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 Издательская деятельность | Чувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова

Издательская деятельность

2 435634617 мая в рамках реализации проекта «Университет для детей» учащиеся школы №31 г. Чебоксары побывали на химико-фармацевтическом факультете Чувашского госуниверситета имени И.Н. Ульянова.

180516 3

В Литературном музее имени К.В. Иванова – филиале Чувашского национального музея прошла II научно-практическая конференция «Ивановские чтения», в которой приняли участие студенты и преподаватели факультета...

180516 3

Сегодня, 18 мая, в Чувашии проходит Единый информационный день. Его темами стали: об основных направлениях бюджетной политики Чувашской Республики в 2016 году и принимаемых мерах по стимулированию...

stud 4Его тема – об основных направлениях бюджетной политики Чувашской Республики в 2016 году и принимаемых мерах по стимулированию экономического развития и повышению уровня благосостояния населения.

170516 4

Директор Национального центра профессионально-общественной аккредитации В.Г. Наводнов направил официальное письмо на имя ректора Чувашского госуниверситета А.Ю. Александрова

abit 219 мая в 14 часов состоится четвертая онлайн-трансляция обучающего семинара на тему «Выбор ниши» в рамках дистанционного обучения студентов  предпринимательским компетенциям по Международной программе развития молодежного предпринимательства...

170516 2

18 мая состоится 54-я традиционная легкоатлетическая эстафета на призы газеты «Ульяновец», посвященная Году российского кино, Году человека труда в Чувашии и 71-летию Победы в Великой Отечественной войне.

170516 1

Подведены итоги Открытых международных студенческих Интернет-олимпиад (OIIO – Open International Internet-Olympiad) 2015-2016...

170516Сегодня, 16 мая, свой 90-летний юбилей отмечает участник Великой Отечественной войны, известный спортсмен Рассых Ямалетдинович Камалетдинов.

6 11111115 мая в Казани в рамках акции "Казанский марафон. Проверь себя!" дистанции 42 км 195 м, 21, 10 и 3 км пробежали почти 9 тыс. человек из 38 стран мира, в том числе Великобритании, Германии, Латвии, Чехии, Эстонии.

160516 4В программе: приветственное слово декана факультета иностранных языков Емельяновой М.В.; вручение сертификатов участникам олимпиады для школьников «Юный лингвист» и конкурса «Юный переводчик»...

160516 2Не всякий москвич знает о родном городе столько, сколько помнит о Белокаменной уроженец маленькой поволжской республики Евгений Степанов. На его экскурсии по Москве собираются до сотни человек, а потом приходят снова и снова.

160516 1Фестиваль студенческого спорта в Чебоксарах завершил республиканскую Универсиаду вузов. Решающие спортивные баталии состоялись на площадках ДЮСШ «Спартак» и ДЮСШ № 1.

Понедельник, 16.05.16

Студенты и спортсмены

160516В Чебоксарах прошел заключительный этап Республиканской универсиады среди высших учебных заведений. В фестивале студенческого спорта приняли участие семь команд. 


All-Russian Congress of Association of foreign students of Russia

Wednesday, 11.05.16

From the 3rd to the 6th of May the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR) hosted the All-Russian Congress of the Association of foreign students of Russia. The Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov was represented by its foreign students Muhamov Gurbaniyaz (Turkmenistan), Ashraf Bukssim (Morocco), Gros Claudio (Angola), Oswaldo Costa (Angola). The delegation of the University was headed by the Deputy Dean of the faculty for foreign students E.V. Sorokina. Foreign students of the Chuvash State University represented worthily our University at the Congress. They participated in Olympiad in the Russian language, in sports and cultural events.


The Chuvash State University student Gurbaniyaz Muhamov is the winner of the International Festival

Wednesday, 11.05.16

140516 2 copyFrom the 6th  to the 8th of May Chuvashia hosted an International Festival of traditional culture of the Turkic world "Urmay zalida".

A student of the medical faculty of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University Muhamov Gurbaniyaz (Turkmenistan) performed at the Festival and became the winner in the nomination “National solo vocal performance”.

140516 2

Фестивалем студенческого спорта в столице Чувашии завершилась республиканская Универсиада среди высших учебных заведений. В соревнованиях заключительного этапа приняли участие семь команд. 

140516 1

В Пензе завершились Всероссийские соревнования среди студентов по спортивной гимнастике.

Успешно выступила в соревнованиях представительница Чувашии Полина Фёдорова. 


Семья – это основа общества. Как большое здание состоит из миллионов кирпичиков, так и государство состоит из миллионов семей. И от того насколько прочной и крепкой будет каждая семья зависит во многом уровень цивилизованности страны и ее быстрое развитие.


The Chuvash State University hosts an international scientific-practical Conference

Wednesday, 11.05.16

On the 11th of May in the meeting room of the Academic Council of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University the opening ceremony of the international scientific-practical conference “Competitiveness enhancing of economy sectors as a way of overcoming the economic crisis” took place. At the opening ceremony speeches were made by the Rector of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University A. Yu. Alexandrov, Deputy Minister of Finance of the Chuvash Republic V.N. Ivanov, Chairman of the Committee of the State Council of Chuvashia on budget, finances and taxes I.A. Kushev, Deputy Chairman for economic development and finances of Administration of Cheboksary M.L. Semenov. Speakers noted the relevance of the theme of the conference and wished participants fruitful work. 

A number of high-rank officials of the Chuvash Republic and lecturers of Universities of Byelorussia, Moscow and Saint-Petersburg made reports at the conference.

The conference takes place on the 11th and the 12th of May and has five sections, where the problems and prospects of competitiveness enhancing of economy sectors, ensuring the development of import substitution and export-oriented industries in the economy of individual countries, regions and businesses will be discussed. Scientists from Italy, Belarus, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg take part in the conference.


Employees and students of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University took an active part in the events dedicated to the Victory Day

Monday, 09.05.16

Today, on the 9th of May, festive events dedicated to the 71st anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic war of 1941-1945 took place. A large delegation ofI. N. UlyanovChuvash State University, headed by its Rector A. Yu. Alexandrov, together with citizens and guests of the capital took part in a wreath-laying ceremony in memory of fatherland defenders at the Eternal flame at the Military Glory Monument in the «Victory» memorial complex of the town of Cheboksary. In columns participants of ceremonial meeting marched through the Alley of heroes at the Eternal flame at the foot of the Military Glory Monument and paid tribute to the memory of fallen soldiers. The delegation of the Chuvash State University also laid flowers at the monument to soldiers-internationalists, killed in Afghanistan, and to the monument to soldiers killed in local conflicts.

On the Red Square of the capital of the Chuvash Republic a solemn meeting and passing of Cheboksary garrison consolidated regiment were held. The countrymen were congratulated with the Victory day by the head of the Chuvash Republic M.V. Ignatiev, the head of the town of Cheboksary L.I. Cherkesov, by a homefront worker, widow of a deceased participant of the Great Patriotic War N.I. Kitaeva, by a pupil of the 5th grade of elementary secondary school № 1 (Cheboksary) Alexander Maximov. More than 20 thousand participants, including representatives of the Chuvash State University, together with the Rector A. Yu. Alexandrov, participated in the international undertaking «Immortal Regiment», which was held in 42 countries around the world this year. 

