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 Издательская деятельность | Чувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова

Издательская деятельность

Донской Калинин Теория автоматического управленияISBN 978-5-7677-2134-4

Рассмотрены общие вопросы теории линейных и нелинейных систем автоматического управления, даны основные методы их анализа и синтеза.

Для студентов III курса направления «Энергетика и электротехника», специальности «Электропривод и автоматика». Может быть полезно для студентов других электротехнических специальностей и инженеров, занимающихся проектированием и исследованием систем автоматического управления.

Гурджиян Общий менеджмент Учеб пособиеISBN 978-5-7677-2196-2

Приводится материал для работы студентов при изучении дисциплины «Общий менеджмент». Каждая тема содержит опорный конспект, практикум и тестовые задания.

Для студентов I и II курсов, обучающихся по экономическим направлениям, а также может быть рекомендовано слушателям Программы подготовки управленческих кадров организаций народного хозяйства Российской Федерации.

Голенков Биобиблиографический указательISBN 978-5-7677-2018-7

Биобиблиографический указатель трудов А.В. Голенкова содержит перечень работ с 1988 по 2014 г. Отражает научно-исследовательские и учебно-методические публикации автора. Приводятся именной указатель и указатель заглавий, а также некоторые наукометрические показатели ученого.

Для научных сотрудников, преподавателей, аспирантов и студентов.

Воскресенская Львова Теория и методология концепций бухучетаISBN 978-5-7677-2178-8

Рассмотрены вопросы развития теории и методологии бухгалтерского учета, бухгалтерской профессии, реформирования отечественной учетной системы в современных условиях.

Для преподавателей вузов, работников научной сферы, бухгалтерских служб, а также студентов.

Волков В.Е. Волков С.В. Критические состояния в хирургииISBN 978-5-7677-2160-3

Монография посвящена малоизученной проблеме хирургии – критическим состояниям, возникающим вследствие различных типов шока, внезапной остановки сердца, острой тампонады сердца, тромбоэмболии легочной артерии, гипертермического синдрома, дистресс-синдрома взрослых и др., поздняя диагностика которых в сочетании с несвоевременным проведением комплекса реанимационных мероприятий нередко заканчивается смертью больных.

Представлены новые сведения по патогенезу, ранней диагностике и выбору метода лечения различных по характеру критических состояний преимущественно у больных хирургического профиля. Изложены практические рекомендации по профилактике критических состояний при различных хирургических заболеваниях и их осложнениях.

Для хирургов, анестезиологов и реаниматологов, клинических ординаторов, студентов старших курсов медицинских вузов.

Верещак Чинчикова Тарапыгин ПравоведениеISBN 978-5-7677-2148-1

Разработано в соответствии с требованиями Федерального закона «Об образовании в Российской Федерации», федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов высшего образования и Основ государственной политики Российской Федерации в сфере развития правовой грамотности и правосознания граждан. В работе реализована технология успешного освоения учебного материала: дан его оптимальный объем, приведены необходимые содержательные компоненты, вопросы для самоконтроля, сформулированы тестовые задания. В краткой и доступной форме раскрыты основы государства и права, фундаментальные понятия и категории отраслей российского права.

Для студентов неюридических направлений подготовки и специальностей образовательных организаций высшего образования при изучении предмета «Правоведение».

Вербина Психодиагностика и консультирование семьиISBN 978-5-7677-2209-9

Приведены общие сведения о семье (ее функциях, структуре и динамике), дана классификация семей. Изложены основные принципы диагностики и консультирования семьи. На основе обобщения научно-практического опыта представлены методы и техники психодинамической, системной и эклектической семейной психотерапии.

Для студентов IVV курсов факультета управления и социальных технологий, клинических психологов, социальных работников и других специалистов, работающих с семьями.

Васильев Роль художника в процессе взаимодействия культурISBN 978-5-7677-2246-4

В монографии впервые предпринято комплексное исследование роли художника в процессе взаимодействия культур в ретроспективе XX – начала XXI века. Верифицированы факты биографии художника.

Для преподавателей, аспирантов, студентов исторических, культурологических, философских и художественных специальностей, а также для всех интересующихся проблемами истории и теории культуры.

Будниченко Смысловые функции пунктуационных графем в медийных текстахISBN 978-5-7677-2201-3

Категория смысла определяется в работе как композиционное явление, а пунктуационные графемы рассматриваются как полноправные языковые знаки. Смысловые реализации пунктуационных графем в медиатекстах складываются из их диктальных, модусных, дискурсивных, эмотивных и экспрессивных смыслов; из способности знаков препинания участвовать в выражении авторских эмоций и оценок, подтекстовых и прагматических смыслов.

Для научных работников, специалистов, студентов и аспирантов.

Брегер Шевцов Информационные технологии в оперативно-диспетчерском и оперативно-технологическом управленииISBN 978-5-7677-2119-1

Рассмотрены вопросы применения современных информационных технологий, обеспечивающих функционирование инфраструктуры оперативно-диспетчерского управления в электроэнергетике и оперативно-технологического управления, а также функционирование релейной защиты и автоматики.

Для магистрантов электроэнергетических и электротехнических специальностей. Может быть полезно для слушателей учебных курсов повышения квалификации и переподготовки инженерных кадров различных предприятий, организаций и преподавателей средних и высших образовательных учреждений электроэнергетического профиля.

Борисова Лингвокультурологический словарь чувашского языкаISBN 978-5-7677-2137-5

«Лингвокультурологический словарь чувашского языка» представляет собой первую в чувашском языкознании попытку сводного и систематизированного изложения основных концептов, формирующих чувашскую языковую картину мира.

Для языковедов, культурологов, этнологов, преподавателей чувашского языка, аспирантов, студентов и всех, кто интересуется проблемой взаимосвязи национального языка и этнической культуры.

Белов Импульсные преобразователи с системами управления на серийных микросхемахISBN 978-5-7677-2068-2

Подробно изложен синтез одноконтурных систем управления понижающими преобразователями постоянного напряжения (ППН), дан анализ двухконтурной системы управления с упрощенным токовым контуром и полной двухконтурной системы управления корректором коэффициента мощности. На примере усилителя мощности класса D изложена методика анализа и расчёта импульсных ППН автоколебательного типа.

Для специалистов и аспирантов, занимающихся разработкой и исследованием импульсных преобразователей, а также может быть использована магистрантами и студентами электротехнических и радиоэлектронных направлений при выполнении курсовых и выпускных работ.

Баранов Начальный курс рисункаISBN978-5-7677-2213-6

В пособии раскрываются основные способы методики обучения изобразительной грамоте и основные дидактические принципы процесса преподавания основ «начального курса» рисунка от «простого» до «более сложного», что динамично организует преподавание рисунка.

Для студентов IIII курсов всех форм обучения в различных учебных заведениях – колледжах, на архитектурных и художественных факультетах институтов и университетов. 

Алексеев Йовенко Параллельное программированиеISBN 978-5-7677-2162-7

Рассмотрены основные принципы организации параллельных вычислений в моделях с разделяемой и распределенной памятью и гетерогенные параллельные вычисления.

Приведены базовые алгоритмы параллельных вычислений (сортировка и алгоритмы на графах), а также примеры адаптации существующих последовательных алгоритмов в их параллельные аналоги.

Для студентов IV курса направления подготовки бакалавров 230100 «Информатика и вычислительная техника», изучающих дисциплину «Параллельное программирование».

Работа выполнена при поддержке федеральной программы «Кадры для регионов».

Александров и др Проблемы финансового и организационно-правового обеспеченияISBN 978-5-7677-2131-3

Рассматриваются проблемы финансового и организационно-правового обеспечения бесплатной юридической помощи в Приволжском федеральном округе.

Для научных и практических работников, преподавателей, аспирантов, магистрантов, студентов юридических специальностей и направлений подготовки.

