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 Издательская деятельность | Чувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова

Издательская деятельность

280916 5Аслă шкулти лекцисемпе практика занятийĕсене мĕнле майпа кăсăклăрах тума пулать? Студентсем хăйсемех шухăш-кăмăлне пĕлтерсе вĕренÿ йĕркине улшăнусем  кĕртме пултараççĕ. Кун пирки Раççейри 32 университет хастарĕ Чăваш Енре иртнĕ вĕрентÿ пахалăхĕн форумĕнче...

28091626 сентября в художественном музее имени Алексея Кокеля ректор Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова А.Ю. Александров встретился со студентами-первокурсниками – победителями и призерами олимпиады...

universitetИсполняющий обязанности ректора Оренбургского государственного университета С.В. Панкова на имя ректора Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова А.Ю. Александрова прислала письмо...

IMG 067125 сентября около 500 приверженцев здорового образа жизни Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова во главе с ректором А.Ю. Александровым активно поддержали участников...


23 сентября в Центре молодежных инициатив Минобразования Чувашии прошел финал республиканского этапа Всероссийского конкурса...

Понедельник, 19.09.16

Let’s intensively study the Chinese language!


Let’s intensively study the Chinese language!

Monday, 19.09.16

Cooperation between the Chuvash State University and universities of China is gaining momentum. Today it takes form of not only friendly meetings in Chuvashia or in China but training of our students in China and Anhui University graduates at ChuvSU as well. On the 8th of September listeners of the program "Intensive Chinese language course" had their first lesson. The head of international relations department Nuzhdaeva E.V. teachers Lee Meytcin and Huang Xinghua told us in what way the new course differed from the previous ones, what purposes it had.

In 2013 9 persons mastered the language of the Celestial Empire under the strict guidance of Cheng Meyciyao, a graduate of the Russian language Faculty of Hainanese State University. In 2015 classes with those wishing to study the basics of the Chinese language were given by the Director of the Centre for Russia study at Anhui State University, a postdoctor of Heilongjiang State University Shi Hunshen. More than 20 people attended courses, now 10 of them have already gone to China by academic mobility program with training and living at the expense of the Chinese side for 2016/2017 academic year to three provinces of China. Our students are in Hefei city of Anhui Province, in Guiyang City, Guizhou province and in Kajfeng, Henan province. Chinese friends have provided our students with this opportunity because they confer great hopes on ChuvSU and believe in our open soul.

Today Chinese classes at ChuvSU are given by graduates of the Russian language Faculty of foreign languages Institute at Anhui State University, Lee Meycin and Huang Xinghua. Girls entered the 1st course of master study at historico-geographical faculty. E.V. Nuzhdaeva believes that successful studying a complicated language requires a long-term program. Thus, the course is designed for 118 hours: classes will be held twice a week from September to May. During a year you can acquire skills of oral speech, overcome difficulties in studying hieroglyphs, master features the Chinese intonations. Young teachers are among the best graduates of the faculty, they are responsible and experienced. Lee Meycin and Huang Xinghua worked as volunteers for a long time, they accompanied the Russian and Ukrainian delegations in Hefei, held excursions and worked as interpreters. The girls have two author's programs: one for children of the middle and senior school age and the second – for students and those who already have basic knowledge. 14 studentsand 30 adultshavealreadybegunstudying. Jointhem!

Large and promising work on cooperation in the fields of politics, economy, culture and education is performed in Russia and China. Our region does not remain on the sidelines. At the moment we are engaged in a contest with Russian Foundation for Humanities grants with a research project about Bichurin legacy. This study is conducted by the director of the Center for the study of China and the Chinese cultural center, opened in ChuvSU, M.N. Krasnov and Shi Hunshen.


student of Chuvash State University Department of journalism Anastasia Olangina isthewinner of the Republican contest ofanti-corruption orientation

Saturday, 17.09.16

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On the 12th of September at the Ministry of information policy and mass media of the Chuvash Republic a joint meeting of commissions for summing up the two contests of anti-corruption orientation of 2016 took place: for the best coverage of the fight against corruption and for development of social advertising scenarios. The jury consisted of representatives of Administration of the Head of the Chuvash Republic, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Chuvashia, Ministry of information policy and mass media of Chuvashia, Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications in the Chuvash Republic and regional Union of journalists.

Members of the Contest Committee unanimously decided on the winners of the contest among journalists. The plot prepared by a student of the Department of journalism of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University, television editor of the national television and radio company of Chuvashia Anastasia Olangina was recognized by the commission as the best TV material telling about fight against corruption in the Republic.

The winner will receive a diploma and a valuable prize. 


The team of ChuvSU at the Congress of the peoples living in the territory of Chuvashia

Friday, 16.09.16

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On the 10th of September a Congress of peoples living in the territory of the Chuvash Republic was held in the Chuvash State Opera and Ballet Theatre.

The event was attended by the Head of the Chuvashia M.V. Ignatyev, the Chairman of the Assembly of peoples of Russia S.K. Smirnova, the Chairman of the Council of elders at the Head of the Chuvash Republic Kurakov L.P., Acting Minister of culture, nationalities and archival business of Chuvashia K.G. Yakovlev, the Metropolitan of Cheboksary and Chuvashia Varnava, the Mufti of Moscow, of the central region and Chuvashia, a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, A.R. Krganov, a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Nikolay Drozdov and other honourable guests. The delegation of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University headed by its Rector A. Yu. Alexandrov participated in the Forum as well.

