human being. Citizen. Scientist» (ChuvSU-2016) as part of the All-Russia festival of science NAUKA 0 + took place.  Students prepared scientific quests for schoolchildren. There was an exhibition- presentation of faculties’ events planned for the Festival.

Participants of the Festival were welcomed the Rector of the University A.Yu. Alexandrov, the President of the Chuvash Republic Cabinet of Ministers I.B. Motorin, Minister of education and youth policy of the Chuvash Republic Y.N. Isaev, acting head of the city of Cheboksary I.V. Klementeva. Andrei Yurievich solemnly handed the diploma of a doctor of philological sciences to the Minister of education and youth policy of the Chuvash Republic Y.N. Isaev.

In his speech the Chairman of the Chuvash Republic Cabinet of Ministers, a graduate of the Chuvash State University I.B. Motorin noted that the University gave him a good education and a start in life. He stressed that it was necessary to further expand the horizons of cooperation between the Chuvash Republic Cabinet of Ministers and the Chuvash State University. `

Then signing the agreement on cooperation and joint activities between the Chuvash Republic Cabinet of Ministers and I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University took place. The document, signed by the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic I.B. Motorin and the Rector of the Chuvash State University A. Yu. Alexandrov, envisages further cooperation in the field of targeted training of highly qualified staff, supplementary education and research development.  


I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University Was the Main Platform for the All-Russian Geographical Dictation in Chuvashia

Sunday, 20.11.16

On the 1st of November 2015 for the first time in our country an All-Russian geographical dictation took place. Its initiator was the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Russian geographical society, the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin.

On the 20th of November the II All-Russian geographical dictation was organized. At 12:00 by local time at universities, schools, libraries, academic institutions, children's centres and other institutions of 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation people started to write the All-Russian geographical dictation. There were more than 1700 sites across the country.

The main platform for writing the dictation in the Chuvash Republic was I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University. 8 lecture halls in educational buildings №1 and №2 were   filled by 652 participants. They were welcomed the President of the Chuvash Republic State Council V. N. Filimonov, the Rector of the University, deputy of the Chuvash Republic State Council A. Yu. Alexandrov, the Dean of historical-geographical faculty O.N. Shirokov, who also became participants of the All-Russian educational campaign on defining knowledge of the country’s geography.

During 45 minutes participants were required to answer 30 questions, which were shown on a big screen and were accompanied by illustrations. The tasks were sounded by familiar nationwide voices of a theatre and cinema actor Sergey Chonishvili as well as by a TV host, Adviser to the President of the Russian geographical society for information policy of Anastasia Chernobrovina.

The highest score you could get for the dictation was 100 points. In the past year 35 people out of 72 thousand participants across the country received the highest score, two of whom were representatives of Chuvashia.

As was reported by the President of Chuvash regional branch of the Russian geographical society, the head of geography and geomorphology department of ChuvSU I.V. Nikonorova, according to preliminary information, geographical dictation was written by more than 1500 persons. 


The Project "New Staff for Military-Industrial Complex-2015» Is Successfully Implemented at I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University

Friday, 18.11.16


Within the framework of implementation of the All-Russia project "New staff for MIC-2015" by the program "Training of highly qualified specialists in the field of rubber products design for MIC» a 4th-year student of the chemical-pharmaceutical faculty K.V. Efimov and associate professor of physical chemistry and macromolecular compounds V.A. Danilov from the 14th to the 16th of November visited a polymer materials laboratory of organo-element compound Institute named after A.N. Nesmeyanov of the RAS (Moscow). They familiarized themselves with research methods of thermo-mechanical properties of polymers and rubbers, taking polymers and rubbers samples, discussed the results obtained. On the 15th of November they took part in the 12-th international St. Petersburg conference of young scientists «Contemporary problems of the science of polymers» at the macromolecular compounds institute (St. Petersburg).