Актуальные проблемы юридической науки и правоприменительной практики СборникISBN 978-5-7677-2166-5

В материалах конференции приводятся результаты исследований авторов по актуальным проблемам теории и практики правового регулирования в России и за рубежом, представлены оригинальные научные разработки, выводы и предложения по совершенствованию законодательства.

Для научных и практических работников, преподавателей, аспирантов, магистрантов, студентов юридических специальностей и направлений подготовки.

Актуальные проблемы клинической медицины СборникISBN 978-5-7677-2216-7

Представлены статьи, посвященные проблемам организации здравоохранения, общей врачебной практики (семейной медицины), клинической медицины и неотложной помощи.

Для научных работников, врачей и специалистов различных профилей, работающих в области практической медицины.

Актуальные вопросы клинической хирургии Сборник

ISBN 978-5-7677-2207-5

Рассмотрены вопросы ранней диагностики острых хирургических заболеваний органов брюшной полости и прогнозирования послеоперационных осложнений, выбора оптимальной лечебно-хирургической тактики при ранних осложнениях острого головчатого панкреатита, лечения хронического панкреатита, осложненного протоковой гипертензией и абдоминальным болевым синдромом, профилактики рецидивов паховых грыж, оптимизации хирургического лечения перфорационного медиастинита и другие актуальные вопросы клинической хирургии.

Для научных работников, хирургов и студентов старших курсов медицинских вузов. 



The first session of the summer school "Maths + English” finished

Monday, 27.06.16

From the 14th to the 24th of June classes of summer school "Maths + English” were held at I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University. For 10 days the first building of I. N. Ulyanov ChuvSU became an educational platform for 46 students from schools, lyceums and gymnasiums of the Chuvash Republic, Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow regions. Classes were given by experienced teachers of the University.

At summer school children who have finished 1-5 classes, learned to solve non-standard Olympiad tasks by the program “Mathematics for fun“ and children who have finished 6-10 classes studied the basics of financial mathematics. A special group was organized for six-graders in which 14 students of Lyceum № 3 of Cheboksary passed training by a special advanced program. At the end of the session children of this group were able to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in a mathematical battle.

Business English course contained material aimed at replenishment of special vocabulary for self-introduction (making a résumé), making speeches and participation in negotiations, meetings, telephone conversations and conversations in English. After completing the course children successfully defended their projects.

Children were deeply impressed by excursion into the laboratory of physics of combustion. The head of applied physics and nanotechnology chair V.S. Abrukov and senior lecturer N.A. Tarasov showed children fascinating experiments and answered questions "What is fire?", "Why does a candle burs?", "How does an explosion happen?", "Is it possible to see heat?" and many others.

Not only classes and excursions but long game breaks were organized for children that they spent together with their instructors – students of applied mathematics, physics and information technologies faculty at playgrounds and in the Park of ChuvSU.

On the final day of the school in all parallel classes personal Olympiads were held,   winners of which were awarded with diplomas and valuable prizes. All summer school participants received certificates and gifts.


The Rector of ChuvSU A. Yu. Aleksandrov is the winner in nomination "Rector of the Year" of the All-Russian contest in the field of development of students' self-governance bodies «Student core group»

Monday, 27.06.16

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The Rector of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University A. Yu. Aleksandrov is pronounced the winner in nomination "Rector of the Year" of the All-Russian contest in the field of development of students' self-governance bodies «Student core group».

On the 23rd of June in Moscow the 10-th awards ceremony of the All-Russian contest in the field of development of students' self-governance bodies «Student core group» took place. Awards in the category "Rector of the Year" were presented by the head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs Sergey Pospelov.

"Being a lecturer of high school, I am perfectly aware of the scale and importance of a rector’s work, his responsibilities and duties. We need to appreciate the work of rectors, their contribution to development of students ' self-governance and the entire educational system as a whole, — said the head of the Agency. — I sincerely congratulate all the participants and winners of this year. It is the student community that was and is a driving force of the country, thank you for your contribution to our common future”.

The All-Russia contest in the field of development of students' self-governance bodies «Student core group» is a prestigious global event aimed at recognition and development of student governance, socially significant initiatives of student unions, structural sub-departments in educational work, administration of educational institutions of higher education in Russia.

Works of 507 higher education institutions of 78 Russian regions were presented for the contest – it is 1114 successfully implemented projects and programmes throughout the country.

The winners are determined in 16 categories including: “Best body of student self-governance”, “Best training system of student core group”, “Best project in the field of civil and patriotic education and strengthening friendship between peoples of Russia", "Prorector of the Year” and others.

This year the awards ceremony of the all-Russian contest in the field of development of students' self-governance bodies «Student core group» took place at one of the best and the most prestigious sites of Moscow – in the concert hall «Izvestia Hall».

The organizers of the contest were the Council of pro-rectors in educational work of higher educational institutions of education in Russia, Moscow student center with the support of the Government of Moscow; the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation; Federal Agency on Youth Affairs.


A refresher course «English for high school lecturers» was held at I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University

Wednesday, 29.06.16

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On the 28th of June in the Conference Hall of building "G" the Rector of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University A. Yu. Aleksandrov handed 16 certificates to listeners of supplementary professional program of advanced training «English for high school lecturers». Andrey Yuryevich noted in his speech that teaching in the English language allows foreign students to better internalize the learning material, this activity at the University should be further developed.

Training was passed by lecturers of the Chuvash State University who give classes for foreign students of medical and chemical-pharmaceutical faculties. The program director was the dean of foreign languages faculty M.V. Emelyanova. Classes from November 2015 to June 2016 were conducted by associate professor of foreign languages chair №2 T.S. Ignatyeva and senior lecturer of the named chair I.A. Myasnikova. On the 10th of June program trainees passed final certification in the form of protection of training programs of subjects they teach in English.


Dental graduates of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University passed the first stage of accreditation

Wednesday, 29.06.16

On the 29th of June in the Internet Center of I.N. UlyanovChuvash State University 165 dental graduatesof 2016 in the on-line mode passed the first stage of accreditation in conformity with the Federal law № 323-FZ «On fundamental healthcare principles in the Russian Federation». Graduates were given to 60 tasks with four answer options; they were given 60 minutes to make their decisions.

At the beginning of July in accreditation and training Centre of the medical faculty of ChuvSU the second and third phases (evaluation of competences on simulation equipment and clinical problems solution) of accreditation will be held.

Accreditation which is carried out by the Ministry of public health of the Russian Federation will be passed this year by graduates-pharmacists as well. Certificate of accreditation will be an admission to medical and pharmaceutical activity. It will be received by newly minted dentists and pharmacists  – graduates of medical schools of 2016. And beginning with 2017 accreditation will be obligatory for all other medical graduates.


1 июля состоялась торжественная церемония вручения Государственных молодежных премий Чувашской Республики по итогам 2015 года.


Scientific and technical creativity of the youth is the basis of innovation economy

Friday, 24.06.16

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Support and development of children innovative technical creativity, young people involvement in scientific and technical sphere of professional activity and promotion of scientific and technical professions prestige have become important priorities of state policy in the sphere of innovation. Support and development of scientific and technical creativity of the youth comply with actual and prospective needs of an individual and with strategic national priorities of the Russian Federation.

On the 23rd of June 2016 in Cheboksary within the framework of the IX Cheboksary Economic Forum “Russian regions – new points of growth” a roundtable “Scientific and technical creativity of the youth is the basis of innovation economy” took place where topical questions concerning development of technical scientific creativity of youth, involvement of young people in this area, innovation infrastructure, professional staff for teaching technical creativity of the youth and a number of other issues were discussed.

The participants of the round table were welcomed by the Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on education Alyona Arshinova.