Before the Congress started, the guests got acquainted with the exhibition in the foyer of the Chuvash Opera and Ballet Theatre. The University presented an exposition devoted to the Patriarch of the Chuvash people I. Ya. Yakovlev, and the project of Chuvash Republican youth public organization "Association of Chuvashia’s Students" “Dialogue of languages and cultures” aimed at educating young people in the spirit of international friendship. As was noted by the head of the project – a student of historical-geographical faculty Evgeniya Alexeyeva, more than 16000 students from 69 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and more than 600 foreign nationals from 41 countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe are currently taught at the University. During the Peoples’ Congress critical issues related to the preservation of culture, language, traditions of peoples residing not only in the Chuvash Republic, but in the entire territory of the Russian Federation as well were discussed. It was decided to convene an Assembly of peoples of the Chuvash Republic. The Charter of the Assembly was adopted as well as elections to the Assembly Board were held. L.P. Kurakov was elected the President of the Assembly of Chuvashia peoples. The Congress ended with a festive concert.

sportkomplРасписание работы спортивных секций ФГБОУ ВО «ЧГУ им. И.Н. Ульянова» на 2016-17 уч. год

007В Культурно-выставочном центре «Радуга» открылась выставка «На пути к Победе» и стартовал республиканский конкурс-фестиваль научно-исследовательских и творческих работ в честь 75-летия битвы за Москву...

031114 4

12 сентября в Министерстве информационной политики и массовых коммуникаций Чувашской Республики  состоялось совместное заседание...

chuvashiaВ республике прошел III Всероссийский съезд учителей сельских школ.

konkurs13 сентября в Чебоксарах Министр образования и науки Российской Федерации Ольга Васильева и Глава Чувашии Михаил Игнатьев приняли...


13 сентября в рамках рабочей поездки в Чувашскую Республику Министр образования и науки Российской Федерации Ольга Васильева в сопровождении Главы Чувашии Михаила Игнатьева посетила...

konferenzОльга Васильева, Министр образования и науки Российской Федерации: В России самое большое количество школ – в сельской местности, и учитель там не просто учитель. Это человек, который работает в социокультурном центре села. И поэтому там есть свои особенности...

chuvashia13 сентября Министр образования и науки Российской Федерации Ольга Васильева посетила с рабочим визитом Чувашскую Республику.

universkorpaНа имя ректора Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова А.Ю.Александрова поступило письмо от начальника отдела молодежного и общественного развития администрации города Чебоксары Э.Х Черкесова

glkorpus515 сентября в рамках Единого информационного дня ректор Чувашского государственного университета  имени И.Н. Ульянова А.Ю. Александров на экономическом и строительном факультетах провел рабочие встречи с обучающимися и работниками вуза.

chuvashia15 сентября в Чувашии проходит Единый информационный день.

Информационные группы в районах и городах республики проводят встречи с трудовыми коллективами, жителями муниципалитетов.

150916Шкул — ялти социаллă тата культура центрĕ пултăр тесен мĕн тумалла. Ял учителĕн ăçта тата мĕнле пурăнмалла? Çак тата ытти ыйтăва пленарлă лару  хыççăн вĕрентекенсем калаçу лапамĕсенче сÿтсе яврĕç. Пирĕн пултарулăх ушкăнĕ вĕсенчен пĕринче пулчĕ.

140916 7 copyГоворите свободно! Как снять страх речи. Причины страха речи и эффективные способы его преодоления. Как вести себя перед аудиторией. Визуальный и кинестетический имидж...


The Chuvash State University was visited by Professor of Tokyo University of foreign languages Shinjiro Kazama

Monday, 12.09.16

On the 7th -9th of September a Professor of Tokyo University of foreign languages (Japan) Shinjiro Kazama stayed with a working visit at I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University. He came to the Faculty of Russian and Chuvash philology and journalism to collect material on dialects of the Chuvash language. Shinjiro Kazama and a group of Japanese researchers are working on creating a sound (spoken) dictionary of Altaic languages.

Earlier Professor Shinjiro Kazama visited regions of the Russian Federation where languages belong to theTungusic family. He created an electronic dictionary, a feature of which is that words and phrases are pronounced by native speakers, specificity of pronunciation is preserved.

Recently, the Japanese philologist has started to study languages and dialects of the Turkic group, which includes the Chuvash language. «Among languages of the Turkic group the Chuvash family occupies a very important place. I have much dreamed of visiting Chuvashia, my dream has come true», said the professor who speaks the Russian language fluently at a meeting with students and teachers. Shinjiro Kazama also told about features of life and culture of Japan, shared interesting cases during his trips in Russia, performed a song in Japanese and expressed his desire to visit Chuvashia again. 

140916 6

Факультет информатики и вычислительной техники Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова объявляет набор на 2016/2017 учебный год школьников 9-11 классов в группы по подготовке к ОГЭ по информатике, ЕГЭ по информатике и ИКТ и решению...