9 9 2Сегодня, 9 мая, прошли праздничные мероприятия, посвященные 71-й годовщине Победы в Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 годов. 


Results of the All-Russia scientific student conference dedicated to the Year of a labour man in Chuvashia are summarized

Wednesday, 04.05.16

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On the 29th of April in the Conference Hall of building “G” of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University the results of the 50th All-Russia scientific student conference in technical, humanitarian and natural sciences dedicated to the Year of a labour man in Chuvashia were summarized.

At the conference closing the Pro-Rector for research E.N. Kadyshev made a speech. Evgeniy Nikolayevich stressed that for the fifth time the Conference was held in the status of All-Russian one. This shows that the credibility of the Conference grows, and the number of its members becomes wider. Within the "Science week-2016" there were about 4000 reports, including 410 made by pupils.

The supervisor of student scientific society of ChuvSU A.N. Zakharova showed the main outcomes of the «Science week-2016». Anna Nikolayevna noted that in total the Conference was attended by almost 4 500 thousand people, 4 232 authors made reports, there were 311 scientific sections, exhibitions, 7 intellectual games, 3 master classes, 2 round tables as well as debates, management game, a debating club, a quest, an Olympiad for senior schoolers, a math battle were organized. The Conference was attended by students from Kazan national research technical University named after A.N. Tupolev (KAI), Udmurt State University, Kazan Federal University, Mari State University, Ryazan State Medical University, Kazan State Medical Academy and other institutions. There were participants from Cheboksary Medical College, Cheboksary economic-technological college, Cheboksary cooperative technical school, Cheboksary college of civil engineering and municipal facilities, Cheboksary musical school named after F. P.Pavlov and etc. 

Scientific advisers of students ' scientific societies Associate Professors O.G. Vladimirova, V.A. Danilov, N.V. Huras′kina told about the conference at the faculty of Russian and Chuvash philology and journalism, at chemical-pharmaceutical faculty and  law faculty.

The Pro-Rector for research E.N. Kadyshev awarded with diplomas the law, chemical-pharmaceutical, historical and geographical, economic faculty, the faculty of management and social technologies, the faculty of Russian philology and journalism and the Chuvash for the best organization of the conference.

The representative of social development division of ChuvSU Tatyana Schennikova informed that a motor ship trip by the Volga will be organized for active participants in the Conference.


Commemorative events dedicated to 71st anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 are held at the Chuvash State University

Friday, 06.05.16

On the 5th of May in the Palace of culture of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University a commemorativeevent dedicated to 71st anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 was held.

Participants of the Great Patriotic War, veterans of the home front and the University staff were congratulated with the coming holiday by the Rector A. Yu. Aleksandrov, Minister of education and youth policy of the Chuvash Republic V.N. Ivanov, the head of the town of Cheboksary L.I. Cherkesov, the head of the division of training, draft and recruitment to military service of the military commissariat of the Chuvash Republic, retiree colonel S.A. Kozyura. They wished everyone good health, happiness, prosperity and peace.

For many years of diligent work and great contribution to the military-patriotic education of young people in commemoration of the 71st anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 a number of participants of the Great Patriotic War and veterans of the home front were awarded with commendations of the University.  Participants of the solemn meeting paid tribute to the memory of the fallen and not survived to the present day with a silence minute.

For floral tribute to the Monument of Military Glory and to the monument to soldiers fallen in Afghanistan and during local conflicts a delegation consisting of retiree colonel A.F. Remizov and a number of University students was sent.

After that a concert the program of which consisted of works on military and patriotic themes took place.

The Chuvash State Symphony Capella under the management of People's artist of Russia, Professor M. Yaklashkin, folk instruments orchestra of the University under the management of honored culture worker of Chuvashia, associate professor N. I. Ivanova, vocal ensemble of Arts Faculty under the management of the honored culture worker of Chuvashia, associate professor M.S. Sapriko, a chorus of children's music school № 4, the dance group "Joy" and students of the University performed on the stage of the Palace of culture.  After the ceremonies, war participants and veterans of the home front during a tea-meeting in a friendly atmosphere talked to the Rector A. Yu. Alexandrov and members of the administration.

On the eve of the Victory day a variety of events are held at the Chuvash State University. The Victory banner (specially made copy) is installed on the pediment of the main University building. In the lounge of the first floor of building «G» of ChuvSU a remembrance watchstanding by the guard of honour near the Victory banner is organized, a photo exhibition "Medal for combat, Medal for work are made from the same metal ...", an exhibition of literature dedicated to the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 are opened. University students participated in the all-Russia action “Letter of victory”. The Faculty of Russian and Chuvash philology and journalism organized a literary and artistic performance “Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten”.  The search party "Ribbon of Saint George" of ChuvSU these days is on regular all-Russian “Memory watch-keeping” in Belsk region Tver Oblast, Russia, where the search at the sites of battles of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 are continued. 

chuvashiaМинэкономразвития Чувашии приглашает молодых специалистов организаций Чувашской Республики принять участие в выставке с демонстрацией инновационных разработок...

IMG 5653«Никто не забыт, ничто не забыто»… С такими словами началась театрализованная постановка на факультете русской и чувашской филологии и журналистики, посвященная великому и значимому для всей страны празднику – Дню Победы.

 060516 4Стихи о Дне Победы читает студент Чувашского  госуниверситета Рифат Фаткуллин.


8 мая в 18.00 на Красной площади города Чебоксары пройдет Всероссийский флешмоб "День Победы". Каждый желающий вне зависимости от вокальных данных сможет принять участие в массовом исполнении гимна Победы...

chuvashia"Пĕтĕм чăваш диктанчĕ - 2016" акцие пĕтĕмпе 6374 çын хутшăннă. Вĕсенчен: "5" илекенсем 1708 çын (26,80%); "4" илекенсем 2522 çын (39,57%); "3" илекенсем 1808 çын (28,36%); "2" илекенсем 334 çын (5,24%); текста туллин ярса паманнипе ĕçне хакламаннисем 2 çын...

030516 3 copy

Подведены итоги первенства Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова по пулевой стрельбе среди команд факультетов.

1 3465В Чувашском государственном университете имени И.Н. Ульянова прошло первенство по плаванию среди команд факультетов.


Historical-geographical faculty is the winner of the festival «Students' spring-2016» 

Friday, 29.04.16

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On the 20th -21st of April the results of the festival «Students' spring-2016» weresummed up.  In the hall there were no seats available, as students and teachers of all the faculties gathered here, those who watched the performances during the festival. The audience in the hall was as if electrified – stress was felt even in the air — everybody was anxious to find out who will win this year.