In her speech, Alyona Igorevna congratulated all the present with the Republic Day, wished success in all aspirations, health to children and parents, strength and patience as well as patience in overcoming all difficulties in life. In Russia young people make more than a quarter of population. “It is necessary to educate creative youth for innovation economy of the country from childhood, from kindergarten because it is already too late to deal with those who have no interest in creativity” – noted Alyona Arshinova. Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on education spoke of the UK experience in creating small circles at producing units, and said that young children need to be engaged in scientific creativity by creating circles of interest or specialized groups in kindergartens, such circles should work at schools as well. The issue of organizing small circles at producing units is topical for Chuvashia as well, because there are talented people who since Soviet times started to develop the electro-technical cluster of the Chuvash Republic (in Chuvashiya an innovative territorial electro-technical cluster is operating now). Alyona Igorevna also noted that it is necessary to involve children into beyond the classroom education, currently the Agency of strategic initiatives for promoting new projects carefully monitors compliance with the decrees and orders of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin in this direction (implements the project in Russia regions in opening children's technology parks).

Moderators of the round table were the head of the Center for youth innovative creativity of the Chuvash Republic Sergey Sorokin and the organizer of the Open Laboratory of ideas, techniques and Practices (OLYMP) of FSAEI of higher education “St. Petersburg national research University of information technologies, mechanics and optics (ITMO University) Kirill Bodrov.

The roundtable experts were:

Yaremchuk Anton Vladimirovich – Deputy Director of social projects of the Agency for strategic initiatives for promoting new projects;

Vasilyev Maxim Vasilievich – President of the Russian Association of educational robotics;

Ivanov Aleksey Viktorovich – the head of investment portfolio management service of OJSC “Russian Venture Company”.

The round table was attended by more than 45 persons, including representatives of educational departments of municipal districts and urban districts of the Chuvash Republic, palaces, children's creativity palaces and schools of the Republic, centres of youth innovative creativity, educational institutions of higher education, professional educational organizations and public organizations of the Chuvash Republic.

In order to strengthen scientific and technical creativity of the youth the Ministry of economic development of Chuvashia participated in creating 3 centers of youth innovative creativity, one of which is centre of  youth innovative creativity based on the engineering faculty of I. N. Ulyanov ChuvSU (2014). 

Понедельник, 27.06.16

Best educational programs of innovative Russia


Best educational programs of innovative Russia

Monday, 27.06.16

Moscow publishing house “Accreditation in education” published a reference guide “Best educational programs of innovative Russia” which presents educational programs of higher education implemented by educational institutions of the Russian Federation, selected as the best in the survey of a broad academic and professional community. Among the best are eleven educational programs implemented in I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University:


«Informatics and computer engineering»,

«Electric-power supply industry and electrical engineering»,




«State and municipal management»,

«Economy» (38.04.01),





The Rector of the Chuvash State University A. Yu. Alexandrov participated in the Youth Forum of the Volga Federal District "iVolga-2016"

Monday, 27.06.16

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On the 24th of June the Rector of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University A. Yu. Alexandrov visited the Youth Forum "iVolga-2016" of the Volga Federal District held in Samara Region and participated in a roundtable on development of youth science and attracting young people to innovating activities in Samara Oblast. Andrey Yurievich also talked to the participants of the Forum and asked about their impressions and responded to questions. At the end of the meeting the Rector A. Yu. Alexandrov treated students of the Chuvash State University participating in the Forum, to Chuvash kvass.

By the results of the forum, a resident of the medical faculty of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, Irina Los’ with her project "Reducing caries incidence in pre-school children using controlled brushing in pre-school educational institutions in Cheboksary" ("Generation of goodness") won a grant of 200 thousand rubles.

Chuvashia and the Chuvash State University were decently represented by undergraduates of the Faculty of radioelectronics and automation: Eduard Stepanov took the 3rd place at the exhibition of innovations with the exhibit "Microprocessor current relay RTS-80" in peer review; Daniil Shivirev became the winner in the Championship of unmanned devices among professionals.

It should be reminded that youth forum of the Volga Federal District  "iVolga" took place for the fourth time in compliance with instructions of the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, on organization of youth educational platform in each federal district. The Forum was organized by the apparatus of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District, the administration of the Governor of Samara region and the Government of Samara region with the support of the Federal agency for youth affairs.


Gratitude for fruitful cooperation in preparation and conducting the Federal online exam

Saturday, 25.06.16

A letter from the Director General of the research institute of education quality monitoring V.G. Navodnov was received by the Rector of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University A. Yu. Aleksandrov:

"Dear Andrey Yurievich!

The research institute of education quality monitoring expresses you and professor-teaching staff of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University sincere gratitude for fruitful cooperation within the framework of preparation and conducting the Federal Internet examination for graduates of Bachelor's degree (FIEB-2016).

Joint creative work on preparation of pedagogical measuring materials of the exam demonstrated high professional and scientific level of lecturers of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University.

The research Institute of education quality monitoring expresses hope for further fruitful cooperation!

Sincere regards,

Director of the Institute of education quality monitoring

V.G. Navodnov ".


Visit of the Rector of Nizhniy Novgorod Academy of Agriculture A.G. Samodelkin 

Friday, 24.06.16


On the 16th of June a working meeting of the Rector of the Chuvash State University A. Yu. Alexandrov with his colleague from Nizhny Novgorod Academy of Agriculture A.G. Samodelkin took place. They discussed issues of mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of collaborative research and networking between higher education institutions.


28 июня на свою целину отправился студенческий строительный отряд «Энергия 21» Чувашского государственного университета им. И.Н. Ульянова. 23 бойца факультета энергетики и электротехники будут...

3 4444444444444Заведующий кафедрой журналистики факультета русской и чувашской филологии и журналистики А.П. Данилов 21 июня на факультете журналистики Московского государственного университета...

240616 8

Вышел в свет 16-й выпуск сборника «Чувашская Республика. Приглашение к сотрудничеству». Своеобразную визитную карточку республики подготовил Союз журналистов Чувашии.

240616 6

Важными приоритетами государственной политики в сфере инноваций становится поддержка и развитие детского инновационного технического творчества, привлечение молодежи в научно-техническую сферу...

glkorpus5На имя ректора Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н.Ульянова А.Ю. Александрова от Генерального директора НИИ мониторинга качества образования В.Г. Наводнова поступило письмо...

IMG 1364Наступила счастливая для всех школьников пора – каникулы. Но для родителей три месяца лета – период дополнительных хлопот: как организовать каникулярное время так, чтобы дети набрались сил, выспались, отдохнули, но к 1 сентября не растеряли весь багаж...

240616 5

16 июня состоялась рабочая встреча ректора Чувашского госуниверситета А.Ю. Александрова с коллегой из Нижегородской сельскохозяйственной академии А.Г. Самоделкиным.

240616 4Российский фонд фундаментальных исследований объявляет о проведении конкурса 2017 года проектов фундаментальных научных исследований.

240616 3

Фонд перспективных исследований и Государственная корпорация по космической деятельности «Роскосмос» осуществляют отбор предложений по созданию молодежных лабораторий перспективной космической техники.

240616 2С 21 июня в Чебоксарах стартовала мультимедийная выставка «Жизнь», посвященная Победе в Великой Отечественной войне.

240616 1Юлия Прокопьева – студентка  4 курса отделения журналистики факультета русской и чувашской филологии и журналистики. Художник, гример и визажист первой оригинальной чувашской киностудии «Чувашфильм».