Cooperation between the Chuvash State University and Chinese universities

Monday, 12.09.16

120916 2

Cooperation between I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University and Chinese universities is gaining momentum. Today it means not only friendly meetings in Chuvashia or China, but training ChuvSU students in China and Anhui graduates at ChuvSU.

Graduates of Anhui University arrived in Cheboksary in August to prepare for admission to ChuvSU. They were met in Moscow and showed the Red Square and museums of the Russian capital. Today Lee Mejcin and Huang Tsinghua are master's degree students of the 1st year of study of historical-geographical faculty at ChuvSU.

A student of the 3rd year of study of historical-geographical faculty of ChuvSU Yakovleva Christina and a student of 2nd year of study of economic faculty Krasnova Anna began their academic year at Anhui University, where during the 1st semester they will study the Chinese language. The following semester new representatives of Anhui University will arrive by exchange programs to study at ChuvSU. In total 10 persons – ChuvSU students will pass this academic year in Chinese universities.

stud 4Филиал «Марий Эл и Чувашии» Т Плюс принял активное участие в проведении в регионах своего присутствия Всероссийского фестиваля энергосбережения #ВместеЯрче.

IMG 009814 сентября в фойе первого этажа корпуса "Г" Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова состоялось торжественное открытие выставки...

stud 5Педагогика, актерское мастерство, азы теоретических знаний о конфликтологии, первой медицинской помощи, профессиональной этике…


Молодежный форум ПФО «iBoлга - 2016», который прошел минувшим летом на площадке фестивального парка «Мастрюковские озера» в Самарской области, в очередной раз встречал инициативных ребят со...

stud 6Татьяна Георгиевна Федорова родилась 28 сентября 1984 года в Новочебоксарске, в 2001 году окончила гимназию № 18, в 2006-м – строительный факультет Чувашского государственного университета. 

140916 3Справка «Ульяновца»

Федор Сергеевич Егоров в 2011 году окончил факультет радиотехники и электроники Чувашского государственного университета им. И.Н. Ульянова, в 2013-м – магистратуру факультета электроники...

Среда, 14.09.16

Рабочий визит

universitetВ рамках проведения Всероссийского съезда учителей сельских школ Чувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова с рабочим визитом посетили заместитель директора Департамента государственной политики...

140916 2

Все нюансы современного производства студенты ЧГУ имени И.Н. Ульянова изучают не только по учебникам. До недавнего времени в вузе насчитывалось 11 базовых кафедр, созданных на крупных предприятиях Чебоксар и Новочебоксарска.

konferenz15 сентября в Чувашской Республике состоится Единый информационный день. Его темы: об индексации пенсий в 2017 году; о подготовке объектов жилищно-коммунального хозяйства к отопительному сезону 2016/2017 года...


13 сентября в зале заседаний Ученого совета Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова состоялась работа...

130916 6

С 14 по 21 сентября в городе Батуми (Грузия) проводится международный турнир по спортивной гимнастике. Национальная федерация гимнастических видов спорта Грузии в составе сборной команды России...

stud 6Чебоксарская ГЭС и Корпоративный университет гидроэнергетики (филиалы ПАО «РусГидро») совместно с новочебоксарским лицеем № 18 организуют энергоклассы для учащихся 9-х и 10-х классов...

130916 5 copy

О том, какие изменения ждут сферу образования и чем она планирует руководствоваться в своей работе, Ольга Васильева рассказала ТАСС в своем первом программном интервью.

130916 5

13 сентября 2016 года в Чебоксарах стартует III Всероссийский съезд учителей сельских школ.

Около 500 педагогов со всей России съедутся в Чувашию для обсуждения перспектив развития системы образования...

stud 4В сентябре 2016 года в Чувашии под эгидой Министерства здравоохранения Чувашской Республики, Чувашского государственного университета им. И.Н. Ульянова, Чувашского регионального отделения...

130916 3 copy12 сентября, в День программиста, в Чувашском государственном университете имени И.Н. Ульянова при поддержке отраслевой ассоциации «Информационные технологии в Чувашской Республике»...

nauka 4Чувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова и Ассоциация молодых физиков Чувашии при финансовой поддержки РФФИ, при поддержке  НТЦ тонкопленочных технологий в энергетике...

130916 3Лингвистический центр, факультет иностранных языков Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова приглашают учащихся старших классов на курсы по подготовке к ОГЭ, ЕГЭ.

130916 2

9 сентября Глава Чувашии Михаил Игнатьев подписал Указ о назначении министром  образования и молодежной политики Чувашской Республики Юрия Исаева.

130916 1

Образовательные организации Чувашской Республики приняли участие в Съезде народов, проживающих на территории Чувашской Республики. Участники обсудили важнейшие вопросы, касающиеся...

13091612 сентября ректор Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н.Ульянова А.Ю. Александров принял участие в открытии...

sport11 сентября в рамках торжественного закрытия межрегионального образовательного форума "МолГород-2016" состоялось подведение итогов конкурса социальной рекламы "Мы за здоровый образ жизни!".

47-9 сентября в Чувашском государственном университете имени И.Н. Ульянова с рабочим визитом находился профессор Токийского университета иностранных языков (Япония) Синджиро Казама.