A Concert Dedicated to the International Students’ Day

Friday, 18.11.16

On the 17th of November in the event hall of building “G” of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University a concert dedicated to the International Students’ Day was held. The concert was conducted by ChuvSU students– a representative of Tadzhikistan Shakhzoda Mamadkhodzhaeva and the Chairman of Foreign Students Council Yasin Akhmed (Jordan).

Foreign students were welcomed by the chief for extracurricular work and safety management O. N. Viktorov, the dean of department for foreign students ZH. A. Aleksandrova.

The concert was opened by a student of foreign languages department Maria Azarova with the song «Feeling Good». A student of the chemico-pharmaceutical faculty Khalo (Kurdistan) played the national instrument. Yasin Ahmed, a 4-year student of the medical faculty, recited a poem about love.

A representative of Turkmenistan Gurbaniyaz Mukhamov sang a song and spectators were also gladdened by an Indian dance, a dramatization of Tadzhik wedding, by songs in the languages of the peoples of the world.

1 5475675671600 жителей Чувашии накануне вместе со всей страной написали Всероссийский географический диктант. Это в два раза больше, чем год назад.

201116 4

Студенты трёх факультетов Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова – юридического, экономического и факультета управления и социальных технологий, а также члены Молодёжного...

21 ноября 2015 года впервые в нашей стране состоялся Всероссийский географический диктант. Инициатором его проведения стал Председатель попечительского совета Русского географического общества...

IMG 003815 ноября Чувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова, Чувашский республиканский институт образования и Чувашское...

181116 5С 21 по 25 ноября в Чувашском государственном университете имени И.Н. Ульянова проводится Фестиваль экологического кино «Первозданная Россия». Кинофорум пройдет под эгидой Общероссийского фестиваля природы...

chuvashiaВ Московском районе г. Чебоксары мерами социальной поддержки по оплате жилого помещения и коммунальных услуг пользуются более 12 800 человек.

Понедельник, 14.11.16

All-Russian Youth School-Conference


All-Russian Youth School-Conference

Monday, 14.11.16

From the 9th to the 12th of November I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University hosted an All-Russian Youth School-Conference "Regional geographical and environmental studies: current problems”, dedicated to the 15th anniversary of foundation of environmental sciences and geology department and the 10th anniversary of resurgence of activity of the Chuvash branch of the Republican public organization "Russian geographical society". The event was held with the financial support of Russian Foundation for basic research. To participate in the conference students, masters, teachers, post-graduate students, young scientists and their scientific leaders from various organizations of secondary, secondary-vocational and higher education of Russia’s different regions sent their applications.

The plenary session was opened by the Vice-Rector for research Professor E.N. Kadyshev, who in his speech emphasized the importance of the Conference for the younger generation, for young scientists. He noted that issues of ecology and environment protection would always remain relevant and topical. The meeting was also attended by the Dean of historical-geographical faculty, Professor O.N. Shirokov, University teachers, employees of state and public environmental institutions of the Chuvash Republic.

Of special interest for the conference participants were scientific presentations at the plenary meeting, made by the Director of the branch of the State Botanical Garden of RAS А.V. Dimitriev on the theme "Experience the ecological-lanscaping zoning of the town of Cheboksary”, by Professor of natural resources management and geoecology department F.A. Karyagin “Contemporary global and regional climate changes: causes, environmental and socio-economic conssequences "and by the Professor of physical geography and geomorphology department N.F. Petrova “Study of landslide risk on the shores of the Volga river in the zone of high-speed highway "Moscow-Kazan".

During the conference sections worked in different areas. 

universitetСмотрите интервью с ректором Чувашского госуниверситета Андреем Александровом. Речь пойдет о появлении базовых кафедр ЧГУ на предприятиях республики и об итогах приемной кампании.


24 ноября в Чувашском государственном университете имени И.Н. Ульянова стартовал этап Всероссийского проекта «Студенты ГТО».


Hurry up to do good: Cheboksary hosted a conference dedicated to the memory of Vladimir Nikolaevich Saperov

Thursday, 10.11.16

On the 10th of November within the framework of the project "School of a therapeutic patient. Opportunity to save a life at sound clinical practice” Cheboksary hosted an Interregional scientific and practical conference “Hurry up to do good”.