Students and graduates of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University are laureates of the 2016 State Youth Prize of the Chuvash Republic

Tuesday, 21.06.16

By the Decree of the head of the Chuvash Republic M.V. Ignatiev dated June 20, 2016 students and graduates ofI. N. UlyanovChuvash State University are awarded with 2016 State Youth Prize of the Chuvash Republic and are awarded the title "Laureate of the State Youth Prize of the Chuvash Republic»:

in the field of education, training and youth policy

Vasilyev Roman Eduardovich, Veselov Nikita Sergeyevich, Lazareva Alina Eduardovna, Porfirieva Ksenia Vladimirovna, students of the Law Faculty of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, members of Chuvash Republican youth public association "Association of pupil, student self-government of the Chuvash Republic “Students of Chuvashia” for implementation of the social project “Intellectual game by stations “Citizen”;

in the field of journalism

Davydova Vera Olegovna, graduate of the economic faculty of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, editor of "Cheboksary-TV” Studio of branch of the Federal State unitary enterprise “All-Russia State television and radio broadcasting company” “State television and radio broadcasting company “Chuvashia” for implementation of the project “News Economy”;

In the field of public health

Belova Anastasia Nikolayevna, graduate of the medical school of ChuvSU, anesthesiologist-intensivist of resuscitation and intensive care for newborns unit of the budget-funded agency of the Chuvash Republic Republican “Presidential Perinatal Center” of the Public Health Ministry of the Chuvash Republic, Vinogradova Valentina Sergeyevna, Vinogradov Dmitry Andreyevich, students of the medical faculty of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University for their work "Early prevention of bronchopulmonary dysplasia in premature infants”.


Representatives of the Chuvash State University are awarded State prizes of the Chuvash Republic

Tuesday, 21.06.16

By the Decree of the head of the Chuvash Republic M.V. Ignatyev dated June 21, 2016 State prizes of the Chuvash Republic for 2015 and the title "Laureate of the State Prize of the Chuvash Republic» were awarded to:

in HumanitiesSarbash Lyudmila Nikolayevna, Professor of Russian language and Literature chair of Federal State-funded educational institution of higher education "I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University”, doctor of philological sciences – for the cycle of works on the belonging to different nation in Russian literature and journalism of the 19th century, consisting of two monographic works “Chuvash world in Russian literature and journalism of the 19th century”, “Image of life and beliefs of the Volga region peoples in Russian literature and journalism of the 19th century";

in the field of natural and technical sciencesBelov Gennady Alexandrovich, head of the Department of industrial electronics of Federal State-funded educational institution of higher education "I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University”, Doctor of technical sciences, Professor, for his monograph “Pulse inverters with control systems to mass-produced chips”.


Within the framework of academic exchanges program representatives of the Chuvash State University visited Germany

Thursday, 16.06.16

220616 5

From the 1st to the 10th of June a group of students of the medical faculty of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University headed by Deputy Dean for international cooperation coordination and work with foreign students of the medical faculty S.I. Pavlova within scholarship program grant from German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) “Study tours of student groups to German universities” visited Germany.

In order to establish professional contacts with German students and scientists from Germany as well as to obtain cross-cultural knowledge, the delegation visited Berlin, Dresden and Tubingen. Every day had a rich cultural program and acquaintance with one of the German universities. During 10 days-staying in Germany the students visited the Cyclorama of the Berlin wall Yadegar Asisi, Dresden's art gallery of old masters, physico-mathematical salon of Zwinger, old Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox churches, breath-taking in its size and professionalism Museum of human hygiene, admired the beauty of Saxon Switzerland.

ChuvSU delegation members also met with professors and teachers, listened to their lectures and seminars, attended scientific laboratories and vivarium at the biological Faculty of Dresden Technical University and the medical faculty of Eberhard Karls Tubingen University.

Our students prepared and presented a video about the Chuvash Republic, the Chuvash State University and the medical faculty, S.I. Pavlova told about her research. 


Professor of the Chuvash State University L.A. Abramova was awarded with the Medal “For merits in the development history of Pedagogy”

Thursday, 16.06.16

220616 4

On the 6th – 7th of June the Tver State University hosted an international scientific-practical Conference – the XXXI session of Scientific Council on problems of history of education and pedagogical science of the branch of philosophy education and theoretical pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education “A teacher and his formation: historical experience of education and culture communication”.

The session was attended by more than 100 scientists and educators from 40 constituent entities of the Russian Federation as well as from 5 foreign countries. A member of the Scientific Council, the head of the Department of pedagogy and educational development of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University L.A. Abramova participated in the work of the Conference.

During the opening ceremony of the Conference the participants of the Conference were greeted by the President of the Russian Academy of Education, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education L.A. Verbitskaya.

The plenary meeting included an awarding ceremony of the leading scientists in the field of the history of pedagogy and education with Social Science Council Awards, including the highest award of the historical-pedagogical community – the Medal “For merits in the development of pedagogy history” named after Academician of RAO Z.I. Ravkin. Among others the medal was awarded to L.A. Abramova.

By the results of the XXXI session a number of topical scientific and organizational proposals for further development of historical and pedagogical research were made. Members of the Scientific Council adopted “New regulations on Scientific Council on problems of history of education and pedagogical science of the branch of education philosophy and theoretical pedagogy of the Russian Academy of education”.


School for the most active Students' Union members of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University

Thursday, 16.06.16

On the basis of recreation camp "Surskie Zori" a school for the most active Students' Union members of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University was organized by Students’ Trade Union Committee. Fresh air, clear weather and wonderful feeling of all of the participants became a good start for productive work.

The first lecture began with a discussion of the most interesting topic for most university students – scholarship. The trade union committee chairman I.N. Yadurkin and his Deputy, Tatyana Stepanova told in detail about all kinds of scholarships.

Next year ChuvSU celebrates the 50th anniversary of its founding. In connection with this event project activities were organized. Students presented their works, many of which were approved and will be implemented during the year. After developing new ideas the general plan of events for the year 2017 was discussed.

A master-class was given by the Chairman of University’s supervisory board V.V. Sveshnikov, who shared his success story and gave tips for the future.


At I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University a solemn handing of badges and certificates “A-level student-2016” took place

Thursday, 16.06.16

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On the 16th of June in the Conference Hall of building “G” of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University a solemn handing of badges and certificates “A-level student-2016” took place.

Holders of the honorary badge were congratulated by the Rector A. Yu. Alexandrov. Andrey Yurievich thanked students for excellent studies and active public work, wished them further success. He also spoke about the achievements of the University in recent years, in particular, about victories in competitions “New staff members for the military-industrial complex”, "Specialists for regions”, about victories in competitions for state support provision to pilot projects for creation and development of engineering centres for funding by the President's program for improving qualification of engineers, for selection of student associations development programmes etc.

By the decision of the Academic Council in June this year, 20 winners of the contest “A-level student” will get a financial reward. 


The Chuvash State University was visited by the curator of Vladimir Engineering Centre A.B. Lukhter

Friday, 17.06.16

220616 2

On the 16th of June I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University was visited by Adviser to the administration of the Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovy, curator of Vladimir Engineering Centre A.B. Lukhter. During the meeting with the Rector of the Chuvash State University A. Yu. Alexandrov issues of joint cooperation of engineering centers at universities and preparation of strategic partnership agreement between universities were discussed.

 universkorpaОчередной выпуск  регионального телевизионного канала «Россия 24» из цикла «Чебоксарские адреса» посвящен самому старому корпусу Чувашского госуниверситета имени И.Н. Ульянова - административному.


Future lawyers are winners of Republican competition

Friday, 03.06.16

The company «Garant-Cheboksary» summed up the results of the annual republican contest for students and educators «From University to a professional’s chair». 

To participate in the contest 15 applications from educational institutions of the Republic were filed, 12 teams passed to a face-to-face round.

The team of the Law Faculty of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University consisted of 2nd year students who took the second place. They were awarded with diplomas and prizes.

The competition took place in several stages. In absentee round, teams had to perform the task, the essence of which was to create an economic model of an organization, to distribute functional responsibilities of staff members, to study the work of regulatory bodies for a particular activity, having analyzed the legislation, to consider what sanctions could be applied in the event of non-compliance. During face-to-face round teams had to show themselves, demonstrate their presentation, and then proceed to solve five practical case studies taken from real life of organizations. 