120916 2

Сотрудничество между Чувашским государственным университетом им.И.Н. Ульянова и Китайскими вузами набирает обороты. Сегодня это не только дружественные встречи на чувашской или китайской земле...

god 2016Стартовал республиканский медиафестиваль-конкурс, посвященный Году человека труда в Чувашской Республике (далее - Конкурс).


On the basis of research-and-production enterprise "EKRA" a specialized department of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University is organized

Saturday, 10.09.16

On the 9th of September on the basis of multifunctional complex second line of research-and-production enterprise "EKRA" a solemn opening of a specialized department of electric drives automated control systems of energy industry and electrical engineering faculty of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University took place.

The opening ceremony was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of the Chuvash Republic – Minister of economic development, trade and industry of the Chuvash Republic V.A. Avrelkin, the Rector of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University A.Yu. Alexandrov, the technical director of RPE "EKRA" V.A. Naumov. They noted that LLC RPE “EKRA” is an innovative integrated enterprise including research and design and development work, manufacturing, design of objects, installation, starting-up and adjustment, service and maintenance staff training. For production development highly qualified specialists are needed, so the University and the enterprise within the framework of target staff training for RPE “EKRA” and enterprises of innovation electrotechnical cluster of the Chuvash Republic opened a specialized department of electric drives automated control systems. Its creation will grant bachelors, masters and post-graduates of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University the opportunity to study and conduct research on modern equipment, to solve challenges under the leadership of highly qualified specialists and experienced teachers of the University. During an excursion in laboratories of multifunctional complex managers of the research and production enterprise told that "EKRA" expanded its production area by 14 thousand sq. m, 500 new high-tech jobs will be organized. The new areas will include "Design Centre EKRA”, subdivisions on development, testing and serial production of converter equipment products for starting and speed adjustment of high-power high-voltage motors as well as low-voltage complete devices. In the long term with the introduction of the 3rd line of RPE "EKRA" and as a result of reaching the project capacity by the multifunctional complex production potentialities of the enterprise will be tripled. During the roundtable representatives of the University and RPE "EKRA" discussed the prospects of further cooperation in the field of research and sought after personnel training with higher education for enterprises of electrotechnical cluster of the Chuvash Republic.


Classes on the programme "Intensive Chinese language course" started

Saturday, 10.09.16

It is now the third year that the Chuvash State University opens its doors for those wishing to learn the Chinese language. On the 8th of September there was the first lesson for the listeners of the program "Intensive Chinese language course”.

In total training will be passed by 14 pupils and 30 adults. Students of the "Intensive Chinese language course” will literally comprehend the Chinese puzzle: they will acquire verbal skills to overcome difficulties in learning hieroglyphs, develop features of the Chinese intonation. Classes are given by guests from China, graduates of the Russian language Faculty of foreign languages Institute of Anhui State University – Lee Meytcin and Huang Xinghua.


Youth Forum of regional development «MolGorod-2016» is working in the sanatorium-health complex «Pearl of Chuvashia»

Friday, 09.09.16

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On the 8th of September the Chairman of the Council of Rectors of the Chuvash Republic, the Rector of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University A. Yu. Alexandrov took part in the opening of the Youth Forum of regional development “MolGorod-2016” in sanatorium-health complex "Pearl of Chuvashia”.

The guests and participants of the "MolGorod-2016» were welcomed by the Head of the Chuvash Republic M.V. Ignatiev, Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation for education A.I. Arshinova, the head of the town of Cheboksary L.I. Cherkesov, a member of the State Council of the Chuvash Republic N. F. Ugaslov, members of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation D.A. Chugunov, P.A. Sychev and others. Within the framework of the educational platform "Open dialogue" communication between honored guests and participants of the Forum took place. In an interview to journalists A.Yu. Alexandrov noted that active participation of University students in these forums contributes to creation of conditions for professional, creative and social self-actualization of the youth. For 7 years the Forum was attended by nearly 7000 young people and experts from 15 regions of Russia, 13 countries of the world. 


A roundtable «Innovation resources in medical education»

Friday, 09.09.16


In the Centre of accreditation and simulation training of the medical faculty of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University a roundtable discussion "Innovation resources in medical education” took place. The event dedicated to the prospects of medicine and higher education development was attended by the Rector A. Yu. Alexandrov, the head of the city of Cheboksary L.I. Cherkesov, the chief medical officer of the Federal center for traumatology, orthopaedics and joint endoprosthesis N.S. Nikolayev, the Dean of the medical faculty V.N. Diomidova, students, interns, residents, postgraduates. During active communication honored guests and students discussed development of discipline-specific medical tourism, volunteering and mentoring, support of young professionals employed by medical institutions of the Republic, equipment of simulation centers, further infrastructure development of the town of Cheboksary. The guests also shared their memories of the years of study at the Chuvash State University, wished future doctors success in their work and achievement of their goals. At the end of the roundtable of the Dean of the medical faculty V.N. Diomidova noted achievements of students of the medical faculty and expressed gratitude to all participants and guests of the roundtable.