Medical professionals of Chuvashia, students, residents and interns as well as experts from different regions of the Volga Federal District attended the conference. TheConferenceprogramincludedpresentationsofleadingclinicians. Scientific symposium was dedicated to such pressing problems as iodine-induced thyroid lesions, managing cardiovascular risk in patients with diabetes mellitus, treatment of bronchial asthma and other important issues. During the event a compendium of scientific-practical conference was presented.

The given Interregional conference was dedicated to the memory of honoured doctor of the Russian Federation, honoured worker of higher education of Russia, the head of the hospital therapy sub-department №1 of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University, doctor of medical sciences, Professor Vladimir Nikolaevich Saperov. Members of his family, numerous colleagues, disciples of Vladimir Nikolaevich took part in the Conference. Those who gathered within the walls of the medical faculty of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University shared their memories about this outstanding man, under whose guidance the University trained more than 13000 professionals. Vladimir Nikolaevich published more than 500 scientific articles and numerous books, including the ones dedicated to medical ethics. The Chief of the Division of medical assistance organization of the Ministry of public health of Chuvashia Eugenia Guryanova noted that the works of V.N. Saperov are widely known outside the Republic and are perceived not only as textbooks on medicine but as books of life as well.

The participants of the event were showed a special film and a display of photographs dedicated to Vladimir Nikolaevich Saperov. The Dean of the medical school, Master of Science in Medicine Degree Program, Professor Valentina Diomidova stressed that the Conference is primarily addressed to students, who were always very respected by Vladimir Nikolaevich. A colleague and a friend of Vladimir Nikolaevich, the head of the therapy department of Kazan Academy of medicine, Master of Science in Medicine Degree Program, Professor Rafik Sayfutdinov in his words stressed that Vladimir Nikolaevich was a wonderful man of multifaceted talent who never refused to help. 

At the conference a message of Vladimir Nikolaevich to students was read: "Treatment is one of the most exciting professions. But it captures when a person has sufficient knowledge and practical skills. Bear the banner of a physician worthily ". Colleagues, disciples of Vladimir Nikolaevich wished all participants in the conference to hurry to do good, as always did an outstanding scientist, doctor, teacher, Vladimir Nikolaevich Saperov.

Вторник, 08.11.16

Poems were translated into Russian


Poems were translated into Russian

Tuesday, 08.11.16

Good results were showed by schoolchildren and students of Chuvashia at the first All-Russian Olympiad on state languages of the country’s republics

More than six and a half thousand people participated in the qualifying stage of the Olympiad. Of them 138 students and senior graders from 17 regions of the country, including 6 young people from our Republic passed to finals.

Some days ago the final round was held in Moscow. Participants passed comparative testing: they wrote an essay on the topic related to cultural characteristics of the state languages of Russia’s regions, defended their presentations about the native land, recited poems in their native language and translated them into Russian.

On National Unity Day in the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin rewarding of the best participants of the linguistic competitions was held. One of 10 winners of the Olympiad became a student of Nurgechinskaya secondary school of Komsomolsky region Anastasia Belkina.

Among the prize-winners there was a student of the Faculty of Russian and Chuvash philology and journalism of ChuvSU Maria Samdelova who distinguished herself in preparing presentations on Chuvash land and a student of the Faculty of history and Philology of Chuvash Teachers’ Training University Irina Surskaya. According to organizers, the Olympiad became a real event of international communication, the feast of the wealth of languages and cultures of the peoples of Russia.

3 34534534510 ноября на факультете радиоэлектроники и автоматики Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова прошел День открытых дверей. На собрании перед учащимися школ выступил декан факультета профессор Г.П. Охоткин.