The All-Russian scientific and technical conference is held at I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University

Friday, 03.06.16

On the 3rd of June in the Conference Hall of building "G" of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University the X All-Russian scientific and technical conference "Informational technologies in electrical engineering and electrical power engineering" was opened.

Welcoming words were addressed to the participants of the Conference by the Rector of ChuvSU A. Yu. Alexandrov. Andrey Yurievich noted the relevance of the theme of the Jubilee Conference and wished the participants fruitful and interesting work.

The Rector also presented the guests of the conference – Associate Professor of management and Informatics chair of the national research University "MEI" V.A. Shihin, representatives of Bryansk State Technical University, Associate Professor of electronic, electronic and electrotechnical systems chair A.I. Andriyanov and a post-graduate I.U. Butarev.

At the plenary meeting presentations were made by Assistant Professors V.I. Antonov, S. A. Lazarev, head of electric actuators department of LLC "Ekra" V.I. Vishnevsky, assistant S.V. Abramov. Presentation of the monograph of G.A. Belov "Theory of pulse converters” was made as well.

The Conference is attended by 142 representatives from the 11 cities of Russia: Bryansk, Kazan, Kostroma, Krasnoyarsk, Magnitogorsk, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, Khabarovsk and Cheboksary. The work is organized in six sections: “Theoretical bases of informatization in electrical engineering and electrical power engineering. Mathematical modeling and software complexes”, “Control systems of technical objects”, “Digital signal processing in electrical engineering, radioelectronics and electrical power engineering”, “Micro-and nanoelectronics in information devices, photovoltaic converters and sensors”, “Relay protection and automation of power systems”, “New information technologies and higher electro-technical and power system education”. 


Delegation of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University took part in a festive event on the state holiday – Russia’s Day

Sunday, 12.06.16

On the 12th of June the delegation ofI. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University headed by its Rector A. Yu. Alexandrov took part in a festive event dedicated to the state holiday – Russia’s Day. The festive event began with theatrical performance of creative groups, sports federations and vocalists. More than 5.5 thousands of residents and guests of the capital became parties to mass performance of the hymn of Russia.

The audience were congratulated by the head of Chuvashia M.V. Ignatyev, Vice-Chairman of the Committee of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on education A.I. Arshinova, Deputy Chairman of the State Council of the Chuvash Republic, Secretary of Chuvash regional branch of All-Russian political party “United Russia” N.V. Malov, the head of the city of Cheboksary L.I. Cherkesov.

Ceremony of handing passports to new citizens of the Russian Federation was held. The festive program continued by performance of creative groups.


The head of the Chuvash Republic announced the victory of I.N. Ulyanov ChuvSU in the all-Russian competition for provision of State support to pilot projects on establishment and development of engineering centers

Wednesday, 08.06.16

On the 8th of June during the sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers Michael Ignatyev announced the victory of I.N. Ulyanov ChuvSU in the all-Russian competition for provision of State support to pilot projects on establishment and development of engineering centers.

The competition was held by the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, together with the Ministry of industry and trade of the Russian Federation. The Chuvash State University Rector Andrey Alexandrov noted that the strategic program draft for creation and development of "Cheboksary engineering centre of transport and agricultural engineering" is recognized as one of the best and obtained the highest number of experts’ votes. A total of 69 applications were filed, of which 11 became winners. The implementation of the given project during two years 100 million rubles will be allocated to the Chuvash State University.

"For us this is a very significant achievement, since we competed with leading technical higher educational institutions of the country. In choosing our University as the winner the region's support was essential”, – Andrey Alexandrov told and thanked the leadership of the Republic, the staff of economic development Ministry of the Chuvash Republic for contributing at the project’s preparatory stages.

The Chuvash State University’s partners were the corporate group «Tractor plants» and LLCResearch and Production Enterprise «EKRA». According to the ChuvSU Rector Andrey Aleksandrov, the Engineering Centre will help address nationally important objectives, including reducing import dependence from foreign manufacturers.

The head of the Chuvash Republic congratulated the staff of the Chuvash State University, their partners in Engineering Centre establishment and development with a victory. "It's an investment in young people, young professionals”, he said, and wished them effective work.

2 45345Сегодня, 12 июня, делегация Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова во главе с ректором А.Ю. Александровым...


12 июня наша страна отмечает важный государственный праздник – День России, или же День принятия Декларации о государственном суверенитете России, как именовался этот праздник до 2002 года. Это один из самых «молодых» государственных праздников в стране.

glkorpus5В соответствии со статьей 112 Трудового кодекса РФ 12 июня - День России является нерабочим праздничным днем. В связи с переносом выходного дня с воскресенья 12 июня 2016 г. на понедельник 13 июня 2016 г.

090616Глава Чувашии объявил о победе ЧГУ им. И.Н. Ульянова во Всероссийском конкурсе на предоставление государственной поддержки пилотных проектов по созданию и развитию инжиниринговых центров.

080616В этом году исполняется 75 лет с момента окончания строительства Сурского оборонительного рубежа. Оградительные линии, построенные в начале 40 годов на случай, если фашисты войдут в Москву...

konkursВ 2016 году ФГБОУ ВО «Чувашский государственный университет  имени И.Н. Ульянова» (далее – Университет) в целях создания...


International cooperation is expanding

Thursday, 02.06.16


On the 27th of May 2016 the Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Andrey Dmitrievich Korol met with Dr. of Culturology, candidate of historical sciences, Professor of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, a member of the Russian Union of journalists, a publicist and a screenwriter Vladimir Alexandrovich Vasiliev.

It was not for the first time that V.A. Vasilyev visited Grodno. The purpose of his current visit is to shoot documentaries and establish closer contacts between Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State. During the meeting the guest emphasized that both Universities are educational and cultural centres in their regions.

The meeting discussed the need for greater interaction between I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, implementation of specific steps for cooperation, in particular in the area of history and culture. This has already been demonstrated by shooting documentary films, one of which is devoted to twinned cities – Grodno and Cheboksary, where the central place will be taken by history and contemporaneity of Yanka Kupala University. The second TV movie is dedicated to one of the first undergrounders-anti-fascists, a native of the Chuvash Republic N. Volkov and his militant comrades, members of the underground «Uncle Kolya group» in Grodno during the Great Patriotic War. 


Advanced training program «Interdisciplinary aspects of biological therapy»

Thursday, 02.06.16

On the 2nd of June within the framework of the Volga-region scientific-practical Conference «Topical issues of providing specialized medical care for patients with inflammatory diseases of intestines, joints and the spine» an advanced training program «Interdisciplinary aspects of biological therapy» was opened at the medical faculty of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University.

At its opening welcoming words, statements were made by the first Deputy Minister of public health of the Chuvash Republic T.G. Bogdanova, the Vice-Rector of ChuvSU E.N. Kadyshev, the Dean of the medical faculty, V.N. Diomidova, the Programme Manager, head of intermediate level therapy chair L.V. Tarasova.

To illuminate the problems of providing specialized care for patients with inflammatory diseases of intestines, joints and the spine organizers invited the head of the Department for the study of inflammatory and functional bowel diseases of FSBI State scientific center of coloproctology named after A.N. Ryzhykh of public health Ministry of the Russian Federation, MD, Professor, Member of the Association of coloproctologists of Russia, the American gastroenterological Association (AGA), a member of the European expert commission on inflammatory diseases of the intestine I.L. Khaliph and the head of gastroenterology department of Moscow regional research clinical institute named after M. F. Vladimirsky (MONICA), doctor of medical sciences, Professor, head of gastroenterology chair of the faculty for advanced training of physicians of MONICA, senior gastroenterologist of the Moscow region, Vice President of the Russian society for the study of inflammatory bowel disease E.A. Belousova.