28 educational programs of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University successfully passed an independent quality evaluation

Tuesday, 06.09.16

The Rector of ChuvSU A. Yu. Aleksandrov received a quality certificate № 2016/1/151 dated 27.07. 2016, which «confirms that the educational programmes (Annex) of the Federal State-financed Educational Institution of higher education «I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University» in the period from the 01st of March to the 2nd of June 2016 successfully passed an independent quality evaluation by certified accreditation pedagogical measuring materials (APIM) within the framework of the project «Federal Internet-exam in vocational education». The document is signed by the Director of the Research Institute of education quality monitoring V.G. Navodnov.

Among the 28 ChuvSU educational programs that successfully passed an independent quality assessment are:

"Applied mathematics and Informatics"

"Software and information systems administration"



"Ecology and environmental management"

"Informatics and computer engineering"

"Infocommunication technologies and communication systems"

"Electronics and nanoelectronics"

"Electricity and electrical engineering"

"Mechanical engineering"

"Chemical technology"

"Energy and resource saving processes in chemical engineering, petrochemical industry and biotechnology"

"Technosphere safety"

"Quality management"




"Clinical psychology"



"State and municipal management"

"Economic security"


"Law enforcement"




«Records management and archival studies".


Michael Ignatiev gave a lecture at I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University

Monday, 05.09.16

On the 5th of September the Head of Chuvashia Michael Ignatiev addressed the leaders of student groups of I. N. Ulianov ChuvSU with a lecture on the theme: «The Chuvash Republic – prospects of development».

Michael Ignatiev reminded students that on that day the Republic noted the 87th anniversary of the birth of the twice hero of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR Andriyan Nikolayev. «His personal example is of great educational value for the youth», said the head of the region. Michael Ignatiev noted that since childhood Andriyan Nikolayev showed a great thirst for knowledge. He became independent early, staunchly overcame life's hardships. Fortitude, tenacity enabled him to reach space heights.

Michael Ignatiev noted that I. N. Ulianov ChuvSU is a multidisciplinary educational center, the largest University in the Republic, whose arsenal includes a powerful pedagogical and scientific-technical base. He drew attention to the fact that students should use all opportunities for self-realization. The head of the Chuvashia also encouraged young people to follow traditions, to honor family values, to respect their elders.

Michael Ignatiev told students about socio-economic development of the region, about achievements in public health, economy and agriculture.

The head of the region stated that 10 years ago Chuvashia’s GDP made only 23 billion rubles, during 10 years it grew almost 10 times, and last year it exceeded 210 billion rubles.

With new industries opening extra high-tech jobs with decent salaries are created. Today, labour market demand is 2.5 times higher than the number of registered unemployed persons. More and more people who went to work to capital cities return to live and work in the Republic.

Michael Ignatiev paid attention that the Republic was recognized as one of the best regions for business. In the national rating of investment attractiveness of Russia’s regions Chuvashia has risen from the ninth place to the sixth place. Cooperation with foreign partners expands, foreign companies from five countries opened their production in the Republic.

The budget of the region remains socially-oriented; each budget ruble is distributed according to the adopted state programs.

The Republican portal of Chuvashia «Budget for citizens» entered the best ten projects of the country. Openness and efficiency of public finance are provided in the region.

Great attention is paid to public health. High-tech medicine is being developed, new modern sport and medical facilities are opened.

The Chief medical officer of the Federal Center for traumatology, orthopaedics and joint endoprosthesis, Nikolay Nikolayev encouraged students to be active in public life and studies, he noted how important knowledge is, what a valuable asset it is for professional solvency in the future.

The Rector of I. N. Ulianov ChuvSU Andrey Alexandrov thanked the head of Chuvashia for full support of the University and the education sector.

Students asked the participants of the meeting their questions. The head of the region, the Rector of the ChuvSU and the chief medical officer of the center for traumatology, orthopaedics and joint endoprosthesis gave detailed answers on them. 

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Пятница, 09.09.16


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Четверг, 08.09.16

Шанчăк çамрăксенче

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Meeting of the Rector A. Yu. Alexandrov with first-year students

Friday, 02.09.16

On the 2nd of September the Rector of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University A. Yu. Alexandrov had meetings with students-freshmen of management and social technologies faculty, chemical-pharmaceutical faculty and economic faculty.

During the meetings Andrey Yurievich introduced pro-rectors of the University, heads of structural divisions of the University to the students. Andrey Yurievich spoke about organization of educational process at the University, living conditions at hostels, on social guarantees for students, opportunities for extracurricular activities. The Rector focused attention on the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and to develop sport at ChuvSU.

Andrey Yurievich also briefed those present on the socio-economic development of the Chuvash Republic and the town of Cheboksary and answered questions of meeting attendees.

Четверг, 01.09.16

A meeting at the medical faculty


A meeting at the medical faculty

Thursday, 01.09.16

On the 1st of September Public Health Minister of Chuvashia A.V. Samoylova traditionally greeted first-year students of the medical faculty of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University with the start of a new academic year. The event was attended by the Rector of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University A. Yu. Alexandrov. "Your success depends primarily on you. I am convinced that with your arrival our health system will be given renewed momentum”, he said, referring with parting words to first-year students.

«A white coat is an integral part of a professional costume of representatives of the most humane profession. I am sure that all your life you will remember this day when you came here on the first of September, put on the coat and took a conscious decision to give your heart and knowledge in order to save the patient. Because there is no other way, because medicine is the most important, needed and noble profession on the Earth», said the head of Public Health Ministry of Chuvashia in her welcoming speech.