Representatives of the Chuvash State University are participants of the international forum of youth scientific societies

Monday, 07.11.16

On the 2nd of November at Vitebsk State Medical University (Republic of Belarus) within the framework of the XVI International Conference of students and young scientists "Student medical science of XXI century" the I Youth scientific societies Forum was held. The main tasks of the Youth Forum of scientific societies were the following:

youth activity development in scientific and educational environment;

strengthening ties in scientific and educational environment;

exchange of experience and technologies for youth innovation potential development;

- implementation of joint projects in the field of medicine.

The Forum was attended by representatives of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University – assistant professor of department of records management, information resources and auxiliary historical disciplines, President of young scientists and specialists Council of the Chuvash Republic O.V. Shumilova and assistant of faculty therapy department, Deputy Chairman of young scientists and specialists Council of ChuvSU in natural sciences T. N. Prokopieva. In the form of a report and a presentation they presented the activities of young scientists and specialists Council of the Chuvash Republic and main directions of research of the medical faculty of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University. The I Forum of youth scientific societies is a new event in the world of medical science, bringing together youth leaders and participants of scientific societies of universities of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and the Ukraine. During the Forum participants agreed on basic directions of joint scientific activities, in particular, publications in journals.


A specialized department of information technology and cybersecurity of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University was opened in the company “Casesystems”

Thursday, 03.11.16

On the 3rd of November an opening ceremony ofa specialized department of information technology and cybersecurity of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University took place at LLC “Casesystems”. The ceremony was attended by the Minister of information policy and mass communications of the Chuvash Republic A.S. Ivanov, the Rector of ChuvSU A.Yu. Alexandrov, the CEO of «Casesystems” A. A. Matrosov. The meeting was also attended by lecturers of the Faculty of Informatics and computer science, representatives of companies – members of the Association "Information technologies of the Chuvash Republic”, students, schoolchildren.

Then in the Conference Hall the Rector A. Yu. Alexandrov and the CEO of «Casesystems” A. A. Matrosov signed an agreement on opening the chair between LLC " Casesystems " and I. N. Ulianov ChuvSU. They noted that cooperation between the company and the faculty started many years ago. Excursions in the company and open lectures are available for future IT-professionals and paid on-the-job training with opportunities of subsequent employment are organized for students. Opening of a specialized department of informatics and computer engineering faculty has become the next important stage in efforts to improve the quality of training and comprehensive development of young IT-professionals in Chuvashia.

The guests were given an excursion to the office "Casesystems". That day the Deputy CEO S.N. Sergeev and the head of technical information protection I. A. Fedorov conducted open lectures on the theme “Information technologies today and tomorrow" and "Cybersecurity in modern world".


Further cooperation was discussed

Wednesday, 02.11.16

081116 5

On the 1st of November a working meeting of the Rector of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University A. Yu. Alexandrov and the Pro-Rector for scientific activities and integration with manufacturing of Kazan national research University I.A. Abdullin took place. They discussed further cooperation within the framework of cooperation agreement between the two Universities in the field of research and educational activities.

universitet2 ноября в зале заседаний Ученого совета Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова состоялось собрание, на котором были подведены итоги трудового сезона студенческих трудовых отрядов.

IMG 48064 ноября многочисленная делегация Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова во главе с ректором вуза А.Ю.Александровым приняла участие в митинге, посвященном...

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ПРИЕМ - 2020



В ЧГУ им. И.Н. Ульянова начала работу «горячая линия» для абитуриентов.
С понедельника по пятницу с 09:00 до 17:00 по многоканальному телефону

(звонок бесплатный)

специалисты приемной комиссии будут консультировать поступающих и родителей.
В субботу с 9:00 до 14:00. 


d o


letn sh



dod 2020





8 (8352) 45-20-27 (по вопросам дистанционного обучения)
8 (8352) 58-31-93 
(дежурно-диспетчерская служба)
8 (8352) 45-23-39 (приемная комиссия)



voin pam

Volonterskiy korpus




vek yub


fakty ch


chuv ter inn



smi chgu

olimp 2019


molod 2016

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Адрес университета: 428015, Россия, Чувашская Республика, город Чебоксары, Московский проспект, д. 15. Телефон: (8352) 58-30-36, 45-23-39 доп.37-50. linia