The given program is designed for advanced training of gastroenterologists and rheumatologists. 


Future lawyers are winners of Republican competition

Friday, 03.06.16

The company «Garant-Cheboksary» summed up the results of the annual republican contest for students and educators «From University to a professional’s chair». 

To participate in the contest 15 applications from educational institutions of the Republic were filed, 12 teams passed to a face-to-face round.

The team of the Law Faculty of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University consisted of 2nd year students who took the second place. They were awarded with diplomas and prizes.

The competition took place in several stages. In absentee round, teams had to perform the task, the essence of which was to create an economic model of an organization, to distribute functional responsibilities of staff members, to study the work of regulatory bodies for a particular activity, having analyzed the legislation, to consider what sanctions could be applied in the event of non-compliance. During face-to-face round teams had to show themselves, demonstrate their presentation, and then proceed to solve five practical case studies taken from real life of organizations. 


The All-Russian scientific and technical conference is held at I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University

Friday, 03.06.16

On the 3rd of June in the Conference Hall of building "G" of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University the X All-Russian scientific and technical conference "Informational technologies in electrical engineering and electrical power engineering" was opened.

Welcoming words were addressed to the participants of the Conference by the Rector of ChuvSU A. Yu. Alexandrov. Andrey Yurievich noted the relevance of the theme of the Jubilee Conference and wished the participants fruitful and interesting work.

The Rector also presented the guests of the conference – Associate Professor of management and Informatics chair of the national research University "MEI" V.A. Shihin, representatives of Bryansk State Technical University, Associate Professor of electronic, electronic and electrotechnical systems chair A.I. Andriyanov and a post-graduate I.U. Butarev.

At the plenary meeting presentations were made by Assistant Professors V.I. Antonov, S. A. Lazarev, head of electric actuators department of LLC "Ekra" V.I. Vishnevsky, assistant S.V. Abramov. Presentation of the monograph of G.A. Belov "Theory of pulse converters” was made as well.

The Conference is attended by 142 representatives from the 11 cities of Russia: Bryansk, Kazan, Kostroma, Krasnoyarsk, Magnitogorsk, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, Khabarovsk and Cheboksary. The work is organized in six sections: “Theoretical bases of informatization in electrical engineering and electrical power engineering. Mathematical modeling and software complexes”, “Control systems of technical objects”, “Digital signal processing in electrical engineering, radioelectronics and electrical power engineering”, “Micro-and nanoelectronics in information devices, photovoltaic converters and sensors”, “Relay protection and automation of power systems”, “New information technologies and higher electro-technical and power system education”. 


Ежегодно 6 июня в России отмечается Пушкинский день. Литературное творчество великого русского поэта Александра Сергеевича Пушкина сопровождает нас на протяжении всей жизни. Его произведения объединяют людей всех возрастов, вероисповеданий...

010616 6

Первый день лета ярко и весело прошел в актовом зале корпуса «Г» Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова. 1 июня, в Международный день защиты детей, сюда пригласили самого...


Extended meeting of the Council of Rectors of the Volga Federal District

Tuesday, 31.05.16

On the 30th of May, the Chairman of the Council of Rectors of higher educational institutions of the Chuvash Republic, the Rector of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, A. Yu. Alexandrov participated in an extended meeting of the Council of Rectors of the Volga Federal District, which was held in Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R. E. Alexeyev. The meeting was presided by the President of the Council of Rectors of the Volga Federal District, the President of the Council of Rectors of the Nizhny Novgorod region R.G. Strongin.

At the meeting Rectors of 40 VFD universities took decisions on establishment of Association of international cooperation of VFD universities as well as on establishment of Association of the Volga Federal District universities and the ones of Chinese provinces, located in the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River.

Addressing to the audience, the Deputy Russian Presidential Envoy in the Volga Federal District U.V. Zolotaryov said: «Establishment of the Association is motivated by time, international cooperation development of the VFD subordinate entities actively develops, high school needs to be developed in the global scale, science must interact with a variety of universities, including the Chinese ones». 

Issues of cooperation were discussed at the meeting of Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Volga Federal District M.V. Babich and a member of the State Council of People's Republic of China Yan Jiechi, during which an agreement on the establishment of the Association of universities in the framework of the project «Volga-the Yangtze» was reached.

The Association for international cooperation of VFD universities will coordinate the work of universities on international projects; it includes 40 educational institutions of the district. The Rector of R.E. Alexeyev Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University S.O. Dmitriev was elected the Association Board Chairman.

The main task of the Association is development of interstate and Interuniversity cooperation.  It is expected that within its frames training for Russian students in China and Chinese students in Russia will be carried out, it is planned to hold joint youth forums as well as research in various fields of science. 


39 students of the Chuvash State University became winners of the interregional scientific conference "Youth of the Big Volga"

Monday, 30.05.16

On the 27th of May on the basis of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University the 18th interregional conference of students’ scientific creativity «Youth of the Big Volga» was held, the grand opening of which took place in the Palace of culture of the University. The audience was welcomed by Deputy Minister of education and youth policy of the Chuvash Republic S.V. Kudryashov and by Vice-Rector of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University E.N. Kadyshev. They presented diplomas to the winners of the project «The best graduate 2016». In total 28 graduates from 8 professional educational institutions and 26 graduates from 5 educational institutions of higher education of the Republic became holders of this honorary title.

The Conference continued its work in 39 sections and sub-sections. In 2016 the organizing committee received 454 entries from 544 participants from 37 educational institutions of the Chuvash Republic, Tatarstan, Kirov and Saratov regions.

39 students of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University became prize-winners of the 18th interregional conference of students’ scientific creativity «Youth of the Big Volga»


A meeting with rectors of higher educational institutions was held at the Ministry of education and science of Russia

Friday, 27.05.16

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On the 26th of May the Rector of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University A. Yu. Alexandrov took part in the meeting with rectors of subordinate organizations of higher education in the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, during which the results of the ending academic year were summed up.

The meeting was led and the keynote address was delivered by the Minister of education and science of Russia D. V. Livanov.

Deputy Minister of education and science of the Russian Federation, A. A. Klimov, A.B. Povalko, Head of the Federal service for supervision in the sphere of education and science of the S.S. Kravtsov, Head of the Department of State policy in the sphere of education of children and the youth of Ministry of education and science of Russia A. E. Stradze, Head of Department of attestation of scientific and scientific-pedagogical employees of the Ministry of education and science of Russia I.A. Shishkanova took part in the discussion of the report. 


An international art festival took place at I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University

Friday, 27.05.16

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On the 25th of May in the Palace of culture of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University an international art festival took place. The Festival was held in the framework of the project "Dialogue of languages and cultures". In 2015 the Chuvash republican youth public organization "Association of Students of Chuvashia" became the winner in the contest of socially-oriented non-profit organizations and won a grant of the Ministry of economic development, trade and industry of the Chuvash Republic for implementation of the project "Dialogue of languages and cultures" (the head is a student of historical and geographical faculty of ChuvSU Evgenia Alekseyeva). The project is aimed at educating young people in the spirit of international friendship.

The participants were welcomed by the President of the Council of Rectors of higher educational institutions of the Chuvash Republic, the Rector of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University A. Yu. Alexandrov.

The jury included the Board Chairman of the Association “Students of Chuvashia” I.N. Tumakov, a member of the Public Chamber of the Chuvash Republic A.P. Korotin, the chairman of the joint council of students of I. N. Ulyanov ChuvSU O.A. Semenova, a graduate of the United world college Nora Aydinian.

Representatives of more than 10 countries of near and far abroad appeared at the Festival with creative performances that reflect their national character. There were students of different educational institutions of the Chuvash Republic, among them – those who study at different faculties of ChuvSU, at Cheboksary branch of President-sponsored Russian Academy of national economy and public administration, Cheboksary College of medicine and others. They sang songs, danced and performed with compositions in various languages, including Chuvash, English, German, Tatar, Mari and Hungarian.