Alla Samoylova also handed notes of acknowledgement of the Ministry of Public health of Chuvashia to active participants of the youth movement – volunteers-medical students who made a great contribution to the implementation of the project "In the name of patient” – assistant of faculty therapy department, youth Minister of Public health Ratyeva Julia and second-year student Stepanova Valeria.

The Dean of the medical faculty of I. N. Ulianov ChuvSU V.N. Diomidova told the freshmen: “It is already the 49th admission of students to the medical faculty, which was founded in 1967. During this time the Faculty has trained approximately 11 thousand doctors. I have no doubt that you will become good professionals, loving their patients and respectful colleagues”.

Let’s note that this year more than 900 people entered the medical faculty to specialities "Medicine", "Stomatology", "Pediatrics". 



Festive event dedicated to the Knowledge Day at I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University  

Thursday, 01.09.16

On the 1st of September the Head of Chuvashia Michael Ignatiev took part in celebrations of the Knowledge Day.

Michael Ignatiev visited I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University.

Greeting students, the Rector of the University, the Chairman of the Council of Rectors of higher educational institutions of the Chuvash Republic Andrei Aleksandrov noted that this year two thousands 300 persons entered the University for intramural form of study, of whom more than 200 freshmen are citizens of different countries of the world.

«I am sure that our lecturers will do everything for you to implement your dreams. And we together with the leadership of the Republic, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the State Council of the Chuvash Republic will create comfortable conditions for quality education», he said.

The Rector drew attention that I. N. Ulianov ChuvSU adopted a programme for reconstruction of hostels. In addition, the University won a scholarship for Engineering Center opening.

Congratulating the students with the Knowledge Day, Michael Ignatiev noted that in the new academic year 999 educational organizations opened their doors, almost 200 thousand schoolchildren and students started studying. In 2016 14700 kids started school which is 625 children more than last year. 

Mikhail Ignatiev emphasized that students should study responsibly because good education is the basis of professional success. «Pupils, students and teachers must be a team» said the Head of Chuvashia.

The head of the region pointed out that thanks to the work of highly professional academic teaching staff the Chuvash State University maintains a high position in the effectiveness ranking of Russian universities.

The Vice-Chairman of the Committee on education of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Alyona Arshinova stressed: «We will do everything to ensure that education in Russia was worthy. Development of the country and the Republic depends on you! ».

The head of the town of Cheboksary Leonid Cherkesov wished students success and noted that organizations and enterprises of the Republic are waiting for them.

On behalf of students the leadership of I. N. Ulianov ChuvSU was thanked by the student of applied mathematics, physics and information technology faculty Artem Grigoriev and by the first-year student of power engineering and electrical engineering faculty Nadezhda Karpova.

stud 56 сентября в общежитии № 4 Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова состоялась встреча студентов из Индии с начальником управления внеучебной работы и безопасности вуза О.Н. Викторовым.

chuvashiaВ минувший понедельник Глава Чувашии Михаил Игнатьев выступил перед лидерами студенческих групп ЧГУ имени И.Н. Ульянова с лекцией на тему «Чувашская Республика – перспективы развития».

060916 5В ЧГУ имени И.Н. Ульянова состоялась лекция с участием главы Чувашии Михаила Игнатьева.

На имя ректора ЧувГУ А.Ю. Александрова поступил сертификат качества № 2016/1/151 от 27.07. 2016 года, которым "подтверждается, что образовательные программы (Приложение) федерального...

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10 сентября в г. Чебоксары пройдет одно из крупнейших спортивных событий нашей республики – 78-я эстафета газеты «Советская Чувашия» памяти летчика-космонавта СССР, генерал-майора авиации...

Группа сотрудников и студентов историко-географического факультета Чувашского госуниверситета осуществила экспедицию на хребет Муста-Тунтури в Мурманской области.

fil 30245 сентября Глава Чувашии Михаил Игнатьев выступил перед лидерами студенческих групп ЧГУ имени И.Н. Ульянова с лекцией на тему: «Чувашская Республика – перспективы развития».

050916 4

С 23 по 25 сентября 2016 г. в Чувашском госуниверситете впервые состоится школа волонтеров «Вливайся!»...

IMG 90665 сентября ректор Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова А.Ю. Александров провел рабочие встречи со студентами первого курса факультета иностранных языков и факультета информатики и вычислительной техники.


At the meeting of the University employees results of the past academic year were summed up and plans for the future were outlined

Tuesday, 30.08.16

On the 30th of August in the Palace of culture of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University a meeting of lecturers and employees of the University was held.

Before the meeting concert performances were made by students of Arts Faculty of the University.

The meeting of the staff was opened by the Chairman of primary trade union organization of ChuvSU employees O.N. Shirokov.

The collective of the Chuvash State University was congratulated with the start of a new academic year by the Deputy of the State Council of the Chuvash Republic, chief medical officer of the Federal Center for Traumatology, orthopaedics and joint endoprosthesis of the Ministry of public health and social development of the Russian Federation (Cheboksary) N.S. Nikolayev, he wished health, well-being, creative achievements and successful work.