On the 21st of April the final gala-concert of the festival took place. Participants and spectators were greeted by the Rector of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University A. Yu. Aleksandrov, by members of parliamentary party "United Russia" in the State Council of the Chuvash Republic, General Director of CJSC "TUS" N. F. Ugaslov, the chief medical officer of the Federal Center for traumatology, orthopaedics and joint endoprosthesis of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation (Cheboksary) N. S. Nikolayev, General Director of SUE of the Chuvash Republic "Pharmacy" V. N. Filimonov. The honorable guests of the evening were also graduates of the Chuvash State University the Minister of Public Health of Chuvashia A. V. Samoylova, the Minister of economic development, trade and industry of Chuvashia V.A. Avrel′kin

The Rector A. Yu. Alexandrov announced the winner and runners-up in the team rating of the festival: 1st place – historical-geographical faculty, 2nd place – Faculty of Economics, 3rd place – the team of three faculties. The University Administration awarded the teams with travel vouchers to Sochi, St. Petersburg and the Republic of Karelia. They also received awards from members of parliamentary party "United Russia" in the State Council of the Chuvash Republic N. S. Nikolayev, N. F. Ugaslov, V. N. Filimonov.  

Пятница, 29.04.16

A Meeting with guests from Armenia


A Meeting with guests from Armenia

Friday, 29.04.16

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For the delegation of Yerevan State Medical University named after Mkhitar Heratsi the «Chuvash costume Day», organized by the lecturers and students of the Faculty of Russian and Chuvash philology and journalism of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University will stay unforgettable.  The meeting began with a welcome speech of the Dean A. M Ivanova. The response was made by the head of neurology department of YSMU, doctor of medical sciences, Professor O. M. Manvelyan.

All teachers and students of Faculty of Russian and Chuvash philology and journalism on that day appeared in traditional clothes of the Chuvash, with ornaments hiding ancient Chuvash runic letters. Chuvash songs, dances were performed for the guests who participated in the national Chuvash dance.


The visit of good friends – students of volunteer center of I. N. Ulyanov ChuvSU turned out to be a real gift for kids

Thursday, 28.04.16

Students of volunteer center of I. N. Ulyanov ChuvSUlong ago became friends for inmates of the social-rehabilitation centre for minors of Cheboksary. They visit children on weekdays and holidays, conduct educational and creative activities, invite to events and always give positive emotions.

These days good friends came to visit and to please children with scientifically-informative game "Znayka". They opened the door into the wonderful world of science: they showed breathtaking experiments, described human sensory organs, their functioning and meaning, told about the stars, shared fun and useful facts. The children also saw national costumes, decorations of the Chuvash people and those who wanted could try them on.

Students from Morocco told the children about their beautiful and hot country. After their story children wanted to be where it is warm and there is hot sand, warm ocean waves and many unusual sweets.

The staff of the social rehabilitation centre for minors of Cheboksary thanked the volunteer center of I. N. Ulyanov ChuvSU for the charity event for children in difficult situations.


Project group on intercultural communication «Discover the world!»

Thursday, 28.04.16

On the 27th of April the final lesson in this academic year of the project group on intercultural communication «Discover the world! » took place at the Chuvash State University. Pupils of the 9th grade of school 64 of Cheboksary were its guests. The meeting was dedicated to exploring the history and culture of Central Asia. Trainees of the preparatory department from Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan told about state symbols, about interesting traditions and customs of their people. Schoolchildren watched presentations and films, clearly demonstrating the beauty and the uniqueness of the Central Asian region.

According to schoolchildren, the most interest was aroused by competition on proverbs and sayings knowledge and the ability to analyze their meaning.  Schoolchildren were offered Uzbek and Turkmen proverbs to which they were to find Russian proverbs.

Participants received souvenirs of the Chuvash State University and sweet prizes.

All those who are interested in culture and country studies through language are invited to classes next academic year!


Issues of educational process enhancement were discussed

Wednesday, 27.04.16

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On the 26th of April within the framework of the project “Dialogue with the Rector” the head of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University A. Yu. Aleksandrov talked to the staff workers of the medical faculty. The Dean of the medical faculty V. N. Diomidova, Professors V. N. Saperov, L.N. Ivanov, L.M. Merkulova, V.A. Rodionov and others took part in discussing issues of further improvement of the educational process. 

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29  апреля в Чувашской государственной филармонии прошли  финальный концерт и  церемония награждения победителей и призеров республиканского фестиваля «Студенческая весна-2016».

9 9 9 6

1 мая работники и обучающиеся Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова  во главе с ректором А.Ю. Александровым приняли активное участие   в демонстрации в честь праздника Весны и Труда.


Collaboration with Yerevan State Medical University named after Mkhitar Heratsi (Armenia) actively develops

Friday, 22.04.16

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On the 21st of April in the conference hall of building “G” of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University a meeting of the University’s Rector A.Yu. Aleksandrov with representatives of Yerevan State Medical University named after Mkhitar Heratsi (Armenia) took place. The delegation from Armenia included Professors O.M. Manvelyan, A.S. Sisakyan, associate professors A.S. Grigoryan, P.S. Khachatryan and students. The meeting was also attended by the Dean of the medical faculty V.N. Diomidova, the head of international communication department E.V. Nuzhdaeva, lecturers and students of the medical faculty. The delegation from Armenia came to ChuvSU by scientific exchange program “Guest associate professor” and students’ academic mobility.

Greeting the guests, the Rector A. Yu. Aleksandrov noted that friendly relations were formed between the two institutions of higher education; the program of academic mobility has been successfully implemented for three years, he expressed intention to continue mutual collaboration.

The dean of the medical department V.N. Diomidova shared her impressions of the recent trip to Yerevan state medical university; she noted high innovation level of teaching in the given institution of higher education.She described a new joint project between I. N. Ulyanov ChuvSU and EGMU named after Mkhitar Heratsiin the field of gastroenterology and X-ray diagnostics.

In their turn guests from Armenia thanked the management of N. Ulyanov ChuvSU for hospitality and hearty welcome.They emphasized high level of education and teaching process at the university, they expressed their wish for further fruitful interaction. 

The University’s Rector A.Yu. Aleksandrov presented the students with transcripts on passing training; lecturers were presented with certificates of participants of scientific exchange program “Guest associate professor”. 

20160422 16002622 апреля на факультете прикладной математики, физики и информационных технологий Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова состоялся заключительный тур конкурса краеведческих математических задач...

230416 3«Садитесь поближе. Смелее, вы же не на экзамене», — рассаживали участников «Тотального диктанта» в одной из аудиторий Чувашского госуниверситета.

Суббота, 23.04.16

Две пятерки

230416 2

Итоги «Тотального диктанта-2016» подведены. Из более чем 145 тысяч человек, принявших участие во всероссийской образовательной акции, на пятерку справился только один процент. В редакции газеты «Советская Чувашия» рассказали, как в нашем регионе написали диктант.