Within the framework of the project "Dialogue of languages and cultures" open lessons in English, clubs of national cuisine and national dances will be organized.

Вторник, 24.05.16

Farewell Bell celebrations


Farewell Bell celebrations

Tuesday, 24.05.16

On the 24th of May the Rector of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University A. Yu. Alexandrov and the chief medical officer of the Federal Center for Traumatology, Orthopaedics and Joint Endoprosthesis of the Ministry of public health of the Russian Federation (Cheboksary), graduate of ChuvSU N.S. Nikolayev participated in Farewell Bellcelebrations at schools № 29, 27, 2, 31 of Cheboksary. They spoke to the graduates and wished them good health, prosperity, good luck and success in life, shared memories of their school years. In observance of the holiday on behalf of the Regional Office of the party "United Russia" each school received a computer. 


Professor E.K. Mineeva was awarded an honorary title “Honored worker of education of the Chuvash Republic”

Tuesday, 24.05.16

310516 5By the decree of the head of the Chuvash Republic M.V. Ignatiev dated the 24th of May 2016 year for achievements in pedagogical and educational activities and many years of honest work an honorary title “Honored worker of education of the Chuvash Republic” was awarded to Elena Konstantinovna Mineeva, Professor of the Chair of Russian history named after A.V. Arsentyeva of Federal State budgetary educational institution of higher education “Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov”, doctor of historical sciences.

We congratulate Elena Konstantinovna with a high state award and we wish her good health, happiness, well-being and further success!


Students of the medical faculty of the Chuvash State University are winners of the All-Russian Olympiad on human anatomy

Tuesday, 24.05.16

310516 4

Second-year students of the medical faculty of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, trainees of the club of normal and topographic anatomy and operational surgery chair (head of the chair is Professor L.M. Merkulova), honorably presented their alma mater at the All-Russian Olympiad on human anatomy, which took place on the 19th – 22nd of May at the First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after I.P. Pavlov.

The team was made of Nikolay Ivanov, Elizaveta Kunickayte (speciality "Pediatrics") and Eugenia Tokmakova (speciality "General Medicine"). The team manager was associate professor of normal and topographic anatomy and operational surgery chair M. N. Mikhaylova. Our students received a diploma for the 2nd place in general command in theoretical part of the competition, and the team captain Nikolay Ivanov took the 2nd place in individual standings. 

stud 6Анна Ижетникова родилась в Красночетайском районе Чувашской Республики. Окончила Чебоксарскую СОШ №19. После 9 класса поступила в музыкальное училище имени Фёдора Павлова, окончила фольклорное отделение. 

universkorpgВ Чувашском государственном университете имени И.Н. Ульянова уделяется большое внимание духовно-нравственному воспитанию студенческой молодежи.

glkorpus527 мая библиотекари всей страны отмечают свой профессиональный праздник – Общероссийский день библиотек. Во все времена библиотеки были центрами духовной и интеллектуальной жизни общества.

biblБиблиотекарь – это одна из древнейших профессий, ей более четырех с половиной тысяч лет! Библиотекари ведут начало от касты жрецов, которые владели секретами знания и письменности, хранили первые собрания текстов...

2905161 июня стартует кампания по набору волонтеров на Чемпионат мира по футболу FIFA 2018 года в России и Кубок Конфедераций FIFA 2017 года.

250516 4

26 мая 2016 года в 14:00 состоится итоговое занятие первого модуля Международной программы развития молодежного предпринимательства «Время действовать» для студентов...

IMG 960125 мая ректор Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова А.Ю. Александров в Чебоксарском филиале Российской академии народного хозяйства и государственной службы...

Среда, 25.05.16

Туриада 2016


Сборная Чувашской Республики по спортивному и познавательному туризму приняла участие в соревнованиях ПФО на «Туриаде-2016» и заняла 3 место по итогам всех соревнований среди региональных команд.

IMG 7247 11119-23 мая в подмосковном посёлке Поварово на базе учебно-оздоровительного комплекса "Солнечный" состоялся финал Всероссийского чемпионата Ассоциации студенческих спортивных...

Понедельник, 23.05.16

The government telegram


The government telegram

Saturday, 21.05.16

A government telegram from the head of the Chuvash Republic Mikhail Vasilyevich Ignatyev was addressed to the Rector of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University Andrei Yuryevich Aleksandrov:

“Dear Andrey Yuryevich! Please accept my sincere congratulations on your jubilee. With your high managerial competence I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University which is the largest scientific-educational center of the Chuvash Republic develops and implements innovative methods of training specialists. I’d like to thank you for your diligent work and attention you pay to improve the quality of educational services. I am sure that responsibility which is inherent to you, competence and ability to think strategically will help to achieve new success in your work.

With all my heart I wish you health, well-being, all the very best.

Head of the Chuvash Republic Mikhail Ignatyev.”

Numerous congratulations addressed to the Rector of the University A.Yu. Alexandrov from heads of authorities of the Chuvash Republic, various enterprises and organizations were also received.

Понедельник, 23.05.16

Выбор народа (видео)

230516 1Жители Чувашии приняли участие в предварительном голосовании за кандидатов в депутаты Государственной Думы и Госсовета Чувашской Республики.

210516 3

Команда студентов-педиатров Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова достойно представила свой альма-матер во Всероссийской олимпиаде по детской хирургии, проходившей 14-15 мая в Российском национальном исследовательском медицинском...

210516 2

С 25 апреля по 7 мая поисковый отряд ЧГУ «Георгиевская лента» уже в третий раз в рамках акции «Вахта памяти» проводил работы в Бельском районе Тверской области.

210516 1

17 мая на площади перед корпусом "Г" Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова прошла акция «Зарядка со звездой». Под энергичную музыку студенты сделали веселую разминку.


Надежда КАЗАНОВА родилась в городе Цивильск. В 2012 году окончила Первомайскую СОШ и поступила на факультет иностранных языков Чувашского госуниверситета им. И.Н. Ульянова.

universitetНа имя ректора Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова Андрея Юрьевича Александрова от Главы Чувашской Республики Михаила Васильевича Игнатьева поступила правительственная телеграмма...

medВ 54-й раз легкоатлетическую эстафету провела газета «Ульяновец». В этом году за призы боролись все факультеты Чувашского госуниверситета.

vich-spid-profilaktikaС 10 по 20 мая проходит Всероссийская акция по борьбе с ВИЧ-инфекцией. Акция направлена на духовно-нравственное воспитание и просвещение молодежи и призвана решить задачи информирования по широкому спектру проблематики ВИЧ-инфекции.


I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University received a mark of distinction «Excellent Quality»

Tuesday, 17.05.16

170516 4

Director of the National Center of public professional accreditation V.G. Navodnov sent an official letter addressed to the Rector of the Chuvash State University A. Yu. Alexandrov:

“Due to the fact that educational programmes of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University successfully passed public professional accreditation, the National Centre for public professional accreditation granted the University the right to place the mark of distinctionEXCELLENT QUALITY” on its official website. 

In addition, the National Centre for public professional accreditation introduces the "star" system of classification the procedures of public professional accreditation, allowing to distinguish three types of public professional accreditation: public-professional (national), international public-professional and joint international accreditations (details can be found on the website www.accreditation.rf).

The mark of distinction"EXCELLENT QUALITY" testifies to the high quality of educational programs accredited in accordance with European standards for quality assurance in education ESG-ENQA, in accordance with professional standards and requirements of the labour market. 

The use of the mark of distinction "EXCELLENT QUALITY" will allow applicants, employers and other parties concerned to better orientate in a wide range of educational programmes, noting high quality programmes".