The Rector of the University A. Yu. Alexandrov made a report “On outcomes of the University’s work in 2015-2016 academic year and tasks for the University collective in 2016-2017 academic year”. Andrey Yurievich thoroughly reviewed the activities of the University in key areas: management activities; educational activities; the results of the admission; vocational work; informatization of the University; research and innovation; scientific and pedagogical staff training; international activities; develop of human resource capacity; educational activities; public relations; socio-economic activities and development of supplementary education; development of material-technical, educational and laboratory facilities and outlined the tasks for the nearest future.

For many years of fruitful work on development and improvement of educational process, significant contribution to training highly qualified specialists the Rector A.Yu. Alexandrov handed the certificate and the badge “Honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation” to pro-rector on general matters, S.V. Tasakov and to Professor of the foreign languages department №1 G. G. Yakovleva.

For many years of fruitful work on training higher education specialists Professor of normal and pathological physiology department L.M. Yakovleva was awarded with a diploma of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation. For considerable success in organization and improvement of training and educational processes, great personal contribution to practical training of qualified professionals Professor of physical geography and geomorphology department N.F. Petrov was awarded with an honorary diploma of the Ministry of education and youth policy of the Chuvash Republic. For organizational support of educational process and long-term honest work a group of employees of the University were marked with Honorary Awards and gratitude of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University.


The Head of Chuvashia got familiarized with living conditions of students in hostels of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University

Tuesday, 30.08.16

On the 29th of August the head of Chuvashia inspected the course of overhaul of hostel №7 of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University and living conditions of students.

The Rector of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University Andrey Alexandrov told that the hostel, for overhaul of which 50 million rubles were allocated, is designed for 500 persons. To date, major repairs of the right wing of the hostel are completed, door blocks are replaced with new ones, old wooden window blocks are replaced by modern triple-pane windows.  A complete modernization of the sewerage system with sanitary equipment replacement is completed as well. In all dorm rooms furniture made in University’s furniture shop is placed. An individual automated heating unit with weather control is created.

The Rector of ChuvSU told that today more than 700 citizens from 41 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe and the CIS study at the University. He drew attention to the fact that the next object for overhaul is hostel №3.

The chief medical officer of the Federal Center for Traumatology, orthopaedics and joint endoprosthesis, Nikolay Nikolayev drew attention that the geography of the countries from which students come to study at ChuvSU is quite broad and creating decent conditions for living and studying is important. "There is everything here for good studies and living," he said.

In the course of communication with journalists Michael Ignatiev stressed that updating hostels located in Soviet buildings would be continued. "We want students to live in comfortable conditions, to study well and to find a job," said the head of Chuvashia.

IMG 90373 сентября в стране проводилась Всероссийская акция «Помним Беслан» в память о жертвах террористического акта, произошедшего в Бесланской школе №1 в 2004 году.

030916Трогательное мероприятие, которое второй год проводит общественная организация «Свобода», прошло в Доме культуры «Южный». Участницы конкурса рассказывали о себе в «визитке»...

020816 6Первый раз на первый курс пошли сегодня студенты десятков ВУЗов, и в том числе Чувашского государственного университета.

Понедельник, 29.08.16

Подарок студентам

290816 4Глава Чувашии ознакомился с ходом капитального ремонта в общежитии Чувашского государственного университета. 


Presentation of the project of Cheboksary Engineering Centre of transport and agricultural machinery

Thursday, 25.08.16

On the 23rd of August a working visit of the division manager of Federal State-Funded Institution “Russian Technology Agency” A.I. Podkuyko to I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University took place. The purpose of the visit was to familiarize with organization of activities for implementation of the pilot project of creation and development of Cheboksary engineering centre of transport and agricultural machinery on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I. N. Ulianov ChuvSU”. As part of the Republican Conference of educators in the Chuvash State Philharmonic he attended the presentation of the project of Cheboksary engineering centre of transport and agricultural machinery.

The presentation of the Center was made by the Rector of the Chuvash State University A. Yu. Aleksandrov; the Chairman of Education Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation V.A. Nikonov, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on education A.I. Arshinova, the head of the Chuvash Republic M.V. Ignatiev got acquainted with the presentation.  

A.I. Podkuyko inspected the University premises, allocated for placing the Engineering Center, examined the work directions of the laboratory of advanced welding techniques. Finally, an excursion to LLC “Research and Production Enterprise Bresler”-partner of the University was organized for the guest.


A delegation of municipal district Anqing of Anhui Province (China) visited the Chinese cultural center of I. N. Ulyanov ChuvSU

Thursday, 25.08.16

From the 19th to the 21st of August a delegation of the urban district Anqing of Anhui Province of the People's Republic of China headed by the Chairman of the People's political consultative council of the urban district Anqing Mr. Chang Jinzhuy paid an official visit to the town of Cheboksary. The guests from China visited a number of social sites, watched a specially prepared presentation of the Chuvash Republic and took part in the festivities dedicated to the 547th anniversary of the capital of Chuvashia.

On the 20th of August the guests of our Republic visited the Chinese cultural center which was opened at I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University in July this year. Here they were met by the Chief of Department for international relations E.V. Nuzhdaeva, the Dean of the foreign languages faculty M.V. Emelyanova, the Director of the Chinese cultural center and the Center for China study of ChuvSU M.N. Krasnova.