230416 1

На днях воспитанники БУ «Социально-реабилитационный центр для несовершеннолетних г. Чебоксары» Минтруда Чувашии (Гузовского, 26) встречали добрых и верных друзей – волонтеров...

stud 51 мая -  праздник Весны и Труда. Приглашаем принять активное участие в  Первомайском шествии. Сбор участников с 9 часов до 9 часов 30 минут в сквере имени В.И. Чапаева города Чебоксары.

stud 628 апреля в Чувашском государственном университете имени И.Н. Ульянова в рамках международной программы развития предпринимательства «Время действовать» состоится первая сессия...

abit 2Ежегодная республиканская олимпиада «Геотурнир-2016» в этом году стала межрегиональной, так как в ней приняли участие  учащиеся не только Чувашской Республики, но и Республики Бурятия...


В Поволжском государственном технологическом университете прошли заключительные туры Открытой Международной студенческой Интернет-олимпиады по дисциплинам «Математика», «Статистика», «Информатика», «Сопротивление материалов».

biblВ рамках Недели чувашского языка факультет русской и чувашской филологии и журналистики ЧГУ им. И.Н. Ульянова проводит внутривузовскую студенческую интернет-олимпиаду...


All-Russian scientific student conference “Actual problems of pediatric surgery, anesthesiology and intensive care”

Thursday, 21.04.16

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On the 20th of April the Rector of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University A. Yu. Alexandrov took part in the opening ceremony of the 23rd All-Russian (the 56th All-Union) scientific student conference “Actual problems of pediatric surgery, anesthesiology and intensive care” which was held in the Chuvash state academic drama theatre named after K.V. Ivanov. When greeting the audience, Andrey Yurievich noted the importance of this event for the Chuvash Republic and wished its participants interesting reports and successful appearances.

The opening ceremony was also attended by the Chairman of presidium of LLC “Russian association of pediatric surgeons”, the head of pediatric surgery department of Russian national research medical university named after N.I. Pirogov, A.Yu. Razumovsky, by deputy director of research institute of pediatric surgery of scientific center of pediatric health, the chairman of pediatric surgery and urology-andrology department of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State medical university D. A. Morozov, the head physician of Republican pediatric clinical hospital of Public Health Ministry of Chuvashia, A.A. Pavlov.

The conference is conducted within the framework of Russian symposium of pediatric surgeons (its organizers are the Health Care Ministry of the Russian Federation, the Russian association of pediatric surgeons, the Ministry of Public Health of the Chuvash Republic, I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University).

Delegations from 45 institutions of higher education and 5 countries of the world will participate in the student scientific conference. During three days about 180 young specialists will make their scientific reports. On the 22nd of April awarding of winners will take place. 


The Rector of Chuvash State University A. Yu. Alexandrov took part in proceedings of the international conference organized by the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Russian Federal Agency for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks and the World Intellectual Property Organization

Wednesday, 20.04.16


On the 18th – 19th of April an international conference «Regional programs and projects in the field of intellectual property as viewed by the youth», which was organized by the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Russian Federal Agency for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks and the World Intellectual Property Organization. The Conference was attended by the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko, Deputy Minister of education and science of the Russian Federation L.M. Ogorodova, Deputy Minister of industry and trade of the Russian Federation G.M. Kadyrova, Deputy Head of the Federal service for intellectual property Zhamojdik M.V. and a number of other officials.

The Conference discussed best practices in development and management of University intellectual property, problems of commercialization the results of intellectual activities of young scientists, examples of successful University startups, mechanisms of promoting the process of creating intellectual activities results of young researchers at universities, the problems of information support at all stages of scientific research for young scientists, the results of the activities of Russian technology and innovation support centers.

Within the framework of the conference a round table «Contribution of university students to the development of intellectual property market: best practices", where a presentation was made by the Rector of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University A. Yu. Alexandrov. Andrey Yurievich shared the experience of involving young people in intellectual activities using the example of I. N. Ulyanov ChuvSU.  Reports were made by representatives of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky, Samara State Aerospace University named after academician S. P. Korolev and others. 


Scientists of  I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University are participants of the International Conference “Nobel days” in Armenia

Tuesday, 19.04.16


From the 11th to the 16th of April Yerevan State Medical University named after Mkhitar Heratsi (Armenia) hosted an International Conference «Nobel days» which was held under the motto «Be inspired and create». During the conference five Nobel Laureates Aaron Chekhanover (Israel), Robin Warren (Australia), Dan Schechtman (Israel), Ada Yonath (Israel), Eiichi Negishi (Japan) shared the history of their discoveries.

Within the framework of Nobel days the Dean of the medical faculty of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, doctor of medical sciences Professor V.N. Diomidova and the head of faculty therapy, doctor of medical sciences Professor L.V. Tarasova shared their experience and achievements. Their interdisciplinary lectures were a continuation of the report made by Robert Warren, who spoke about studying the effects of Helicobacter pylori on the onset of gastritis, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcers.

Lectures of scientists working at the Chuvash State University “Peptic ulcer. Peculiarities of approaches to diagnosis and treatment”, “Modern technologies of multi-parametric ultrasonic stomach examination” caused interest among the participants of the conference. The participants of the conference discussed a new project of scientific cooperation between I. N. Ulyanov ChuvSU and Mkhitar Heratsi YSMU in gastroenterology and radiology.

Nobel Days in Yerevan were also attended by young scholars M.V. Konkova and E.G. Drandrova as well as a group of senior students of the medical faculty of ChuvSU.


Fruitful international collaboration of Chuvash State University and Yerevan State Medical University (Armenia)

Monday, 18.04.16

On the 11th of April the delegation of the medical faculty of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University arrived with a working visit to Mkhitar Heratsi Yerevan State Medical University (Armenia). Representatives of the Chuvash Republic were warmly greeted by the Vice-Rector for academic affairs, the head of pathophysiology department, doctor of medical sciences Professor S. Avetisyan and doctor of medical sciences Associate Professor A.V. Boykov.

On the 12th of April a meeting was held between the Rector of Mkhitar Heratsi Yerevan State Medical University M.Z. Narimanyan and the Dean of the medical faculty of I. N. Ulyanov ChuvSU V. N. Diomidova, the head of faculty therapy department L.V. Tarasova and young scholars M.V. Konkova, E.G. Drandrova.

During the meeting M.Z. Narimanyan noted that the reached agreement on cooperation of the two universities can be compared with interaction with leading European and Russian universities. During the visit the message with the words of deep gratitude for the joint fruitful international cooperation of the Rector of the Chuvash State University A. Yu. Alexandrov was passed to the Rector of the Yerevan State University.

Within the framework of the program “Guest Associate Professor” V.N. Diomidova and L.V. Tarasova delivered multidisciplinary lectures to students, residents and doctors-specialists of university clinics of Yerevan State University. The Chuvash State University delegation visited and found out more on functioning of the simulation center, the testing center, various departments, research laboratories and clinical subdivisions of the leading medical institution of higher education in Armenia. The guests noted the high level of provision with advanced equipment and computer hardware for conducting the educational process in three languages: Armenian, Russian and English.