I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University is the winner of the Open international student Internet-Olympiads of 2016

Tuesday, 17.05.16

170516 1The results of the students Open International Internet Olympiads (OIIO-Open International Internet Olympiad) for the 2015-2016 academic year are summed up. Two students of the Economics Faculty of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University became winners of the Internet Olympiad in Informatics: Nikolay Timofeyev – the gold medallist, Anna Romanova – the bronze medalist. The Organizing Committee of Internet-Olympiads decided to award I. N. Ulyanov  Chuvash State University with an honorary title "Winner of Open International student Internet Olympiad of 2016”. The center for talented youth congratulates winners of Open International students Internet Olympiads of 2015-2016 academic year and wishes new successes and achievements! 


Representatives of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University are the winners of All-Russian student competition

Monday, 16.05.16

Kazan State University of architecture and construction hosted the 3rd round of All-Russian student competition in training «Construction» of the profile “Building design”, the 1st All-Russian contest of the best final qualifying works (bachelors) and the XII All-Russian competition of architectural engineering schools in the specialty "Building design". Creative competitions were held by decision of the International Association of higher educational institutions in construction.

The best students and teachers from 12 schools of architecture and engineering of Russia gathered to represent the creative potential of their universities: from Kazan, Belgorod, Vladivostok, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Yoshkar-Ola, Krasnodar, Rostov, Ryazan, Orel, St. Petersburg. The engineering-architectural school of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University was represented by the head of the Department of architecture L. A. Sakmarova, by students of the 4th and the 2nd year of study M. Bahmisova and A. Abramov.

In the All-Russian student competition by the profile “Building design” 18 students – winners of regional competitions took part. During 6 hours they were making a building parti diagram – a creative task on architectural and constructional design of a Design Bureau. As a result, the student of ChuvSU M. Bahmisova took the 3rd place and was awarded with diploma for outstanding creative achievements.

At the same time the competition jury of final qualifying works and contest of engineering and architectural schools assessed the best diploma projects and diploma theses. The Commission of experts was to consider 65 diverse works on residential, industrial, public, religious, and objects of urban infrastructure.

By the results of the third round of the 1st All-Russian competition of architectural engineering schools (bachelors) in direction «Construction» of profile “Buildings design” the 1st place in the category of "Collective project” was taken by Sabir Hasna (“Shopping mall making part of a Multipurpose Community Center in the residential area Bogdanka”), El Bukhrissi Zhauad (“Business centre making part of a Multipurpose Community Center in the residential area Bogdanka”), (project supervisor – L. A. Sakmarova, head of architecture department).

By the results of the III tour of the XII All-Russian competition of architectural engineering schools in specialty “Building design”, the II place in nomination "A residential building " was taken by E. Komarova for her degree project on the theme “Five-star hotel complex for 250 rooms with a restaurant and a cinema at the intersection of K. Ivanov St., Krasnoarmeyskaya St., and Labour St. of the town of Cheboksary” (project supervisor – A. A. Protasewich, senior lecturer of architecture department), the 2nd place in the nomination "Infrastructure facility" was taken by Yu. Stepanova with her degree project "Transport interchange hub with a capacity of 1400 passengers in the village Shinerposy" (project supervisor – S. N. Udyakov, assistant professor of architecture department), O. Kotlova was awarded with a diploma for her project in nomination "Public building" on the theme “Palace of water sports for 1200 seats in the street 30th motorway of Cheboksary”(project supervisor – S. N. Udyakov, assistant professor of architecture department). 


I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University – holder of the winner’s Cup of the Universiade of universities of the Chuvash Republic

Friday, 13.05.16

190516 5

On the 12th of May in the youth sports school «Spartak» the Republican Festival of student's sports – the final (summer) stage of the Universiade among students of educational institutions of higher education located in the territory of Chuvashia was held.

At the closing ceremony of competitions and during the awards ceremony speeches were made by the Minister of physical culture and sport of the Chuvash Republic S.S. Sheltukov, Deputy Minister of education and youth policy of the Chuvash Republic Petrova S.V., by the President of the Rectors Council of the Chuvash Republic, the Rector of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University A. Yu. Alexandrov. Andrei Yuryevich thanked student-athletes for their active participation in the Universiade and announced launching a special award from the Regional Office of the party "United Russia".

Teams of seven higher education institutions fought for the title of the winner in 12 kinds of sports: arm-wrestling, badminton, basketball, volleyball, wrestling, kettlebell lifting, track-and-field athletics, table tennis, swimming, fitness aerobics, shooting, army hand-to-hand combat. Competitions in volleyball, basketball, mini-soccer, ski racing were conducted from February to April.

In the team rating athletes of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University took the first place in arm wrestling, badminton, mini-football (boys, girls), in table tennis, basketball (girls), in swimming, track-and-field athletics, the second place in volleyball (girls), cross country skiing, wrestling, the third place – in weight lifting, basketball (men), volleyball (men).

In the team overall rating the team of the Chuvash State University for the first time won the winner’s Cup. 


A tournament of the game "Intellectual show “Sharpshooter” was held at I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University

Friday, 13.05.16

On the 12th of May the III Cup of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University in the game "Intellectual show “Sharpshooter”dedicated to the 71st anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the Year of the Russian cinema and the Year of a labour human in the Chuvash Republic was held. The intellectual tournament participants were warmly congratulated by the Rector of the Chuvash State University A. Yu. Aleksandrov. Andrey Yurievich noted that the Intellectual club of ChuvSU students which was organized last year regularly holds competitions, aimed at creating conditions for active leisure, creative self-realization and perfection of the youth. The Rector also handed special prizes for awarding to the organizers of the intellectual game.

The competition was attended by representatives of 21 teams of all faculties of the University.

According to the results of the tournament the following teams became the winner and the prize-holders:

1st place – Faculty of Informatics and computer engineering;

2nd place – Faculty of power economy and electrical engineering;

3rd place – a cross-functional team of historical-geographical faculty and the faculty of power engineering and electrical engineering.

The team of the Faculty of informatics and computing was awarded the winner's Cup, a diploma and a prize, prize-holders received diplomas. All participants of the game were honored with gifts and gratitude. 

abit 1Целевая аудитория: учащиеся 2-4 классов. В программе ежедневно: игры на наблюдательность и смекалку, активный отдых на свежем воздухе и ежедневная зарядка, развивающие игры и квесты...

190516 2

18 мая, на территории Студенческого сквера состоялась 54-я традиционная легкоатлетическая эстафета на призы газеты «Ульяновец». Мероприятие было посвящено 71-й годовщине Победы...

2 5675467546В Чувашском государственном университете имени И.Н. Ульянова продолжается реализация образовательно-просветительского проекта «Университет для детей» для обучающихся младших классов школ...

stud 5В Чувашском государственном университете имени И.Н. Ульянова среди студентов и аспирантов очной формы обучения объявлен фотоконкурс «Студенческий взгляд - 2016», посвященный Году российского кино и Году человека труда в Чувашской Республике.

Страница 48 из 59

rasp z 2


ПРИЕМ - 2020



В ЧГУ им. И.Н. Ульянова начала работу «горячая линия» для абитуриентов.
С понедельника по пятницу с 09:00 до 17:00 по многоканальному телефону

(звонок бесплатный)

специалисты приемной комиссии будут консультировать поступающих и родителей.
В субботу с 9:00 до 14:00. 


d o


letn sh



dod 2020





8 (8352) 45-20-27 (по вопросам дистанционного обучения)
8 (8352) 58-31-93 
(дежурно-диспетчерская служба)
8 (8352) 45-23-39 (приемная комиссия)



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Volonterskiy korpus




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chuv ter inn



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olimp 2019


molod 2016

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Адрес университета: 428015, Россия, Чувашская Республика, город Чебоксары, Московский проспект, д. 15. Телефон: (8352) 58-30-36, 45-23-39 доп.37-50. linia