The head of instrumental performance and conducting chair N.I. Ivanova, students Aleksey Egorov and Natalya Egorova as well as graduates of Anhui University Huang Xinghua and Li Meijing who came to study at our University performed the song "Eternal love" accompanied by a cello and Chinese folk instruments erhu and hulusis. E.V. Nuzhdaeva talked about the dynamics of cooperation with Chinese counterparts.

The Chuvash State University has 8 Chinese partners-universities; scientists of the Celestial Empire publish their papers in our journals, works of Cheboksary researchers were published in Chinese publications. In 2014-2016 respectively mutual holidays on our cultures took place; in 2016 two videoconferences were held.

The Chuvash party expressed hope for closer cooperation in the field of education, academic exchanges, development of friendly partnership between the two countries.

In response the Director of the media-bureau of the urban district Anqing, Liu Chunwang, invited musicians to participate in the Festival of Arts of China: "Music does not need translators, you need to understand it with your soul. I was really touched by the performance of the artists, and we are ready to arrange this trip”.

During the meeting the members of the delegation asked their compatriots who entered the historical-geographical faculty of ChuvSU to name three reasons for their decision. Huang Xinghua and Li Meijing answeredwith a smile: "Love to the Russian language and Russian culture, kind, helpful people and a cosy, quiet, beautiful town of Cheboksary!”.


The Chairman of Education Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation V.A. Nikonov gave a lecture at I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University

Thursday, 25.08.16

On the 24th of August in the Palace of culture of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University the Chairman of Education Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Dean of state administration faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University, doctor of historical sciences, Professor V.A. Nikonov gave a lecture a public lecture “Russia: challenges and opportunities” for academic teaching staff and members of educational community of the Republic.

At the beginning of his lecture, Vyacheslav Alexeevich thanked the University for the invitation to visit the leading University of the Republic, and noted that it was "a great honour and a great pleasure to be here today, in the walls of the Chuvash State University – a renowned educational institution of our country".

In his lecture Professor V.A. Nikonov characterized the main stages of historical development of the Russian State, traced the dynamics of perception of the image of Russia in the West, noted modern trends in international socio-political development, assessed the situation in key sectors of the Russian economy. The lecturer emphasized that events which occurred in the world at present, were not only a challenge for Russia but they provided new opportunities for further development as well.


A working meeting of the Rector of the Chuvash State University A. Yu. Alexandrov with the Chairman of Education Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation V.A. Nikonov

Wednesday, 24.08.16


On the 24th of AugustI. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University was visited by the Chairman of Education Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation V.A. Nikonov.

The visit to the Chuvash State University began with a working meeting of V.A. Nikonov with the Rector of the University A. Yu. Alexandrov. They discussed issues of further improvement of educational system, industry funding, prospects of the University development.

The meeting was also attended by Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on education A.I. Arshinova, Deputy Chairman of the State Council of the Chuvash Republic N. V. Malov, Deputy Minister of education and youth policy of the Chuvash Republic S.V. Kudryashov.


Issues of sought-after specialists training in conditions of staffing standard implementation are discussed

Tuesday, 23.08.16

On the 23rd of August at the Republican Conference of educators which was held on the basis of Cheboksary electromechanical college of the Ministry of Education of Chuvashia a section “Innovative approaches to training of sought-after specialists of real economy in the conditions of staffing standard implementation” worked. A. Yu. Alexandrov, the Rector of I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University made a report “State and prospects of engineer training at I. N. Ulianov ChuvSU”. Andrey Yuryevich spoke on the experience of the University in training engineers, networking with educational institutions, enterprises and organizations of the Republic, participation in federal contests, new forms of career guidance activities.

The Director of the Interregional competence center – Cheboksary electromechanical college of the Ministry of Education of Chuvashia, A.A. Sudlenkov, the chief of professional education and science division of the Ministry of Education of Chuvashia A.E. Atamov, deputy head of staffing support, industrial growth department ofAutonomous Non-Commercial Organization “Agency of strategic initiatives to promote new projects» J.M. Kadyleva (in the format of videoconferencing), Deputy Director on teaching and manufacturing activity of Interregional competence center – Cheboksary electromechanical college I.L. Polikarpov,Director of Kanash energy and transportation college I.R. Nazmutdinov, executive director, deputy chairman of the Board of vocational education institutions association of the Chuvash Republic L.P. Rudakova, a specialist of working with educational institutions of the corporate group «Garant» E.L. Chernyshova also made speeches at the conference section. 

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ПРИЕМ - 2020



В ЧГУ им. И.Н. Ульянова начала работу «горячая линия» для абитуриентов.
С понедельника по пятницу с 09:00 до 17:00 по многоканальному телефону

(звонок бесплатный)

специалисты приемной комиссии будут консультировать поступающих и родителей.
В субботу с 9:00 до 14:00. 


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8 (8352) 45-20-27 (по вопросам дистанционного обучения)
8 (8352) 58-31-93 
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8 (8352) 45-23-39 (приемная комиссия)



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Адрес университета: 428015, Россия, Чувашская Республика, город Чебоксары, Московский проспект, д. 15. Телефон: (8352) 58-30-36, 45-23-39 доп.37-50. linia