As experience exchange working meetings of specialists of the Chuvash University with leading scientists of Mkhitar Heratsi YSMU on profiles of pathophysiology, pharmacology, X-ray diagnostics, gastroenterology, immunology, neurology and neurosurgery, cardiology were held.

By the program of academic mobility ten medical students of I. N. Ulyanov ChuvSU will study at Mkhitar Heratsi YSMU. In these days a group of students from Armenia study at the Chuvash State University, a series of lectures are delivered by professors and associate professors from Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi. 

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19 апреля Глава Чувашии Михаил Игнатьев в Чувашском государственном академическом драматическом театре им. К.В. Иванова  поприветствовал участников  Российского  симпозиума...


Mikhail Ignatyev participated in the work of the round table on the theme «University and an employer. Ways of effective job placement of graduates»

Friday, 08.04.16


On the 7th of April the Head of Chuvashia Mikhail Ignatyev participated in the work of the round table on the theme «University and an employer. Ways of effective job placement of graduates»which was organized at I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University. The Minister of civil engineering, architecture and housing services and utilities of the Chuvash Republic Oleg Markov, the Rector of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, the chairman of Rectors council of higher educational institutions of the Chuvash Republic Andrey Alexandrov, representatives of educational organizations, the construction complex and students of civil engineering faculty of ChuvSU gathered at the round table. Exchange of opinions on a wide circle of questions concerning civil engineering sphere took place.

The Rector of I. N. Ulyanov ChuvSU Andrey Alexandrov expressed gratitude to the Head of the Republic for his initiative of holding theme-based round tables on the basis of the University. He told about training specialists for civil engineering at the Chuvash State University. The Rector noted that as of today the faculty has trained about 6 thousands engineers for civil engineering complex of Chuvashia and other regions, the number of specialists’ training profiles has been extended. In recent years the admission score has grown by 28 points which indicates the demand of civil engineering faculty. The Rector of higher educational institution also reported that due to competitive selection results since 2015 the University has become the base site for conducting the Federal Internet-examination for Bachelor's programme graduates.

The Minister of civil engineering, architecture and housing services and utilities of the Chuvash Republic Oleg Markov spoke on questions of human resourcing in the branch. He noted that today practically every construction company experiences personnel deficiency. Oleg Markov drew attention: «It is necessary to use flexible approach to correction of curricula which are directed toward training highly skilled young specialists». Speaking about reserves for housebuilding development in the Republic, the Minister noted that the task of building 4 millions square meters of accessible and comfortable housing accommodations by 2021 was set, the overall volume of works in construction must be brought to 53,4 billion of rubles.

The Minister emphasized that today a builder’s labor of in the Republic is worthily paid. The average monthly wage in the construction branch in the past year made 23 thousands 500 rubles.

The Director-General of JSC «Water and wastewater treatment plant» Vladimir Vasilyev noted the importance of training specialists by profile “Heat and gas supply and ventilation”.

The rector of Nizhniy-Novgorod State architectural and construction university Andrey Lapshin described the system of early professional orientation of future construction workers, being carried out in this higher educational institution which is headed by him.

The Director-General of Examination and price formation centre Mikhail Koleda told about prospects for applied Bachelor's programme in the profile “Cost Engineering” which was opened at the construction faculty of the university, where training of specialists – estimators is carried out. Furthermore, it is planned to begin training specialists of water complex within the framework of collaboration with Municipal Unitary Enterprise «Water and wastewater treatment plant» of the town of Cheboksary.

The head of architecture and town building division, the chief architect of town of Cheboksary Veniamin Mamutkin spoke on training and job placement of graduates by the profile «Buildings design».

The speech of the head of department «Construction design» of I. N. Ulyanov ChuvSU Aleksey Plotnikov about training graduates by the profile «Industrial and civil engineering» for the construction complex on the basis of connection with the production aroused great interest of the round table participants.

The graduate of the construction department of 2015 Pavel Fedorov described the work of technically equipped student design bureau for design and inspection of buildings and constructions, which makes it possible for students to acquire skills of working on different equipment.

The dean of the civil engineering department of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University Nikolai Sokolov designated the problems of training specialists for the construction branch; he formulated proposals for guaranteeing competitiveness of graduates.

Summing up the round table results, the Head of the Republic noted that in today's conditions it is necessary to ensure balanced development of labor market and professional education control system. He called all participants of the process to coordinate their efforts in training highly skilled specialists in close collaboration of educational institutions with employers.

Mikhail Ignatyev set out prospects which open for today's students – future specialists of construction branch. «Today you are students, tomorrow you will build and create, develop the real sector of economy. Life changes, people’s demands grow. Everyone wants to live better. At present in the territory of the Republic 56 projects of territories comprehensive development over the area of approximately 2 thousands of hectares with planned living-space fund of approximately 7 mln. sq. meters are being implemented.  We shall realize a whole series of large-scale and significant social and infrastructural projects. In 2017it is planned to begin to construct a high-speed network “MoscowKazan”, which will pass by the territory of our Republic in immediate proximity to Cheboksary. This will give additional impulse to the development of construction industry enterprises. For this you must work, not to be lazy, look for new ideas, show initiative. Youcanearnenormousmeansattheseconstructions. We will henceforth create favorable medium for construction industry development”, Mikhail Ignatyev admonished.

The Head of the Republic answered questions of the students, supported a number of proposals, put forward  by activists.

Press- service of Administration of the Head of the Chuvash Republic


All-Russia student scientific conference devoted to the Year of a labor man in Chuvashia was opened at I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University

Tuesday, 12.04.16

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On the 12th of April an opening ceremony of All-Russia scientific student conference on technical, humanitarian and natural sciences took place in the conference hall of the Academic Council of building “A” of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University. This year it is the 50th conference and it is dedicated to the Year of a labor man in Chuvashia.

The University Rector A. Yu. Aleksandrov, the head of student scientific society of ChuvSU A.N. Zakharova, the Chairman of students’ Joint Council of the Volga region State Technological University E.N. Bogdanov spoke at the opening of the conference. They noted the importance of young people’s participation in research activities, as science is an essential tool for the development of modern society, they wished participants successful performances and new discoveries.

The Rector A. Yu. Aleksandrov presented awards to University students who became winners and prize takers of various competitions.

"Science week-2016" will last until the 16th of April. On the 29th of April results of the conference will be summed up, its winners will be awarded.

The authors of the best works will be recommended for participation in the Interregional Conference-Festival of scientific creativity of the youth "Youth of the Big Volga".


The Chuvash Republic may join the pilot project on creating an engineering centre on the basis of I. N. Ulyanov ChuvSU

Wednesday, 13.04.16

On the 13th of April during a business trip to Moscow a meeting with participation of the Minister of economic development, trade and industry of the Chuvash Republic Vladimir Avrelkin took place where participation of the Chuvash Republic in the pilot project on creation and development of engineering centers on the basis of higher education institutions was discussed. The project includes financial support from the federal budget. I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University can become participant of this project, the staff of the University has developed a project for creation of Cheboksary engineering centre of transport and agricultural machinery.

Cheboksary Engineering Centre is planned to provide complex engineering services aimed at the creation of new and modernization of existing models of agricultural, transport and lifting equipment, power electronics and control systems of electric power units etc.

Interest in the project and willingness to take advantage of services of Cheboksary Engineering Centre are expressed by more than 30 enterprises of the Chuvash Republic and other Russian regions, including enterprises concern «Tractor plants». Developers consider that the project will create a new growth point in strategically important industry for the country – agricultural engineering and in addition in the field of power electronics.

Ministry of economic development, trade and industry of the Chuvash Republic


Simulation training and accreditation centre was opened at the medical faculty of I. N. Ulyanov ChuvSU

Saturday, 09.04.16

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On the 8th of April an official opening ceremony of simulation training and accreditation centre of the medical faculty of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University took place.

The honorable mission of red ribbon cutting was performed by the Minister of Public Health of the Chuvash Republic Alla Samoylova, the Rector of I. N. Ulyanov ChuvSU Andrey Alexandrov, the Hospital Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Center for Traumatology, orthopaedics and joint Endoprosthesis, Nikolay Nikolaev, Head of the non-governmental organization «Medical Association of the Chuvash Republic» Vladimir Viktorov and the Dean of the medical faculty of I. N. Ulyanov ChuvSU Valentina Diomidova.

In her welcoming speech Alla Samoylova thanked the University for creating the training centre on the basis of the medical faculty: «It is important that there are such simulation centers, where students can improve their practical skills. This will greatly enhance the quality of our young doctors training, and later it will help any doctor to uplevel new methods on phantoms and simulators».

The Dean of the medical faculty Valentina Diomidova reminded that according to new requirements which have come into force since January 1, 2016 mandatory accreditation of health professionals includes demonstration of practical skills and knowledge in conditions of a simulation-accreditation centre.

Students demonstrated the guests their skills in disciplines studied on phantoms of the new simulation centre. After that a meeting with freshmen of the medical faculty was held where the Minister Alla Samoylova told about measures of social support for young professionals in public healthcare and answered their questions. Addressing to future colleagues, the Minister urged to remain faithful to profession they chose: «You, the young generation, should make our public healthcare better. Love your profession and stay in health care, stay true to the white coat!».  

abit 2Выездная школа социального проектирования «Инициатива. Молодость. Успех» пройдет с 8 по 10 апреля на Базе отдыха «Белые камни» в Мариинско-Посадского района Чувашской Республики.

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8 апреля состоялась торжественная церемония открытия Центра аккредитации и симуляционного обучения медицинского факультета Чувашского государственного университета им. И. Н. Ульянова.

090416Михаил Игнатьев раскрыл перспективы строительной отрасли Чувашии будущим специалистам.

photo 47 апреля Глава Чувашии Михаил Игнатьев принял участие в работе круглого стола на тему «Университет и работодатель...

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6 апреля образовательно-просветительский проект «Университет для детей» администрации города Чебоксары и Чувашского государственного университета им. И.Н. Ульянова был реализован в средней...

medС 10 по 13 апреля Чувашия впервые за 10 лет примет соревнования всероссийского уровня по шахматам. Российская шахматная федерация доверила республике проведение турнира серии Гран-при...


Mikhail Ignatyev conducted a working meeting with heads of educational institutions

Tuesday, 05.04.16

On the 4th of April the head of Chuvashia Mikhail Ignatyev conducted a working meeting with the heads of educational institutions of higher education and with the heads of professional educational institutions of the region.

The deputy chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers – the leader of Administration of the Head of the Chuvash Republic Yuri Vasiliev, the Minister of education and youth policy of the Chuvash Republic Vladimir Ivanov took part in the meeting.

The head of Chuvashia reminded that the educational system of the Republic was highly appraised by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, Vice-Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets and the Minister of Education and science of Russia Dmitry Livanov, who visited Chuvashia on the 1st of March 2016.

«This is the appraisal of our joint work results. The Republic will further render all-out support to the educational system. I am sure that we shall justify with honor confidence that was given us and we shall continue effective work on training specialists of higher and secondary vocational education », – the head of Chuvashia emphasized. 

The Minister of education and youth policy of Chuvashia Vladimir Ivanov noted that despite all economic difficulties the Republic does not lower financing in educational sphere: one third of the Republic’s budget is directed for these targets. Vladimir Ivanov noted that in the Republic a qualitative system of continuous education from a kindergarten, through school to college and higher education institution was created.

Participants of the talk advanced their proposals on collaboration of general education institutions with enterprises of the Republic as well as took up the theme of improving the quality of education.

Mikhail Ignatyev thanked the heads of educational institutions for their effective labor and wished them new successes in education of young generation.


The project “Dialogue of languages and cultures” is being implemented at I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University

Thursday, 31.03.16

On the 30th of March an opening ceremony of the project “Dialogue of languages and cultures” was held in the event hall of the I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University.

In 2015 the Chuvash Republican youth public organization “Association of Chuvashia Students” became the winner in the projects contest of socially oriented non-profit organizations and won a grant from the Ministry of economic development, trade and industry of the Chuvash Republic on implementation of the project “Dialogue of languages and cultures” (its head is a student of historical and geographical faculty of ChuvSU Evgenia Alekseyeva).  The project is aimed at educating young people in the spirit of international friendship.

Welcome words were addressed by the leading specialist-expert of Department of youth initiatives and social organizations of the Ministry of education and youth policy of the Chuvash Republic Yu.N. Klemina, by the dean of faculty for foreign students ZH.A. Alexandrova, by a member of the Public chamber of the Chuvash Republic A.P. Korotin and by the project’s head, Evgenia Alekseyeva.

During the concert students of ChuvSU recited poems, performed dances and songs of different cultures of the world.

It is worth noting that more than 16000 students from 69 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and more than 600 foreign citizens from 41 countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe are taught at ChuvSU.

Within the framework of the project “Dialogue of languages and cultures” an international art festival, quest games, open lessons in English, organization of circles of national cuisine and national dances are scheduled as well. 


Charity development issues were discussed

Thursday, 31.03.16

On the 30th of March a meeting with a public man, trainer-expert of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on issues of civil society development and social orphanhood, an international expert in social orphanhood of the CIS A.S. Gezalov and the President of the Republican Association of replacement families of the Chuvash Republic Tahir Mirdgaparov took pace at I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University. The guests were introduced by vice-rector of ChuvSU E.N. Kadyshev.

Alexander Gezalov and Tahir Mirdgaparov told the audience about the situation with orphanhood in Chuvashia and Russia. It was noted that in the Republic 93.5 % of children are placed into families, the number of children aged 7 and older left without parental care including disabled children who are placed into families increases during the year. Speakers also noted the importance of charity development. They invited students to participate in volunteer activities related to the provision of assistance to orphans and other social groups in the period of social adaptation, in particular, during organization of summer camps functioning.  


A new project of youth movement “I am a Citizen” has started

Tuesday, 29.03.16

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On the 25th of March at the National Library of the Chuvash Republic a new project "I am a specialist" of the youth movement “I am a Citizen” was launched. The purpose of the project is to improve the effectiveness of youth activities through its involvement in professional environment for getting necessary knowledge and skills, and interaction with labour market subjects. The project aims at practice-oriented training in five areas: law, journalism, PR, SMM technologies and EVENT-management.


25 марта в Национальной библиотеке Чувашской Республики пересек линию старта новый проект молодежного движения «Я - Гражданин» — «Я - Специалист».

stud 4Чувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова при поддержке Министерства образования и молодежной политики Чувашской Республики 23 апреля проводит открытый турнир по интеллектуальной игре «Что? Где? Когда?»...

 300316 4Участники проекта: Чувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова, Чувашский государственный педагогический университет имени И.Я. Яковлева...

stud 4В целях социальной защиты выпускников образовательных учреждений Чувашский государственный университет имени И.Н. Ульянова и Алатырский филиал вуза 26 и 27 марта 2016 года провели...


Students of technical faculties participated in the seminar "National Instruments Platform for educational process»

Friday, 25.03.16

On the 23rd – 24th of March technical faculties students of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University participated in the seminar "National Instruments Platform for educational process». Classes were held by embedded systems segment development manager of the company National Instruments Russia Pavel Krivozubov and by project manager of the educational program Ilya Kiselev.

During master classes on practical teaching in programming in LabVIEW environment and working with virtual devices LabVIEW they told about using software and hardware for conducting independent measurements and testing, instrumentation, collection, processing and displaying data using LabVIEW.

Students also learned about a unique product which brings together five full-function, high-quality appliances in one compact unit: mixed signals oscilloscope, signal generator, digital multimeter, adjustable DC power supply and digital i/o-VirtualBench. Within the framework of the master class they were shown the process of development of an industrial process measuring prototype based on the hardware components of the National Instruments: LabVIEW and VirtualBench

Понедельник, 28.03.16

A talk about extremism


A talk about extremism

Monday, 28.03.16

Guys and girls took their places in the classroom and waited the start of the lecture as never before. It was because that day the Mufti of Centralized religious organization “Spiritual Governance of Muslims of Moscow” and the Chairman of the spiritual Governance of Muslims of Chuvashia Albir Krganov was supposed to talk to them in the role of the teacher.

The roundtable discussion "Forming a unified civil identity, ways of combating extremism in national and religious environment” with I. N. UlyanovChuvash State University students was attended by the Chief of Centre for combating extremism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vladimir Shikhranov and leaders of national diasporas of the Republic. There were unexpectedly many people wishing to talk to the guests, so the organizers had to change the place — they moved from a small academic room to a larger hall.

It's no coincidence that the meeting place was chosen at the University where young people of different nationalities and religions study. They all live as a big friendly family. But unfortunately there are forces that are trying to destroy such a brotherhood. Detractors are trying to turn the world over, to counter different religions and to create dissension within them.

The Chief of Centre for combating extremism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vladimir Shikhranov told that several hundred terrorist groups function worldwide. Since 2008 year a special centre of MHA has been functioning in the Republic to prevent those extremist crimes. The police actively collaborate with other law enforcement agencies, religious groups and national diasporas. He also told about their successes in this field.

Albir Krganov called on the audience to distinguish the true Islam from its radical manifestations. He also advised to contact their imams by all religious topics that are of interest, rather than searching for answers on the Internet, in the vastness of which it is very easy to stray from the right path and to find oneself on a fatal path.

Chuvashia is proud that it has centuries of experience of peaceful coexistence of peoples. In the Republic there are 128 nationalities and 8 ethnic groups, they all live peacefully. Young people actively participated in the conversation and asked questions to which guests eagerly answered. "Be careful, do not let others play cruel games with you," advised the students Albir Krganov at the end of the meeting.

Maria DANILOVA. Newspaper "Cheboksary News". 2016. 26 March


Another success of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University students at the all-Russian Festival "MediaGeneration"

Monday, 28.03.16

On the 25th of March students majoring in “Journalism” of I. N. UlyanovChuvash State University participated in the VII all-Russian Festival of children's and youth media «MediaGeneration» which was devoted to the art of mass communications in students’ and school settings. The Festival took place in the Engineering Center of Kazan Federal University (the town of Naberezhnye Chelny).

Exhibition of modern devices for video recording, master classes in various directions were organized for the participants. Leading journalists of world and regional information and news agencies shared their experience in this interesting but sometimes dangerous profession. During the quest-game “Mediapolis” competitions in physical endurance, knowledge of geography, foreign languages, different commercial brands and much more were held.

At the Festival’s closing ceremony the best journalistic works of representatives of different regions of Russia and Europe were awarded. In nomination «the best radio programme» a student of the 4th year of study of journalism department of Russian and Chuvash philology Faculty of ChuvSU Artem Gavrilov was awarded with the title of laureate of the all-Russian contest. This is not the first success of Chuvash State University students in this contest. Last year in nomination "best publication on Victory day «a 3rd year student of journalism department of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University Maxim Prihodchenko was recognized a winner for his essay "Defending Victory: nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten". 


The Rector of ChuvSU A. Yu. Alexandrov visited Ulyanovsk State University

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On the 26th of March, the Rector of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University A. Yu. Alexandrov visited Ulyanovsk State University by invitation of its Rector Prof. B. M. Kostishko. During the visit Andrey Yurievich visited educational and scientific laboratories, got acquainted with experience in field of social protection of the academic-teaching staff of the University, with organization of athletic and fitness work. Issues of developing cooperation between Ulyanovsk State University and Chuvash State University were discussed as well.


24 марта в Мордовском государственном национальном исследовательском университете Н. П. Огарева в рамках Интеллектуальной олимпиады ПФО среди студентов «IQ ПФО»...

20160326 09452926 марта в Чувашском государственном университете имени И.Н. Ульянова состоялся очный тур Интернет-олимпиады школьников по физике, организованной Санкт-Петербургским государственным университетом и Национальным исследовательским университетом...

dsc 1121С 23 по 24 марта 2016 года на базе Мордовского государственного университета им. Н.П. Огарева проводился окружной этап...

DSC0676817 марта в рамках проекта «Университет для детей» в гимназии № 1 города Чебоксары преподаватели, студенты и выпускники факультета искусств Чувашского государственного университета...


The Rector of Chuvash State University A. Yu. Alexandrov took part in the meeting of the Board of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation

Thursday, 17.03.16

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On the 16th of March the Rector of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, the Chairman of Rectors Council of the Chuvash Republic, A. Yu. Alexandrov took part in the meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federationwhere the resultsof work undertaken by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation during 2015 and tasks for 2016 were discussed. 

The meeting was opened with a speech of the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation O. Yu. Golodets, she told about the results of work in the field of education. A report on the results in all areas of education and science of Russia was made by the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation D. V. Livanov. In his speechhe paid special attention to issues of ensuring availability and quality of education, he emphasized that the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia preserves at a high level availability of free higher education for school-leavers. For every second school-leaver a budget place in a higher educational institution is foreseen. The basic grounds in budgetary places allocation are needs of regions and industries in staff training. Thus, for the next year the wishes of 13 thousand key Russian employers were taken into account.

During the Board meeting reports were made by a number of high-ranking officials. 


I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University became the winner of All-Russian contest “Press-service of higher educational institution -2016" in two categories

Thursday, 17.03.16

200316The third All-Russia contest “Press-service of higher educational institution -2016" came to its end, 402 Universities (including 9 Federal Universities, 18 national research ones and 10 non-government institutions) took part in it. It was held for the purposes of development of information openness of the education system, for comprehensive coverage of universities activities as well as to promote the creative activity of press services of higher educational institutions which is conducive to strengthening the image of educational organizations, to establishment of a common information space of professional educational community.

Winners were determined by the following criteria: high quality of publications on the website of the educational organization, timeliness and relevance of the materials placed, high frequency, regularity of publications.

I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University became the winner of All-Russian contest “Press-service of higher educational institution -2016" in category “Expert of the year” and in category “International vector”. Press services who became winners of the All-Russian contest are awarded with diplomas and allowed to participate in the All-Russian project “MEDIA activity of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation”.


Student exchange issues were discussed

Friday, 18.03.16

On the 17th of March a tourist forum was held at the Chuvash State academic drama theatre named after K. V. Ivanov. Within the scope of the Forum a meeting of the head of international relations department of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University E.V. Nuzhdayeva and the Director of European tourism Centre, the largest travel company in southern China OUTBOUND TRAVEL COMPANY of the town Shenzhen Mrs. Alice Zhang and the director of inbound tourism development department of China Mr. Shi Lei was held.

In the course the negotiations issues of student’s exchange, students training in China at the expense of OUTBOUND TRAVEL COMPANY, organization of Russian language courses for Chinese students in summer school of ChuvSU were discussed. The guests showed a particular interest to the medical faculty of ChuvSU and to organization of Chinese traditional medicine center. They visited hostel № 4 for foreign students and dispensary of ChuvSU.

190316 2

18 марта в конференц-зале корпуса «Г» Чувашского государственного университета имени И.Н. Ульянова начала свою работу трехдневная Республиканская школа командиров, комиссаров и бойцов...

 MG 2336Именно поэтому за это звание боролись десятки групп 15 факультетов нашего вуза. Но заслужила победу путем упорного труда только одна – группа УП-51-14 факультета управления и социальных технологий. Но обо всем по порядку…

stud 5Завершение обучения в школе и поступление в вуз – это вступление во взрослую жизнь. Для студента первого курса начало учебного года не только шаг навстречу будущей профессии, самостоятельной жизни, но и значительный стресс.

chuvashiaВ рамках Года человека труда в Чувашии в Московском районе г. Чебоксары объявлен конкурс «С песней по жизни в семье единой». Впервые конкурс был проведен в 2013 году. С тех пор Дворец культуры «Салют» дважды в год принимает участников...

minobrnПять российских вузов оказались в рейтинге лучших университетов Европы, составленном британским журналом Times Higher Education (THE).

190316 1

С 29 февраля по 4 марта в Московском госуниверситете имени М.В. Ломоносова прошла конференция «Модель ООН», в которой приняла участие студентка факультета иностранных языков ЧГУ Ксения Петрова. Она поделилась своими впечатлениями об этом мероприятии.


Елена МАВРИНА родилась в Чебоксарах. В 2012-м окончила чебоксарскую среднюю школу №48 с золотой медалью и поступила в Чувашский госуниверситет им И.Н. Ульянова.


An opening ceremony of the annual festival «Student's spring-2016» took place at the Chuvash State University

Tuesday, 15.03.16


On the 14th of March in the Palace of Culture of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University an opening ceremony of the annual festival «Student's spring-2016» took place. This year it is dedicated to the Russian cinema year and the year of a labour man in Chuvashia. During this solemn ceremony the Rector of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University A. Yu. Alexandrov announced the official opening of the Festival «Student's spring-2016». Andrey Yurievich wished the teams eloquent performances, success and good mood.

With the opening of «Student's spring-2016» festival its participants and students were congratulated by the Chief doctor of the Federal Center for Traumatology, orthopaedics and joint Endoprosthesis of Public Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, the head of the regional counseling office of the President of All-Russian political party “United Russia”, Dmitry Medvedev, Member of State Council of the Chuvash Republic N. S. Nikolayev.

At the opening introductory performances were made by the F3 team (faculties of Russian and Chuvash philology and journalism, applied mathematics, physics and information technologies, foreign languages faculty), by the team of the arts faculty and law faculty, by the team of faculties of engineering, construction, historical-geographical faculties, by a joint team of four faculties "TECHS», by a joint team of three faculties (medical, chemical-pharmaceutical, faculty of management and social technologies).

This year 8 teams will show their performances at «Student's spring-2016» festival, they prepared original concerts, shows, scenery, at the final performance a gala-concert will be held.

The first competitive performance of the joint team of the arts faculty and the law faculty will be held on March, 17 at the Palace of Culture at 18:30.


Lecturers of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University pass training at Cheboksary electric equipment plant

Wednesday, 16.03.16

Within implementation of the project “New staff for the military-industrial complex-2015” beginning with the 1st of March training at Cheboksary electric equipment plant was organized for lecturers of engineering faculty and informatics and computer engineering faculty of I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University. The purpose of training is to familiarize with the enterprise, its structural units and technologies as well as lecturers’ substantive advice with specialists. By the results of this training it is foreseen to examine a number of educational programs for students who have target contracts with CJSC "CHEAZ".


In 2015 I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University became one of the winners of All-Russian competition “New staff for military-industrial complex – 2015” in nomination “The best projects of educational programs of targeted education, implemented by educational organizations in cooperation with defense-industrial complex enterprises. 29 students concluded target contracts for training by eight educational modules with the enterprise-partner JSC "CHEAZ" and 3 students concluded target contract for training for JSC "Cheboksary industrial association named after V. I.  Chapayev. The project will be implemented during the next 2 years.

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ПРИЕМ - 2020



В ЧГУ им. И.Н. Ульянова начала работу «горячая линия» для абитуриентов.
С понедельника по пятницу с 09:00 до 17:00 по многоканальному телефону

(звонок бесплатный)

специалисты приемной комиссии будут консультировать поступающих и родителей.
В субботу с 9:00 до 14:00. 


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letn sh



dod 2020





8 (8352) 45-20-27 (по вопросам дистанционного обучения)
8 (8352) 58-31-93 
(дежурно-диспетчерская служба)
8 (8352) 45-23-39 (приемная комиссия)



voin pam

Volonterskiy korpus




vek yub


fakty ch


chuv ter inn



smi chgu

olimp 2019


molod 2016

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Адрес университета: 428015, Россия, Чувашская Республика, город Чебоксары, Московский проспект, д. 15. Телефон: (8352) 58-30-36, 45-23-39 доп.37-50. linia